No one will every get in my harasser

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Uberclocked, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. Sagabyte

    B-but then I have to make another alt D:
  2. Bankrotas

    BR15 is nothing special.
  3. Sincore

    I think that the harasser is in alright position for experienced players, but an absolute mess for those who have to push through the entry barrier of certing out all the weapons / utility / defensive / performance slots and Turbo. This is a problem as a non-maxed harasser is at quite a disadvantage compared to other vehicles (bar the flash) in the game, as most vehicle mounted weapons will destroy the harasser quite quickly if composite / fire suppress is not fully maxed out. The resource cost of 300 (same as Lightning) coupled with the requirement of 2+ players to be effective against vehicles leaves the Lightning and MBTs as a much better and reliable option to get kills as a solo player while having the ability to defend themselves from other hostile vehicles. This leads to newer / non-experienced harasser players to forgo gunning / driving harassers as most earlier experiences are frustrating and leave a misconception that the Harasser is a bad combat vehicle.

    Some possible tweaks which would improve new player experience with the Harasser and the overall Harasser experience could include some of the following:

    1) Reducing Resource cost to 250 / 200.
    2) Increasing back seat repair from 30% to 50%. As well as increasing the Repair hit box in the back seat.
    3) Adjusting Fire suppression to a 30 second cooldown, down from 45 seconds. ( this puts it closer to IR Smoke in downtime [15 seconds] )
    4) Allow the Stealth Utility slot to reduce noise of engine and turbo boost.
    5) Add secondary component to Harasser GSD. This could range from reducing incoming damage while active, or providing a damage shield that would last until enough damage is received / GSD ends.
    6) Adjust Composite to provide higher benefits, (2/4/6/8% damage reduction ---> 8/10/11/12%) this gives newly certed harassers less of a survivability gap while increasing overall harasser survivability).
    7) Improve physics revolving around flip / rollover, as it is too unpredictable and difficult to unflip a vehicle.
    8) Reduce flip damage to 5% / second, down from 15-20% / per second for both Flash and Harasser, as they have more means to un-flip their vehicles compared to most.
    9) Balance pass on Harasser weapons, specifically the Kobalt, Ranger, Vulcan, Canister and Marauder.
    10) Vehicles specific VoIP channels, to allow players to communicate to each other outside of Proximity and Squad chat.
  4. oberchingus

    Wanna duel? Your ****** ride vs my ****** ride. We can park across from each other honking our horns for 10 minutes.
  5. oberchingus

    I approve of this message!
  6. Sagabyte

    But... But...

    Fine. Once I get home from vaycay.
  7. Sagabyte

    I'll gang up with your crew on the condition that I don't have to be embarrassed for having a pleb-tier BR1 harasser.

    ...I still think I might be anyway.
    • Up x 1
  8. KoS-1

    Sometimes the best runs are with under certed harassers. But if you do hang with us, we got ya covered.
  9. KoS-1

    Anyone is more than welcome to hang with ECUS. We run harassers all day long.

    Only requirement...good attitude.
  10. Uberclocked

    Say that again ploxo_O
  11. ALTRego

    Yea harasser is just too weak against everything. Now it's a fast moving with turbo even deathtrap. Buff the composite or the fire supression to compensate and return the in-ride repair of gunner seat then maybe. Face it ESF fire suppress is 25%, no other vehicle get that, none.
  12. oberchingus

    We also crash harassers all day long, so the positive attitude is mandatory.
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  13. Sagabyte

  14. Ronin Oni

    Halberd is awesome, though Fury is best...

    but Kobalt???

    Only if you're using the Harasser like a mobile AI turret solo style.
  15. KoS-1

    It's our secret plan, keeping the public in the dark about the OPness of a harassers. If all they see is flipping, rolling, crashing, burning and exploding harassers.

    Then...boom...surprise! They will never know what hit them. *rubs hands*
  16. oberchingus


    We probably get more kills upside down than right-side up. Remember what azzhats said about the handbook.
  17. oberchingus

    Kobalt is pure awesome! Was running it on NC the other day at Alatum.....soooooo many infantry kills.
  18. KoS-1

    To the OP...this may help.

  19. Axehilt

    Harassers definitely feel like they need more punch. They're fast enough and the durability is about right but they just need a little more punch to really nail the harassing balance they should have.
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  20. oberchingus

    I agree! The other day, when we wiped out the 20 magys at Regent Rock, we did it in 3.5 minutes. We could have done it way faster I think, if the Halberd had more ummph.

    Jokes aside, I honestly think it'd be fair to make the Halberd-H on par with the Halberd (Tank Variant) as far as damage goes.