Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blue4tw, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. StormStrafe

  2. Blue4tw

    This show absolutely nothing and not relevant in any way to the actual issue at hand
  3. Goretzu

    If the Devs are biased, how on Earth do you explain the Jackhammer? :confused:
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  4. SenEvason

    NC MAX - short range, extremely high damage

    Control points, generators, and SCUs - in small rooms, control points having a small radius of influence
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  5. Goretzu

    They do, however even there not many are less than 8m in total, and no where in the game consists of consistantly less than 8m spaces, even Biolabs.

    Pretty soon though everyone will be able to whine about flamethrowers in small spaces. :D
  6. MrGurrenLemfox

    what a bunch of hypocrites, Shotgun are CqC god you are all using it. Pump action shotgun are the solution to make people in to NC maxes. we cant blame any of the weapon characteristic, what we can blame is the change of control point location so shotgun are at disadvantages but wait now the tank can farm the infantry even more so yeah....., embrace the NC max become part of it, the more you hate it you will become hooked as you play the goddamn thing smartly( using cover, timed charge, hide in corners, and many more)
  7. Mxiter


    TR max
    The mercy 143dmge/426RPM 1015DPS burst
    mag: 60=>8580 damages in 8.4 sec + 3 sec reload = 8580 damages in 11.4 sec. =>753DPS average
    The T9 carv/Orion: 143 dmge 750RPM. 1787 DPS burst

    VS max
    The cosmos 167/337RPM 938DPS burst
    mag: 75 =>12525 damages in 11.36 sec + 3.3 sec reload = 12525 damages in 14.66 sec. => 854DPS average
    The EM6/Anchor: 167/600RPM 1670DPS burst

    NC max
    Hacksaw 143x6/300RPM 2190DPS burst
    mag: 7 =>6006 damages in 1.4 sec + 4 sec reload = 6006 damages in 5.4 sec. =>1112DPS average
    Shotguns auto (Nighthawk/piston/pandora) 143x6/300RPM 2190DPS burst.

    150/600RPM 1500DPS (short range i think ;) )
    22500 damages in 18 + 6 sec reload = 22500 damages in 24 sec =937.5 DPS.

    Considering that 90% of infantries fights are between 0 and 15m, what's your favorite AI max?
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  8. Blue4tw

    oh the irony ....[IMG]
  9. r1stormrider

    this guy has made 2 threads claiming the NC max to be OP. i wonder if he was amongst that pile of bodies i created with my max the other day. they just kept rushing in with their carbines/LMGs not even bothering trying to blow me up or throw a grenade. go ahead, keep getting into point blank range going full auto, its not gonna help. this is why people think NC maxes are OP, they just dont understand to try to blow maxes up!
  10. Goretzu

    It is a shotgun, and it has by far the biggest ranged drop off, it is no surprise that at 0m it does a bit more damage, as again it is a shotgun.

    This was actually the first thing I did when the VR was introduced. 24 rounds to kill somebody past 10m with an NC MAX is simply untrue. It's pure hyperbole

    Regardless, I fell for the troll (the op) and I feel bad. I'm outta here. Cya Torok. Looking forward to perforate your Reaver with my Vulcan the next time we meet on the Battlefield. The next turn is my turn :p
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  12. Goretzu

    At 11m it is highly unlikely to the point of being impossible.

    At 50m not so much.
  13. Mxiter

  14. Goretzu

    90% of statistics are made up on the spot. ;)

    90% of infantry fights occur at A range, I'll give you that.

    But 0m DPS figures don't make a lot of sense, because shotguns lose DPS from the second 1 pellet doesn't hit, and that happens a lot close than 10m even with a perfect aim.

    So what would you suggest the DPS of NC AI weapons would be, given that Dual Mercy's outDPS them from 8m onwards?
  15. Eclipson

    If taking away unbalanced weapons suck the fun out of a faction, then can I have my OP Prowler back, so we can put the "fun" back into the TR faction?
  16. Tekuila

    I don't get how someone can willfully ignore the evidence right in front of them. It's there, it's true, time to get over it.

    Also this is a very reliable distance.
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  17. Czuuk

    It's not OP. It's good if we can get in your face. Otherwise, we're shooting rock salt.
  18. Goretzu

    The could put the OP Prowler back.................. but only make it out-DPS the other MBT between 0-8m. Sound good? :p
  19. Farlion

    Claymore. Chaingun. T5 AMC. Prowler Nerf.

    I could go on.
  20. Ganelon

    Keep telling that yourself :rolleyes: