O:MFG - NC about to be buffed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Larolyn, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. Aegie

    Yes, I definitely hate the state of balance in the game and the fact that these kinds of differences have been here for almost a year now.

    The only explanation is negligence.
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  2. Pirbi

    Hell, I have times were hits just don't register at all. No hit markers. Can't even kill my friends. I need to restart the game.
  3. Pirbi

    "where" not "were". What's wrong with this sites edit feature? Is it my browser?
  4. Aegie

    I have the same problem and have noticed that if I click on "edit">"more options" it will take me to a screen that works.
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  5. Revanmug

    Alright. Fine with this but I have a hard time to consider 652 ROF low. It's low for a SMG but not in general which defeat your point. At that point, any gun from any faction will improve...

    Outside of the bullet drop VS rule, every shotgun and sniper have the exact same stats accross all faction. This, once again, defeat your "NC buff" arguement since every faction will benefit from this.

    Never tried to deny that. The SAW is the best long range LMG but since most combat experience is at close to medium range, there is little reason to use an innacurate weapon when you have the EM6/Anchor which are almost flat out better in every situation.

    Now, the question is if you consider a ROF of 600 to be low enough to put you at this "FPS disadvantage." If you do believe so, it mean that any TR/VS weapon with similar ROF will improve as well which defeat the point of your thread doesn't it?

    So, our "vast arsenal" of low ROF is mostly made of bad weapon that will not improve with higher FPS. I'm now really wondering why you made this thread now.

    -One of your example is a 652 ROF.
    -The other is the same accross all faction.
    -The SAW is a long range weapon when most infantry battle are in cqc area. You admit it is bad at close range. improvement will be minimal.
    -The AXC11 is garbage and will continue to be so.
    -You haven't touch the DMR so you won't comment. Pretty much the same stats as the carbine.

    And now, you are telling me that better FPS is going to be a good buff to NC and NC only? See, my problem is that you are trying too hard to convince people that FPS gains are good for a single faction rather than plain good for the game in general.

    I didn't know that a 750 RPM is low. Good to know.

    People are funny. You have all the right to be "optimistic" and see the most illogical outcome to make you feel better.

    I prefer to keep my feet on the ground and be realistic. In this case, a massive performance increase is going to be good for everyone. People that had no performance issue won't see much a difference. People who had problem might get a more enjoyable gameplay. People with toaster PC will still run the game like crap.

    i would like to point out that you also completly forsaken the vehicule aspect of this game which is fairly sad.
  6. Benton!

    This, this is what I always say! TR are the spray and pray faction, which means they have an easier time in most situations. Of course, TR deny this, because why would the not?
  7. Aegie

    They are more than the spray n' pray.

    Spray n' pray means more bullets, not necessarily high ROF (or high ROF but not necessarily more bullets).

    In PS2, "spray n' pray" means more damage, more bullets and higher ROF. It is ridiculous.
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  8. Benton!

    But you can't spray and pray with a bolt action. Spray and pray with a revolver is not very effective. But really, they should have lower damage per bullet to make up for the large mag size + ROF. Weapons should either be hard to use but have the best DPS, or they should be easy and have the worst DPS. But they have the easiest way to get the best DPI in the game. It's silly.

    I'm not talking a big change, just one more bullet per kill.
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  9. daniel696

    A extremely TR buff too, all our weapons is based on Rate of Fire. :)
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  10. Lamat

    This is pretty much the design flaw of TR, high ROF giving the highest DPS and then extra ammo giving them the best sustained damage too. Fail.

    It should be that NC is the hard hitting alpha damage faction. The highest DPS but least sustained damage from lower ammo.
  11. Bill Hicks


    The only thing that got optimized is the PS4 launch.

    You think FPS is going to help NC ? there are NC who are rocking I7's and quad SLI titans and still know that NC need some real help.

    Don't you think better FPS will help those ZOE maxes and help those farming vulcan harrassers?
  12. NinjaTurtle

    Erm...... Excuse me for being stupid maybe you could clarify the logic

    If rate of fire on a weapon makes it poor because of poor fps wouldn't this at the same time buff all weapons effectiveness including TR and VS making this so called buff a non issue?
  13. Liewec123

    i get where he's coming from, if you have 15 fps and a slow firing weapon its a lot harder to land shots on a moving target than waving a Vulcan in their direction to receive free certs.

    but fps isn't going to be some magical remedy for the Neglected Conglomerate , we need some actual buffs,
    we need the devs to actually DO SOMETHING.

    make scatmax the king of CqC maxes once again,
    make air hammer useful,
    make enforcer c85 modified as effective as TR/VS equivalents
    increase the coverage of Aegis Shield to do what it says it should.
    allow phoenix to be better controlled and remove the ability for it to be shot down!
    bring Vanguard HE up to match prowler HE.

    there is plenty of work to be done to make NC competitive.
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  14. Lamat

    Hire this man!
  15. Liewec123

    that'd be their worst mistake yet!
    i'd replace all of TR's weapons with fish :D
  16. Meliorist

    I'm going to have to agree here. I'm sure it'll make a difference, but it won't magically bring balance.

    Ahh high speed armor fights on the frozen rivers, especially in lightnings. All speed and clear aiming, I miss those fights.