New AV turret

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Talizzar, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Gisgo

    It doesnt have a shield, it doesnt have a zoom, it can not move, the rocket needs to be guided (some skill is involved), it can be oneshotted by tanks and its a primary target for infils, still someone's already calling for a nerf :rolleyes:.

    The thing is cool and situationally strong, but its FAR from being OP, and its a great tool for infiltrators.... ehm i mean engineers :p
  2. Frosty The Pyro

    Acording to someone on the engineer forum it does have a sheild, its just not visable for some reason, but you can test the hitbox and its there (I have not yet goten to confrim this)

    Also by what folks have reported as the shots to kill asorted targets, the damage per shot apears to be ~2200 (between 2160 and 2222)
  3. Zotamedu

    Stop complaining until you actually tried it. Aiming is hard and you are extremely exposed. You have a pretty limited angle to work with. It's easier to hit than with a pure dumb fire rocket but with those you can jump out of cover, fire and then run back behind a rock to reload. Here you have to keep your aim at the target until it connects. It would be completely and utterly useless if it was a pure dumb fire.

    You do know that that list is true for the new turret as will but with the addition of every freaking gun in the game. These turrets are free kills for snipers. So if you are facing too many of these turrets, try getting out of your tank and switch to infilatrator and you'll be rolling in certs.
  4. LordMondando

    Yeah its hard to actually get hits at distance, not impossible just not easy.

    What is however an argument against getting rid of G2A lock ons, is the fact that its near impossible to hit any aircraft with it.
  5. Gumbo

    I've stopped using it already. Been sniped about 12 times tonight and killed 2 tanks. It's a sniper bullet magnet.
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  6. AnnPerkins

    the weapon itself is pretty big and does block bullets
  7. Zaik

    Oh. Didn't play PS1, no clue what stuff is by name, i just pick up stuff by reading it here when I'm excessively bored.
  8. FA_Q2

    Just so you know then:

    The Phoenix was the NC specific launcher in PS1 and was remote controlled. Essentally a fly by wire system with a camera. This would utterly negate vehicles in PS2 because they are far less durable and there are more people. The real problem here would be the ability to sit somewhere safe (like a mountain top, spawn room or other place) and fire the rocket straight up, turn it around mid flight and nail target.

    I don't see anything resembling a phoenix coming to this game though (and we are better for it)
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  9. RomulusX

    With Empire specific AV launchers coming....I actually wouldn't be surprised if they recreated it, I'd be against it as well since, as you mentioned, the vehicles survivability is next to nothing
  10. drednok

    If you're going to say this weapon is cheap you might as well say tanks or aircraft are cheap. I love it and am really glad its in game now. I hope they add an aircraft turret too!
  11. TheEvilBlight

    How does it do indoors?
  12. Bucketnate

    that's less than half way damaged. Do you mean it took 3/4th it's health?
  13. Kurreah

    Render distance has nothing to do with it. Snipers don't render anything more than others. They were there and rendered, but just small enough that they were hard to see without zoom. You could Q spot them unaided, and vehicles and turrets could fire and kill them (and their users): not possible if they were not rendered.
  14. Kurreah

    Nothing special. Bear in mind that it can only perform gentle curves, so firing it around corners is impossible. It will one-shot a non-MAX infantry with a direct hit, but only fires every 6 seconds and has very little splash, so you are generally better with the AI turret indoors.
  15. kagekiri

    Yeah, I was killed a lot trying to use it like a close to mid-range rocket launcher, by both tanks and snipers, even with only trying to fire one shot before abandoning it. It is pretty mediocre for toe-to-toe combat, which is what you'd expect. It seems like other people see the turret before it even renders for you...the new construction effects seem delayed for their users (like seeing my Scythe assemble around me after spawning it).

    On the other hand, as a long ranged, open-field weapon? It is awesomely effective at supporting your own side's vehicles. Your vehicles kill any infantry close enough to snipe you, and attract tank fire too, while you finish off targets that are far harder to hit with dumbfire rockets or tank rounds at super long range.

    I think I had 4 or 5 Sundy finishing blows and a few Lightning and Vanguard kills up near the northern Indar warpgate, just rocket-sniping from a wall near max render distance across a pretty flat plain. Most of those kills were moving targets, though some had stopped to repair, thinking they were far enough from action to not take fire. And it was SO FLIPPING FUN!

    I also had a few hits on Libs and a Gal that were circling a Tech plant, though I didn't get any kills there. And it's handy for blowing up turrets when you're "infiltrating" with an Engi (which is what I do, as I've spent the most on Engi upgrades).

    I envy the NC HAs who are probably going to get an unmounted version of this for their ES Rocket Launcher later this month; it is super fun to score hits with it. Even if they was weaker than a Dalton shot or Zephyr salvo or any of the MBT anti-tank secondaries, I think it'd be fun to have wire-guided munitions for Lib gunners and MBT secondaries, too.

    If they end up nerfing the AV turret's damage or ROF, I hope they at least give it the same range and agility, because it would be nigh useless if shorter ranged than it currently is.