NC15 Phoenix

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by TheKhopesh, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Ceskaz

    That's how it worked in PS1 (plus, we had dumb fire option back then). Maybe not straight course, but at least the same drop as default rocket launcher
  2. Crackulous

    God no, I hate those things. It certainly isn't able to kill me, but making me repair more often than I need to, especially in places where other rockets can't reach, is certainly irritating.
  3. Ceskaz

    I would love a laser guided Phoenix, but since we keep it camera guided, some slight adjustment have to be made to make it worthless (because being irritating is not the point of a rocket launcher)
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  4. disgruntled newbie

    I did end up getting the Phoenix thanks to the wealth of certs we've been getting in the double days.

    * The 750 listed damage is what it does to infantry. A direct hit against infantry will leave them near death but is not a one shot kill. Against vehicles however the damage is comparable to other rocket launchers (5 hits kills a Sunder).

    * Confirmed to be utterly useless versus aircraft. They are too fast, too far away, and too agile to be reliably hit by Phoenix. You might get a few cocky pilots who linger too low and too long, but on the whole, get a Hawk. Even if dumbfired against loitering aircraft the Hawk moves so much faster that you can score some hits.

    * Confirmed to be utterly hilarious when fighting tanks and sunders. You can hit them and there is nothing they can do about it except run away. You won't get many kills as a solo Phoenix trooper, but with some air support and some friends with Phoenix, enemy vehicle formations simply evaporate. Also completely negates base turrets, and can score a one-shot kill on engineers camping in turrets if you hit the turret gun dead on (because it's a "vehicle", full AV damage is applied).
  5. Pikachu

    If only phoenix was 1/4 as popular as striker they would decimate any incoming tank force.
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  6. FieldMarshall

    I have both the JH and Phoenix on my NC. No other way to play NC Rexo..err i mean Heavy Assault.
  7. Octoknight

    A Phoenix killed my scythe in one hit....HOW!
  8. Pie Chasm

    A phoenix hit a scythe? HOW?
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  9. Pikachu

  10. Pikachu

    What? A forumsider who doesnt use nc6 99% of the time? :eek: When you get used to phoenix its hard to go back. Hitting hard behind cover at targets far away is so nice. Sure its not lock-on range but better much than dumbfire. Sure is good for defending bases. It comes at the price of frustration because of other players not realizing its potential.
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  11. Octoknight

    But how did the Phoenix kill my scythe in one hit?
  12. Pikachu

    It does 2000 damage to vehicles simple. Even default rocket launchers destroy ESF with their 1700 damage.
  13. Mxiter

    Every launcher destroy ESF in 1 shot but the lancer and lock-ons: Lancer don't have damages multipliers against aircrafts and aircrafts have 50% resistance to lock-ons (even when G2A/G2G are used as dumb fire).
  14. TheKhopesh

    It actually does 1,500 damage to ESF's.

    Honestly, it should OHK ESF's.
    If you hit an ESF with the Phoenix, you deserve the kill even more so than dumbfiring an ESF with the Deci or standard launchers, given the respective difficulties of hitting it.
    They shouldn't get the chance to hit an insta-repair button and laugh it off.
  15. Phos!

    Whenever I'm running my banshee mosquito I've been shot down a lot more often by phoenixes than by dumbfires simply because I don't know that someone's gunning for me with one. If you approach from below, vertical thrust can't really help you evade it.

    If the Pheonix missile flew as fast as a dumbfire, it'd be really overpowered, there'd be no point it getting vehicles vs. the NC, they'd get gunned down from spawn in no time. If the missile flew like a dumbfire after 300m, the extends it's effective range versus stationary targets (Like, say deployed sunderers) to something like 500m.
  16. Crayv

    The Phoenix is really fun to use. Though is there some way to turn the thing without using your mouse? I can adjust pitch with my keyboard but can't do the same for turning.

    A few tips for it.

    Try to aim for infantry that you see taking cover or where you see friendly tracers going, they are probably wounded (or going to be) and will die from a direct hit.

    Engie turrets: Best weapon in the game for dealing with these. It is the reason you should never use them anywhere near the NC. The Phoenix will one shot them even if it hits the AI turret in it's shield (which can take a tank round without so much as a scratch).

    A full health ESFs will barely survive with just a few seconds until they die to burn damage (unless that changed with the recent patch). It's fun to hit them with the Phoenix and finish them off with a shot or two from your pistol.
  17. ghostwalkn

    So I finally unlocked my phoenix. This is fun! It is verrry effective against turrets. Get behind a lightning or MBT and you can pretty much 2 or 3 shot them respectively (unless they have nano, but if you are close enough you'll interrupt that). Low flying air can be hit and MAX, or even lone snipers can be pretty easily slapped with a rocket, disorienting them.

    Now if the rocket had acceleration and deceleration, it would be very popular... but it's all positioning.