[Suggestion] Nothing has changed, Resist still dominates.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. TheFlamingLemon

    *sigh* you don't get what I'm saying.

    1) You do not take damage while either NMG or adrenaline shield is activated.

    2) Yes, and once the shield is out of energy, your mobility is no longer reduced

    This contrasts resist shield, because resist shield does not make you invulnerable while it's active, only 40% resistant to damage, and it isn't drained when you take damage. This means that in a fight, resist shield can be both an advantage AND a disadvantage. When your mobility is reduced, it will be easier for players to score headshots and keep track of the player. That means that resist shield has a tradeoff. With the other two shields, however, this tradeoff isn't present, because when the shield is active (and mobility reduction is in effect) the player takes no damage.

    That, in total, means that resist shield is complex to balance. Usually here I would put in my two cents on how it should be balanced but I haven't been online to test it out since the patch (I'm on a break from Ps2).
  2. Scr1nRusher

    The shield takes damage, and then when it goes down you take damage.

    You can turn the shield on and off, its not like ZOE lol.

    You'll find that resist didn't get much of a "nerf".
  3. Pat22

    You can't declare that you don't understand my math but also that it is invalidated. If you don't understand it, then you cannot know if it is valid or not.

    As for the reason I did not subtract a flat 100 from all shields at all tiers is because I clearly stated that the 100 damage was taken BEFORE the shield was activated.
    This means that the 100 health is subtracted from the base 1000 health pool, and the shield bonus is then applied on top of it.

    For standard NMG, this changes nothing, seeing as NMG is a simple +450 when you press the button, but for Resist shield, or the incorporation of Nanoweave Armor, it's a little more complicated.

    Thinking about it now, I did miscalculate the NMG+NWA by factoring NWA's resistance value on top of both the health pool and shield, whereas I should have done it only onto the health pool, and then added the shield value. This wouldn't change all that much though, as NMG+NWA would still have the greatest health value.

    So here's the math on the Resist shield health values depending on damage taken;

    After one hit.
    (1000-100) / 0.6 = 1500

    After two hits
    (1000-200) / 0.6 = 1333


    Basically its;
    (Your current health and shield value ) / the % of damage you are taking = the total amount of damage it will take to kill you ( or, your "total" health pool )
    • Up x 1
  4. Ximi

    Man,sorry about my last comment at u. But now i know what those changes does and what everyone is talking about,im partidary of NMG + nanoarmor combo. Before the patch,im an user of resist shield + adv shield capacitor,but i lose every battle i face versus enemy HAs that have the first combo. Seems that resist shield is more used caused is cheaper,but in fact the NMG + nanoarmor is more profitable. Also resist shield needs to be activated early or u lose the battle. I tend to activate the shields AFTER the combat starts,so if i have a shields that absorb damage instead of reduce it,is much better for me. Also with the nanoarmor u have more HP. Yes,i will change from resist shields to NMG ones after the last patch now...
  5. Saokeh

    Did you really say factor out NWA? hahaha. Now you're just cherry picking. Quit complaining about a function that is clearly rewarded for doing it beforehand. Rather than reaction reward.
  6. Bu11ish

  7. Pelainis117

    Ressist shield is still op and they even buffed battle rifles for heavy assaults. I"am so sad about this. Battle rifles were good in right hands now it will be another problem.
  8. Scr1nRusher

    Nanoweave is a Variable that may or may not be involved..
  9. TheFlamingLemon

    and when it goes down, you no longer have a mobility reduction.

    Yes, but that's not relevant. We're talking about when resist shield is in use. Not activating it makes you just like any regular infantry.

    That's because it comes with a natural downside.
  10. Scr1nRusher

    What shield type do you use?
  11. TheFlamingLemon

    I don't play heavy often, but I've used both NMG and resist fairly evenly for the 50 or so hours I have as a heavy
  12. Noooooch

    NMG and Adrenaline Shield HP got cut in half and people are STILL complaining about Heavies? Come on. Resist was never an issue before, but now that it's more useful than NMG and Adrenaline Shield you're just gonna ***** about THAT now?

    Knock it off... since heavies got nerfed, infantry can take down heavies more easily but because of that, MAX suits and vehicles get an indirect buff since heavies have less hp to deal with MAX suits and vehicles, which was a big reason to pull heavies in the first place.
  13. Corezer

    no, really, it's fine. resist requires pre planning to use effectively, so it's ok if it's tough.

    NMG giving you just as much (actually more) protection as resist while being able to use reactively is what I had a problem with. This is not the case for resist, it honestly didn't even need the 5% and the duration as you say is meaningless at upper ranks so why would I care?
  14. Corezer

    if you pop pre nerf shield and someone still drops you in .5 seconds, that means they scored all headshots, which means either you were standing still zoning out looking at a plant, or it's some DA/AC guy but either way, your problem wasn't having the weaker shield...
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  15. Corezer

    if you weren't terrible, you would find it didn't need one...
  16. Scr1nRusher

    "its not OP guz, srsly l2p".
    • Up x 1
  17. Corezer

    I was one of the original players to see the way they changed nanoweave and how it would be out of control for HA, I also play other classes over 90% of the time, I'm just not a crack headed zealot on a heavy hating binge...

    srsly, l2p
  18. Scr1nRusher

    I wasn't refering exactly to your comment...
  19. LodeTria

    What's with all the ellipses? You turning into squall or summin?
  20. orangejedi829

    1 less bullet doesn't change a thing...
    But 1 less than 1 less bullet changes everything?

    I rarely ever saw RS out in the wild, because it was inferior to NMG/AS in basically every way. If it's nerfed to have the same effectiveness as NMG/AS as you want it to be, it will again be the unquestionably inferior choice. Why choose a shield that you have to activate pre-emptively over a shield you can activate at any time when they both give you the same amount of protection?