No one will every get in my harasser

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Uberclocked, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. Stormsinger

    My harrasser is basically maxed out... and no one ever gets in either. Fortunately, people getting in annoys me in the first place, now that it has all the survivability as a caffeinated slug immersed in salt. I like sitting at render, preferably atop a massive hill, at which point I make my 1.75x zoom Saron as obnoxious as possible to vehicles attempting to use cover. It's little more then a pea shooter at 500+ meters, but 200+ peas give a lot of assist XP amidst a huge fight. :p
  2. K2k4

    Finally, a thread full of people who agree with me. The harasser needs buffs somewhere. I vote h-varient weapons ate removed and tank secondaries reinstated on harassers. Also put back seat healing back to how it was or make it so the back seat person can turn around (so they can effectively repair on the go, rather than losing half of their heat bar to bumps).

    A lightening should have to fear fighting an AV harasser crew. An MBT should have a sleight advantage but not an utter dominance over an av harasser. Marauders should be able to damage vehicles slightly like they used to otherwise they are suicide.
  3. Alizona

    I never pull a 270-resource-point hog when I can pull a 90-point flash instead.

    it's just a means to get from point A to point B. Sometimes I just say "F it" and run on foot instead. I'm crazy stupid like that.
  4. Kociboss

    Man, we lost a lot of interest in this game due to the harasser overnerf.

    I hope that in the future I will be able to record another video like this:

  5. Ryker

    Join an outfit , make some Efriends and then ask then to hop in.
  6. SuperMedicated

    heck i would sleep in it
  7. Sagabyte


    I have to make a dedicated harasser outfit on my TR Connery alt. I wanna grab the few remaining harasserdudes and have a hay day on the battlefield.
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  8. Citizen H

    Sadly, they're flip-over deathtraps with no protection from enemy fire. When they first came out they were great little fast attack vehicles for harassing vehicles. Now we really need to harass the developers to get them un-nerfed.
  9. Vixxing

    I think the harasser payed too hard a price for Vulcans beeing insanely OP... it been better to just nerf Vulcans all other guns where pretty balanced for Harasser...
  10. CDN_Wolvie

    Its too bad that turbo boosted jumping is suicide, remember when it wasn't? There was even a brief period in the game there where our vehicles didn't flip as much and could land really big jumps with a bit of damage, was quite fun. :/
  11. shaungeorge_

    I used to have this problem until I unlocked the Lumifiber. Everytime i need a gunner, i just spam the lights and i get a flock of people trying to get into my master race harraser, typical peasants.
  12. oberchingus

    Can you blame them? No one I know likes to ride b|1ch either.
  13. oberchingus

    You on Emerald by chance?

    I'm about 200kills from Auraxium and I never get to use it anymore, so this would be glorious.
  14. MajiinBuu

    I have a hard time keeping people out of my harasser. I have every cosmetic slot filled, it looks godly
  15. CNR4806

    Those numbers... you hold Esamir 24/7?
  16. Ryujin35

    I get in random harassers whenever I can, but half the time I get thrown out. :/
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  17. oberchingus

    Still can......
  18. Sworaven

    Does your Harassers have a PPA?
  19. Bankrotas

    You should look into the [ECUS]Last Steel Legion TR outfit on Emerald before doing that.
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  20. NeonNoodle

    Had this guy honking at me and spamming "I need a ride!", and thought "why not?"... He literally drove us 50', flipped over on what was maybe a 1' bump and killed us both. I thought he was probably the best troll I ever ran into in game until I tried to drive one myself. :eek: