NC15 Phoenix

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by TheKhopesh, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Corezer

    No. it does the damage of a stock launcher to vehicles, not a deci.

    when I think G2A speed/drop I am thinking pre-bug. right now they are bugged to travel as if you are locked onto something, before they had pretty slow speed and the worst drop.

    deci has the best drop, even with its slow speed it has always flown straighter than stock launchers (g2a flies straighter NOW, in it's bugged state, but was less straight than the stock launcher before)

    it also deals less to infantry, not being able to insta-gib

    although, I don't think dumbfire is what the phoenix really needs, what it needs is to be more mobile.
  2. Ceskaz

    Phoenix : 750 direct damage, 100 splash damage.
    But Sundi and flash have -100% damage reduction (i.e. x2 damage, that is 1500). Default RL deals 1700 direct damage (no splash damage against sundi), so indeed, Phoenix deals 200 damage less than default launcher on Sunderer.
    It is also interesting to know that Sunderer have a 25% resistance against Decimator (and only Sunderer), so the damage dealt to a sundi with decimator is 2000*0.75=1500, same as phoenix, and less that default launcher...

    But the armor resistance on lightning and MBT is -167%, so a phoenix deals 2000 damage on lightning and MBT, same as decimator.

    The damage resistance of vehicules can be found here.

    As shown above, it can be tricky depending on the category of each launcher (decimator is Heavy ordnance, not Medium Ordnance like other infantry launcher).
  3. Goretzu

    The problem is there's no real way to do that (literally in the case of standing still whilst piloting it, and in a figurative balance sense in terms of increasing its manuverability - make it too much so and it becomes very unbalanced).

    Dumbfire would just be a simple solution that would work without really OPing anything.
  4. Ceskaz

    I would love to see dumb fire on Phoenix, but it seems it is a forever no (remeber, in PS1, phoenix had a dumb fire, and when you left camera mode, the rocket will keep a straight course... Gets me nostalgic); at least we could have a projectile that drop like a normal rocket when you leave camera mode, and not like a rock thrown by a child.
  5. Alarox

    Phoenix vs:
    ESF -> Can be done, but requires skill on part of the user and complete lack of situational awareness by the pilot. If the pilot hits vertical thrust for even a fraction of a second, the Phoenix will miss.

    Liberator -> Can be done, but Liberators are usually out of range, fly faster than the phoenix, and can easily kill the user before the rocket reaches them

    Galaxy -> Works well, but the DPS is low since the rocket takes so much time to reach the Galaxy, and even the Galaxy can move faster than the Phoenix.

    Tank -> Main use, but a strafing tank can dodge these with ease. The Phoenix is outclassed by most other launchers except for shooting over cover or the 150-250m range.

    Harasser -> Luck is the only factor in determining whether or not you'll hit after a certain skill level is reached. The Harasser must be standing still, or driving right toward you. It drives faster than the rocket moves and the user must fire and aim multiple seconds ahead of the Harasser and guess as to where it will be. It's like firing a gun and leading your shot, but your camera is on the bullet itself and the bullet is moving at 100m/s rather than 500m/s.

    Flash -> If you hit the driver or passengder, it takes multiple shots. If you hit the flash, they blow up instantly. Logic. That is, if you can hit this thing moving so fast in the first place.

    Infantry -> Works well against stationary snipers, although it takes two direct hits to finish them. Firing into swarms of people that are injured can work, but you still need body shots. It leaves you stationary, so you can only use this for longer range engagements. However, infantry can shoot the missile down. One infantry can protect a Sunderer from multiple Phoenixes...

    MAX -> Don't even try it. Deals pathetic damage, takes time to reach the MAX, leaves you a stationary target.


    What the Phoenix needs: an afterburner for increased speed, or a dumbfire mode, or an increased range and increased velocity
  6. Mxiter

    There must be something wrong:
    The deciamator and stock launchers are both heavy ordonance. (check the wiki)

    5 deci and phoenix rockets shots are enouth to destroy a sunderer.
    The shrike (stock one) needs 6 rockets (5 put it in flames).

    Sundy HP / deci or phoenix damages (1-Sundy resistance) = number of rockets needed to destroy
    4750 / [2000* (1-0.45)] = 4750 / 1100 = 4.31 => 5 rockets

    Same for the stock launcher:

    4750/ [1700* (1-0.45)] = 4750 / 935 = 5.08 =>6 rockets (few HP left with 5 rockets)

    Vehicles arn't damaged by splash but C4, AVmines, AV nades and zepher/dalton spash (wich are considered as light ordonance on the wiki ) and of course flak for aircrafts. Plash are only added to direct hits against infantries.

    The fun fact is that G2A, G2G and lancers (wich are supposed to deals less damages per rockets than stock launchers) destroys also a sunderer in 5 rockets/shots actually (like deci). While it's supposed to do it in 4750/ [1500* (1-0.45)] = 4750 / 825 = 5.7 =>6 shots.
    I don't know what is wrong with thoses.

    Imo those 25% resistance about heavy ordonance are wrong since with the same maths than above, you find the same redults with HEAT cannon (wich are also heavy ordonance)
    But it's wiki :rolleyes: good to have an idea, but take care of those stats since every monkey can write there.
  7. CompletelyDeadCoyote

    Have phonix. Have a ton of fun when engi or sunderer are around. Also, rocket is flying faster than harraser. May be with full speed upgrades on the straight line, harraser would be faster, but i haven't met those.
    Also, phoenix is good for reliably safe scouting and killing engis in their turrets.

    BTW, do you know how does a position of a hit counts for phoenix - is it relative to the position of the hit, or to the player position?
  8. Ceskaz

    Indeed, I misread something : default dumb fire RL are Heavy ordnance... And concerning this 25%, well I don't know anymore...
  9. RobotNinja

    The Phoenix is massively underwhelming. When you're trying to fend off enemy armor most of them are going to be camped outside Phoenix range anyway and if they're not as soon as you hit them all they have to do is roll backwards for a few seconds and wala...your Phoenix can go over, under and around anything it wants but it's not gonna hit that tank.

    The Phoenix is incredibly situational, not to mention as soon as you fire it, even if you're crouched your player automatically stands up waiting to get headshot, rained on with bullets or exploded. A basic Annihilator or the Decimator are far better purchases.
  10. Corezer

    well rather than turning at a faster rate, they could just get rid of the wobble it has (it seems to carry momentum when turning, much like pitching an aircraft, I propose making it move more like a yaw, where when you let go of the button, or in this case stop moving the mouse, it stops turning)
    but to compensate, the AI damage would have to be lowered further. in PS1 it was like this, very controllable, but took more shots to kill infantry. bringing AI from 750 to 500 would suffice.

    Dumbfire would be a nice addition as well though. I can't see it as being OP, considering how weak the missile's performance is for general use.

    Fund it!
  11. disgruntled newbie

    I was very interested in this weapon, but after researching I'm kind of dubious. Right now I've got a Hawk. By the time I would have trouble hitting a tank with my Hawk due to range, the Phoenix wouldn't reach and leaves me far more vulnerable while trying. And from the sounds of it, Phoenix basically can't do jack against aircraft because they're too fast. Honestly it seems like there's really only one thing this launcher is good at: Tying up enemy engineers by forcing them to keep repairing whatever turret or sunder it is you're poking.
  12. disgruntled newbie

  13. CompletelyDeadCoyote

    I use Proenix a lot and aircraft are my favorite targets. 1 hit = 1 kill. It takes some time to understand when is it possible to hit and when it is not worth trying, but when you get it, ESFs become an easy prey. You will not hit movung targets, yes. But those ESFs, that fly on realy slow spead around spawnpoints - easy.
    Tanks don't have a chance to hit you - there is no straingt line of fire at your position. If there is, you're doing it wrong.
    Snipers can be a problem at first, but after you know where they are, you always can find a position where they can't see you, and you can shoot at whatever you like.
    The damage on phoenix is pretty high, so i don't know why people complain about it.
    Snd it's good for scouting.

    Problems - realy not that big range. Not that good manuverabillity, as i would like. Rockets can be shot down. You allways should fire from a place where no one will kill you for 8 seconds.

    Phoenix got it role on battlefield - killing things in tricky spots, while being safe. I personaly enjoy it a lot. Though it's range and manuveability of rockets makes me sad sometimes.
  14. TheKhopesh

    After +1,850 kills with the Phoenix (+1,900 if you count the ones I have on the new AE version) I find that the momentum is not much trouble, but the thing that really kills this weapon's effectiveness is it's not being able to close distances.

    If it could accelerate when needed too (IE, having it's own afterburner, like an ESF or the Certable liberator ability) it could close the gap to it's target before hitting it's VERY short distance limit of ~300 meters.
    That only leaves harassers as a major problem. Trying to hit a harasser that know's what you're using is an exorcise in futility.

    Thus, I suggest a decent increase in turning radius.
    Hopefully this will get some decent attention from those who bought the Anniversary Bundle on their NC's.
  15. Ceskaz

    Phoenix should be laser guided...
  16. EmperorPenguin5

    Thats what we Call ravens Ceskaz.....
  17. disgruntled newbie

    If I were designing this, I would try making the Phoenix a two-stage missile. (It lives twice; get it) When you fire it from the shoulder you get the first stage which is what it does now, a slow-moving TV guided missile. When you exit the "vehicle", ending guidance, the second stage kicks off and the missile becomes fast-moving and dumbfire on whatever heading you left it.
    • Up x 2
  18. Ceskaz

    Yeah, but I was saying that before MAX got Ravens. Also, only MAX get Ravens, what about HA ? Plus even in PS1, Phoenix had this drawback of having sitting duck NC spamming Phoenix behind a hill. It gets kill, but don't help much taking over an objective.

    And I was thinking of something faster that Ravens (like AT-4 in BF:BC2: not very fast, but fast enough to hit a moving helicopter, contrary to a phoenix or a Raven)

    Otherwise, in its form, either we get a speed boost, or we get a certable afterburner mode (and a decent dumb fire course once we leave camera mode, not this brick-like flight)
  19. Corezer

    You don't have much trouble.
    ever wonder why the weapon isn't used by more. (hint; it's not about you)

    The removal of the momentum, while not raising the skill ceiling (IE, not letting players already effective with it push it into the realm of OP) would lower the skill floor so that more players could see it as a viable weapon, thus you would see more on the battlefield and it becomes a more powerful weapon when used in groups.

    Although personally, I don't think the phoenix is the weapon we should have gotten. I know they were trying to add something PS1 vets would recognize, but even from the first game I never understood how the AV weapon that functions pretty much exactly like a rail gun got put on vanu... I guess it is very hard for SOE to determine what is alien and what already exists today.
  20. TheKhopesh

    I love using the Phoenix, It's a short-term flight ESF (Literally, an Empire Specific Flier).

    Those using ESF's can decimate ground troops, ground vehicles, and aircraft as well if they use them properly.

    With the phoenix, however, you have very little you can do.
    There is little difficulty, but also a VERY low skill requirement.

    I simply wish that it were more capable of sharper turns and faster movement speed.

    This would make over shooting your target a very real possibility (And danger for the one using it, as each missed shot is just another period of time they stand on the battlefield completely vulnerable), but would also reward those who are more attune to using it.
    In short, it would take more skill to use, but would reward those with skill.
  21. Rabbitofdoom

    I think NIX should be changed in a simple way. If you leave guided mode rocket will fly straight and its max range is extended to that of a normal missile. It could be even more interesting to make it soo that its velocity will increase if fired in such way. That way it could be fired straight up aimed at tank top and released in to unguided mode. Compensating for its lower DPS by ability to perform top side attacks.