Not only does K/D need to stay we need Mwoar stats

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cortosis, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. Cortosis

    Give more stats not less, if KD bothers you DON'T LOOK AT IT,

    Give stats on each Vehicle weapon kill not just the vehicles themselves
    Give stats on Class killed
    Give stats on how many vehicles we have killed and what ones
    Give stats on our deaths what class's guns and vehicles killed us
    Give stats on how many revises we have given\received
    Give us a K/D on each class\vehicle

    Come on guys we have had plenty of FPS shooters that have given us all this years ago it feels like a massive part of the game info is just not there.

    If someone wants to play with KDR in mind WHO ARE YOU TO TELL THEM THEY CANT???????

    And yes i like my KD but not because i farm spawns but because i sit on objectives trying my damnedest to stay alive and hold it.

    For every person you slay you are pushing the objective of this game for that person can not follow there objective as they are dead.

    Killing is just as valid as capping and if you do both even better. People should be concerned about dieing because if you are dead you can't do anything you cant sit on a objective you cant cover or heal your allies your dead.

    The few people that take KDR to the extreme can be annoying as all they do is camp spawns but even these people are helping the objective even if it is not very honorable.
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  2. maxkeiser

    Agree. More and more detailed stats would be a big plus (but not a priority).
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  3. Cortosis

    side note reason i felt this post was needed was because checked forums today top 3 post all crying and circle jerking about why we should remove K/D and how its ruining a FPS
  4. JPUK

    This is nonsense. The stats are open. The people saying KDR is having an effect on gameplay are talking about the pressure to appear good to OTHER people.
  5. Cortosis

    sorry where in game can i see your K/D?
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  6. Garantine

    Let me begin this by saying that I do not think that K/D needs to be removed.

    However, K/D is this game's equivalent of arena rating. I have already seen people's posts down voted, their advice thrown aside, and their ability to play this game ridiculed simply because of the K/D they posted in their sig (not much worse than yours or mine). It's a divisive tool that the community will use as a weapon against people who they believe are not of their level of quality and this will be supported because K/D is prioritized as *THE MAIN* statistic in this game.

    I don't think it needs removal, it just needs to be prioritized less, and there should indeed be more statistics as you have suggested. I don't just want to know how many Vanu I've killed compared to Conglommunists. I want to know how many medics I've killed, how many scythes I've brought down, how many sunderers with more than just one occupant have we killed, etc. etc.
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  7. huller

    no, hidng K/d and making it irrelevant makes people take bigger risks, which results in better and more fun gameplay
  8. Protential


    Ib4 the newbs who will post some insane theory on how it changes the mechanics of the entire game so much that it is ripping PS apart at the threads, and how if they do not remove KDR they game will die!
  9. JPUK

    The API has all stats, even including your friends list. You should know this because you have a PSU signature - which is getting that info from the open API.

    SOE plans to release iOS apps and open up the API to any third party devs early Feb (around now).
  10. Protential

    I am sorry, where does SoE ever even tell you to try to keep a high KDR...Or how is it prioritized in any way shape or form?

    The only way you even know it exist is if A. You go to your stats page intentionally.

    or B. you press tab to check your SCORE <- <- <- which you are used to doing in every other FPS, which also counts KDR.
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  11. Cortosis

    So i ask again please TELL ME where in game can i see your K/D? who cares outside of game **** i could sit at home right down my KD post it here all day long.
  12. Protential

    So people wont be able to lie about being good?

    Oh gawd, people will have to practice and work to be good instead of pretend?

    That will never work in america.
  13. Garantine

    SOE isn't the driving force behind K/D being a negative factor in this game. The community is the driving force behind that. Hell, you're getting hostile with me and I haven't even suggested anything other than adding more stats to the game to water down the focus on K/D.

    The focus is there, most have their K/D in their sig, and if they don't, they are "hiding it so we wont know they suck".
  14. Garantine

    This is exactly why K/D needs to be de-prioritized. My point is being proven for me. Thanks for doing the heavy lifting.
  15. JPUK

    ... wow ...
  16. Protential

    Um, no. Because I never ASKED for anyones KDR.

    How is KDR a priority? you still fail to answer that question? No where in this game does any player, or tutorial suggest you should hide in the corner trying to keep a pretty KDR.

    Never have I seen a player asked his KDR before invited to a platoon, EVER.

    The fact that you cant tell some story about how you knifed 2,000 players in a row because we can LOOK UP YOUR STATS. Scares you to death.
  17. Protential

    Actually when I see someone with stats in their sig, I instantly think they have no life. And the only way I even look for their KDR is if they are bragging about how great they are.

    And incase your to stupid to notice I agree with adding more stats. And KD/Assist ratio is far more of a telling story then pure K/D is in this game. I was not trying to get hostile I was asking you a serious question?

    When have you EVER SEEN a player in game bashed or turned down because of his poor KDR...

    NEVER the only time KDR comes in to play is on the forums when someone wants to pretend to be hot ****, but then we find out they have a 0.2 KDR.
  18. Garantine

    I am not sure....that....uhm....are we having the same conversation?

    You seem lost.
  19. Itermerel

    1.66 kdr, most played class: engineer
    lol noob lol

  20. Cortosis

    Really all these people crying for its removal and this has to be the least focused KD game i know of. Its pretty much the only FPS i know of where you cant see another players KD in game and i doubt there gonna change that any time soon which is fine it isn't needed.
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  21. Garantine

    You are literally sitting here raging at me because I suggested they add *MORE* stats to the game. Not take anything away. One second you are saying that people will have to actually practice if their K/D was a more open stat. Then you say it means nothing. Then you proceed to bash people that have a 0.2 K/D.

    You are all over the ******* place.