Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blue4tw, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. turtlestation

    Current NC MAX defenders are about as oblivious of the OPness of their weapon as pre-nerf VS Magrider defenders were.

    Magrider pilots would go on and on about how they would get destroyed in close range engagements by Prowlers and Vanguards. But this rarely happened amongst decent Mag pilots because we tried to avoid those situations and stuck to the strength of our MBT: strafing and magsniping. Likewise, NC will go on and on and on about how their MAX is useless past 10-15 m. Again, no decent NC MAX user will actively get into those sorts of situations where they exceed their weapons' effective range and will use the MAX where it hurts: CQC.

    edit: MAX charge also temporarily nullifies any range disadvantage the NC MAX has.
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  2. Cyanide

    It's like this when ANY faction has a weapon that's OP. They don't want to lose it, so they'll defend it tooth and nail, fully aware of how cheezy it is.
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  3. Goretzu

    Chaingun is much better than JH.
    Prowler is still the best MBT.
    Claymore the biggest problem seems to be people don't understand how it works and therefore don't understand it was nerfed the same as the other mines.

    None of which explains why the Jackhammer is useless (literally - pump action with slugs is better in every single way) if there is a Dev bias.
  4. Laraso

    Let's not forget that the targets in the VR room don't move. It is a lot easier to hit at that range with slugs against an immobile target than it is to hit a mobile target.
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  5. Farlion

    Jackhammer has the same use the chaingun and T5 AMC have. 0
    Claymore is absolutely useless compared to the other mines. You can see it from 10 km away and it doesn't even have the same radius the others have.
    A Vanguard with a shield will destroy a prowler virtually all the time.
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  6. Czuuk

    I don't need to tell myself anything.
  7. Blue4tw

    that video is absolutely pointless and doesnt adress the issue at hand
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  8. Ganelon

    Nice staged fight you got there. Surely the NC MAX won't attempt to get closer to its target or anything.
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  9. Morticai

    You might not do something, but the smart, competent soldier will simply deny the distance by backing up.

    People've been raising the torches around points that have easy solutions. Are they charging? Well darn, a shame you can do it too. Stuck in close-quarters? Call a friend to toss in a concussion grenade or a flashbang. Friends suck? I'm pretty sure there's someone somewhere that has one and is willing to help. Don't want to ask for help? Then that's why you're losing to the enemy MAX. It's a team game, not a game of 'Who's the best Rambo?'
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  10. turtlestation

    NC are just clinging to anything that shows that a scatMAX can die. In a real in-game situation the NC MAX would probably just charge up and melee and shotgun you because an experienced NC MAX user understands the niche of the class. He wouldn't just stand there and soak up bullets like a ******. Most of the NC MAXes I've killed as VS MAX were precisely the ones (i.e. bad players and fourth factioneers) who attempted to engage me from medium range and just stood there trusting the power of their shotgun arms.
  11. Czuuk

    If the original poster is talking about the relative strength of the MAX units, this evidence is fairly damning. If on the other other hand you can't figure out how to use your particular MAX suit to optimize it strengths, then you should probably reconsider playing as a MAX. Maybe engi for you.
  12. Czuuk

    Sir, you win the intertubez.
  13. Devrailis

    You have it the other way around. An experienced NC MAX would not require Charge most of the time. Bee-lining from cover to cover is usually enough.

    It's the inexperienced MAX users who MAX charge into your face.

    You can tell, because the three guys he didn't kill will take a dump on him while he reloads, with his MAX charge on timer.
  14. Czuuk

    You guys are theory crafting. Your opinions are meaningless compared to the numbers. It's all right there for you. But, logic is no counter to fanatical ideology.
  15. Czuuk

    What is the issue at hand then? That you think NC MAXes are OP? What evidence do you have to offer other than your opinion? Theory crafting. And bad theory crafting at that.
  16. turtlestation

    The problem is that the charge is the only MAX ability currently, and one that tailors to the NC MAX much more than either the VS or TR MAX. Also, many NC MAX players use their MAX as a ramboing tool. So NC MAXes are allowed to rambo to destroy their enemy but VS or TR MAXes are supposed to use teamwork at all times to defeat them?

    Don't get me wrong, NC MAXes aren't that OP. I've probably killed more of them than they have me. But they are probably the most faction-specific OP thing in the game right now.
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  17. Ganelon

    I suggest you look up said numbers, because our opinions are most certainly not going in against them.

    You mean the infantry that got instakilled by all the NC MAXes? How are they supposed to support their own MAXes when they're running for their lives or dead on the ground.

    And good ******* luck charging away from a NC MAX in a bloody bio lab.
  18. Molotov

    Just like how a tank with one barrel shouldn't be able to do the same amount of damage as a tank with two barrels? It's funny how just like the balance in this game and your perception of how things work should only go one way.
  19. Czuuk

    I have video evidence that supports my claims that your theory crafting is bad. Anyway, I have better things to do with my time than to continue collecting these here noob tears. I'll leave you with your misery.

  20. turtlestation

    Yeah, that's true in most scenarios, MAX vs. MAX will end with both of them just running back for repairs if things get too hairy with other guys shooting at them. But in that scenario in the video, the NC MAX would be a fool not to charge up and kill a TR MAX in the open.