New implant: Awareness.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scan, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. anaverageguy

    Sniping will be still possible;cloaking breaks spot..

    However, I am completely against this kind of implant. Making it easier for people like that, even if it's limited to giving and taking damage, is just blatant dumbing down of the game.

    If anything, the implant should be one that makes it easier to get rid of the dorito after getting spotted. More of what we could call a crutch is just not cool..
  2. Badname3073

    Why are you crying about the implant then? Something just does not add up here.
  3. Badname3073

    Looks like someone is short on meds here
  4. illgot

    My first reaction was... wtf, as a sniper I am screwed. How many times can an infiltrator hidden in the base using a silenced sniper rifle keep cloaking before someone noticed the constant blinking dorito and red dot on the mini map? Even if you are sniping, well hidden in a group of rocks 200m away, how many times do you think a whole group of players are going to over look the red dorito that keeps blinking giving away the snipers location.

    Then I started thinking about Engineers that mine a Generator and stay hidden. These guys are just as screwed. They usually mine a generator room then hide behind a control panel or the building, wait for the explosion and rush in.

    Well this tactic is now mute because as soon as that mine damages someone with this mod, they will be auto spotted even if hidden and completely out of LOS of everyone in the area.

    Or an person that uses a silencer in CQC and keeps dodging around the enemy to confuse them. Nope, this tactic has been taken out as well, because the first time you shoot a person or toss a grenade to soften the targets up, you light up like a Christmas tree for everyone to see. Your camo is completely useless here.
  5. Bape

    I don't like this implant crap this crap kills infiltrators or solo play.
  6. Colvault

    Meds I do not need. I just pissed at the pure lack of common sense some people have. People look at hings in such a linear fashion it is unreal, especially the lattice but that is for another time and place.
  7. Scan

    Despite all the counter measures against Infiltrators already there, the high visibility of cloak at closer ranges, the cloaking noise, the tracers, the energy drain, the nanoweave canceling out headshots, the squishyness of the Infiltrator, the scope sway, enemy weaponry being dead accurate, even at longer ranges, and some other stuff I can't think of at the moment, I'm still doing rather well.

    I've learned how to deal with these drawbacks, first of all by using a supressor on my BASR, and knowing the limits of my cloak. I've trained myself into using the terrain and line of sight to keep myself hidden, I practiced alot to compensate for the lower damage and bulletdrop the supressor causes, enabling me to get dead on headshots, even on moving targets, or whilst being under fire already.

    I succeed, because I've found a way to use skill and practice to keep me hidden and undetected at closer ranges, and it is amazingly difficult I can tell you. Very often based on pure luck that you didn't happen to run into someone who happened to look in your direction while you snuck by.

    My "elite skill" is not based on being invisible. It's based on my enemy not knowing where I am, my abilities to know when and where to take cover and when to move.

    This implant, totally destroys this style of play, unless they balance things out and make the cloak harder to spot than it currently is.

    For the record, the amount of time you need to be cloaked in order to remove the dorito, is 3 seconds. Seeing as how your energy will be gone quite quickly, and you will just be respotted.

    Whatever the case, this implant is bad news. It's clearly designed to help new players spot enemies shooting at them. But it will be used by experienced players as some sort of legalized maphack.
  8. IamDH

    I don't really think Awareness will be used that much and its not like you see alot of snipers anyways
  9. NinjaTurtle

    I know right how hard is it to follow a tracer?

    Not very, I have sniped many players from doing just that, whether it's from a shot I've seen against someone else or a missed shot against myself.

    SOE pander to the easy mode crowd
  10. redsevenski

    I'm undecided on the overall impact of implants, but I fear your concerns regarding the awareness implant will prove to be very accurate. As others have pointed out, they suggest a pandering to the less able player who just simply cannot 'learn to play'.

    I fail to see how any of these will improve the game play experience, and can see how some of them are direct counters to the infil play styles (sniping or CQB) or encroach on supposed specialist infil skills (such as the EOD HUD).
  11. ManualReplica

    Doesn't the cloak remove you being spotted when activated?
    And doesn't a spot only last for a few seconds?
  12. Scan

    It does. After being in cloak for 3 seconds, the dorito gets removed.

    The point is though, that where you'd use a supressor to keep you hidden, you will now light up however briefly totally revealing to the enemy team where you are located, regardless if you kill the target you not.

    You can cloak ofcourse, but you have already been comprimised. Enemy snipers will have been made aware of your location. Light Assaults will come looking for you. The rest will break your line of sight moving behind cover.

    Ofcourse, not all of them will use this. Alot will use the sensor shield, rendering your recon darts useless.

    So, what we have now is people seeing you the moment you shoot them. And you not seeing them coming, because they're shielded from your recon darts.

    I think it's safe to assume that Infiltrators are better off either being a dedicated sniper (no supressor), whilst keeping their friends in front of them as a buffer, or wait until Stalker cloak gets here and combine that with sensor shield, the new EOD suit cert (for infiltrators) and mines, and attempt to infiltrate bases, turrets, terminals, whilst knifing people when they aren't looking.

    I can see EMP grenade being VERY effective if you are immune to them yourself, in an SMG setup.

    For snipers, battle hardened will be the must have implant. Combined with the straight pull bolt, you'll be dropping enemies like flies in half the time we do now.

    Perhaps I overreacted initially. There are other implants. Not all will use awareness. Even if most of them do, it'll just mean I'll have to relocate more often while sniping, and not have to compensate for bulletdrop using the supressor anymore.

    We'll just have to see how it'll pan out.
  13. Vaphell

    doesn't matter. People love free sniper food and even a blink on the minimap draws people like honey draws bees. Infs don't suffer hardcore suppressor penalty on their BASRs for nothing. In some playstyles staying off the minimap at all times is 90% of defense.
  14. Mythicrose12

    Good. I'll likely be one of the few that uses the conc/flash grenade implant (depends on how well it actually works). ;) I hate loss of character control/impairment.
  15. Oheck

    Ahhh....the consolization begins......
  16. Rift23

    Just snipe from a distance cloak after you shoot your rifle and move after you do. It'll be no different than sniping unsuppressed.
  17. Tinuva

    I was a sniper for a good portion of this game and have an Auraxiam medal for the Long Shot; I am not going to state that I am good/great at sniping but I was capable of getting many 30+ kill streaks by sitting back between a battle and sniping from the side. This was months ago however and now I spend most of my time as an engineer / heavy and will dab into the infiltratror for some SMG fun.

    I think everyone is over reacting to this new implant, sure it wont be great for snipers but in all seriousness there are so many other implants which are better suited to combat and it is for this reason why you shouldn't necessarily worry about your potential prey killing you. Most of these people will be using other implants because they are more beneficial than odd sniper.

    To me this implant is best suited to ESF, Lib perhaps even tank pilots because knowing where you are being shot from is vital especially in air combat. I worry it will negate stealth.

    Let me know your thoughts, but think about if you were in infantry combat as a HA, LA, Medic or Eng fighting predominately against other HA, LA, Medics and Eng, what implant would you use? As an infiltrator, you should already be relying on this instinct (thinking about where infantry are going to be, take cover, eye direction etc).
  18. Maidere

  19. Tradewind

    Snipers use suppressors now? Oh I guess if you don't have to deal with bullet drop...

    Cloak it up sissies.
  20. Kevorkian

    Awareness Implant won't effect snipers. Immediately cloaking after firing will clear any auto spot.