O:MFG - NC about to be buffed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Larolyn, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. MurderBunneh

    Don't worry TR/VS will call for DIRECT nerfs like they did after flinch fix. The same thing will happen after the direct buffs that come after OPTI/WDS but before PS4 game launch.

    If you think the forums are bad now it would be nothing like what would happen if it was released on console in its current state of balance.

    There are good reasons why we never get to see data like we saw in Jan regarding the Magriders overwhelming scoring and K/D statistics. This game is balanced on pop they nerf what needs nerfing and buff what needs buffing based on population. They have done this ever since the VS Magrider nerf.

    They nerfed the Mag when VS pop was tiny and crushed the faction for 2 months. They are very weary of nerfing things that need it if the pop for that faction is low and just the opposite for the high pop faction.

    If there is anyone that believes the highest pop highest scoring faction in the game isn't getting nerfs you are smoking some better **** then me.
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  2. NC_agent00kevin

    I do spectacularly well when participating in 12v12s and small skirmishes. Most of the time only the well known, highly skilled players on the server will best me in a firefight. I cannot remember the last time I lost a 1v1 in Lightnings.

    As the number of players increase, my performance goes down. As things appraoch full on 48v48 battles, I can no longer run n gun and have to start using ambush and guerilla tactics. Once things get into full on 48v48 + battles, I have to man a turret (they dont last long in those fights) sit in a tank, heal or repair. I can function but Im not very effective, so I leave the fighting to those who can do some good and play support roles instead. Many times in those massive battles I drive around a decked out Sundy, ammo-ing up tanks, popping an AMS when we lose a critical one, tossing out ammo packs, and repairing things. If I do try and participate in the actual fighting, I have to play Infiltrator to get the drop on people - also keeping recon darts out to assist everyone else.

    If I can get around 30fps in these larger fights, I may actually be able to participate directly in them. Not that I mind doing support roles - sometimes I log on with the sole intent on driving a Sundererererer around supporting a random zerg.

    And my PC isnt that bad. Ive got a CPU-Z validated link in my signature along with a performance benchmark where I outperform a first gen i7 and appraoch the performance of a FX Series 8 core. yes - there is overclocking involved - everything including the superclocked GPU - is overclocked.
  3. Revanmug

    Vast arsenal? Out of the 3 weapon you mention:
    -The Cyclone is outclass by the second gen SMG with it's Higher ammo Count/ROF/DPS.
    -The Claw is a clone of the every 1st gen pump action. Lol?
    -The SAW is awful at closer range because it got the worst movement ADS COF of all LMG. Higher FPS won't change how umprecise it is in most combat situation which require movement. It is also the only NC special infantry weapon to not be affected by the weird very low ammo Magazine and the obligatory lowest velocity making it usuable.

    "NC special" weaponry are bad for the simple reason that they are just plain bad and can be replace by more effective and common weapon.

    I will now be waiting on how gaining a few FPS will make any of the NC vehicule ES weapons better and how it will make the AXC-11/Reaper DMR viable outside of trolling people with some of the worse gun created.
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  4. Larolyn

    Cyclone has fastest TTK of all SMGs. If you have good fps AND good aim it's the way to go. You prefer the ammo count of the Blitz, I prefer the TTK of the Cyclone. You say tomatoe I say tomatoe.

    Claw is the only shotgun I have ever used besides the Jackhammer. Not use to it yet but I need high fps to make it viable in cqc.

    SAW is terrible at close range, still it will be improved with higher FPS at all other ranges.

    ACX-11 I am not gonna try to support. It will continue to be garbage. Reaper I have never used. No comment.

    We specialise in slow firing, hard hitting. All of which require high FPS to be viable. And this is purely infantry based combat we are talking about here. Still I may see a personal improvement in my Vortek Rotary abilities with higher FPS when in the air. Will be interesting to see.

    And yes I am optimistic about the changes. I believe this will be an overall improvement for our arsenal. How much so remains to be seen but to purely dismiss it before it happens? Bit too negative for my taste.
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  5. Axehilt

    It won't fix the legitimate balance issues (ZOE, Vulcan, followed by Marauder and a handful of lesser issues,) but it's obviously a great improvement to the game either way (I'd love to be able to upgrade from Med->High setting; when I watch people stream at that setting it's gorgeous.)

    Personally I feel infantry weapons (apart from avoidable outliers like the AC-X11) aren't a significant source of imbalance, and I'm not sure the change will really impact NC that much better than the other empires.
  6. Axehilt

    If you have good FPS and good aim, you're killing that first guy no matter what -- so you may as well have enough ammo left in the magazine to kill the second (and possibly third) too.
  7. Larolyn

    I just prefer the Cyclone. Liked it so much I got it twice (gold smg with starter pack) just so I could Auraxium it twice. Personal favourite SMG and the one I have the most success with. That fast reload speed is devine too. Just personal preferance and I know a lot of people prefer the Blitz over the Cyclone. Me, I am all about that Cyclone.
  8. MurderBunneh

    Na cyclone all the way. Fastest ttk and best damage dropoff. Just aim straight and use the slightest bit of bursting.

    Cyclone is a good example of NC having good damage per shot and good dps/ttk. If only the 200 damage weapons could follow this to some degree.
  9. HerpTheDerp

    People actually believe that the optimization will do anything?

  10. Nogrim313

    i have a feeling it won't be the magic bullet to your guys problems but will help in some cases, im not sure where the best place to buff NC would be, in straight up gun fights i find the damage usually beats me more often than not, so boosting the infanty guns could very easily over shoot, i think an intermediate ranged AI weapon for the max's might help a lot, or alwoing one arm to fire with the shield up (since both the other factions get boosts to their DPS it seems unfair you can return fire at all (mind you im not too excited to fight a phalanx of scat max's even with only 1 arm firing) maybe 1 arm and half move/turn speed would work
  11. Nintyuk

    You mean I'll be able to rapid fire my slug mauler without every shot after the first not registering?
  12. lilleAllan

    I will cry tears of joy if I can get 60 fps in most situations.
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  13. Phyr

    ACX-11 is amazing.
  14. Aegie

    Only outperformed by 37% by the Jaguar and 32% by the Solstice = amazing:confused:.
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  15. MykeMichail

    Definitely a good point. But at the same time, there's plenty of TR and VS players who'll also see an improvement in hitreg. Not as great, but still good. The benefit to NC as a whole will be minimal, unless you're suggesting the average NC player has a cheaper computer than the average VS or TR player.
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  16. Aegie

    Bottom line- the devs weigh damage per shot far too highly and ROF far to low. ROF is a much larger advantage than damage per shot for a laundry list of reasons.

    We have 1 faction that has 1) highest ROF, 2) most ammo in a mag and 3) greatest DPS. There is a problem there.
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  17. MykeMichail

    But didn't you know? Weapons with high skill floors, marginal benefits in TTK within very specific range envelopes assuming you have perfect accuracy and always hit the head, and 4000 damage per magazine are amazing.
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  18. CptFirelord

    Congratulations on the indirect buff that will effect VS and TR too... so in reality nothing is changing? :p
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  19. Liewec123

    dam i thought you were about to reveal that the devs planned on boosting some NC gear.
    i should have known better!
  20. Phyr
