Nanoweave armor as no place in a game like this ! Remoove or Make the shield recharge have a penalt

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Chipay

    Then we should also delete MAXes and vehicles, because they kill any infantry unit one on one
  2. Stew360

    not related at all maxs are basically vehicules and have ressources cost unlike NW or infantry players ... also the infantry versus infantry weapons balance and ttk is pretty fragile and NW and resistshield upgrade simply ruined this balance because they havent been taken seriously into account while those weapons have been tested .. ;)
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  3. Chipay

    it's all but unrelated, since these vehicles take away all skill based combat and it just becomes a war over who can spawn the deadliest vehicle versus infantry. And it's skill based combat you're going for here.
  4. Stew360

    Wrong , vehicules still have skills required to use ;)

    its not the point here vehicules have a certain limitation in term of ressources cost ...

    Unlike HA with shield or NW users when each time they respawn or even just heal themself to still get this extra amor buff the ttk agains vehicules is okish

    TTK between infantry soldiers is really hurt by nanoweave maxs out and resistshield maxs outs it change a 8 hit weapons into a 15 hit weapons it mean that if you have to deal with multiples heavys and your the last man stand You have basically not much chance unless your pretty lucky because no matter how your twich skills are , youll have to reload from 3 to 5 time to kills those heavys NW RS , so yeah it almost 2X the ttk and you remain a 7 hit kills while they become a 15 hit kills each so 45 instead of 21 TO 24 so yeah its a HUGE DEAL here

    whiout even considering if they use injector ( medical kit ) and replenish themself fall back and put shield back on you will loose countless amo and the figth become more of a joke than a real skills base figths
  5. hansgrosse

    What OP is saying is a matter of opinion. I like unpredictability in my combat; it makes things much more interesting.

    I vote to not remove Nano and leave shield recharge alone.

    On a side-note, <3 Stew threads. Always a laugh riot. XD
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  6. Unclematos7

    Is this thread still going on? Nanoweave is fine. Nanowave only makes you take like 3-4 more bullets to kill(maxed out), irrelevant in all but the most extreme situations. It can only be synergysed with resist shield for a noticable difference in your TTK otherwise it's only good for stopping BAR headshots from 1HKing you(leaving you a bullet away from the spawn screen). Now can we please put this circus to rest at last?
  7. Stew360

    No nanoweave is not fine , it force players into using it and iam pretty sure that 80 % + if not more of the player base run with nanoweave all day on all classes

    nanoweave remoove the purpose of any suits slots since only ( flak and nanoweave ) are equiped by most peoples almost everyones

    I dont use those because its a NO brainer health buff and iam agains it , i use the bandolier and deal everyday with silly clans and players who equip maxs out NW and RS bs unworthy skilless stuff

    and those players want to force you to use it as well so if everyones as to run with it why not simply make it stack on everyones and remoove it from the suits slots and make some TRUE sidegrade suitslots ?
  8. Kronic

    I agree it was a stupid decision to put it in the game. It's like in BC2 where everybody used magnum ammo all the time. It invalidates all the other suit options for nearly all classes and situations considering it's the only option that has potential to help in nearly all situations unlike all the other options. They need to remove it completely if you ask me. Btw I use nanoweave 5 on all classes. I do like the increased TTK nanoweave produces though.
  9. Stew360

    exactly , it lead everyones into using it , and if you decide to not use it your at disavantage and the disavantage grow exponentially with the numbers of player you face off ...

    I want nanoweave to be remoove and resistshield to be tone down at ( 2x nanoweave level ) so a 2 or 3 shot worth maximum while maxs out

    Curently a HA with NW and resistshield become a 15-16 hit target instead of a 7-8 hit target its a huge deal ... it almost double the ttk so when you end up dead agains an HA player and he as like 4 to 5 health bar left you already know that its not because he as better skills , its only because he as Resistshield 5 and nanoweave 5 combine , otherwise he was suposed to be dead 1.5 time already lol

    thats unworthy skilless and stupid

    Same for nanoweave at a different level

    When a NW 5 user end up winning a figth with 2 to 4 health bar he was already suposed to be dead before he kill you , so he was suposed to loose and he as win , Nanoweave force the player who dont use it to be way better and to be faster and aim better ... and still they can loose the figth and the disavantage grow with multiples target all using nanoweave and finally drive and force you into using it and the problem become exponential

    If they are not happy about the ttk then stack NW value to everyones and rebalance all weapons and magazine base on that ...

    Nanoweave as to go and resist shield as to be look into
  10. UNSCSpartan051

    I hate nanoweave, it's stopping power all over again except worse. Stopping power improved weapon balance as the weapons were balanced around the perk, but it utterly destroyed variety. Hop in MW2 right now, and everyone except for UMP silencer cold blooded ****** are running around with it.

    In PS2 Nanoweave is worse. Not only does it remove variety, it utterly destroys weapon balance, punishing the High DMG Low RoF weapons, in particular New Conglomerate weapons like the 167 and 200 tier guns. With the removal of Nanoweave suit slots like Flak, Munitions Pouch and shield capacitor will be used more in place of Nanoweave.

    I was a diehard Flak Armor guy because when the game started it was all Zephyr Zephyr HE HE, and flak armor helped alot. Now with the nerfs to them, Nano is dominant. Recently i swapped to Nano 3, and the diffrence is insane. Hitting my Resist and with the nanoweave saw my absolute **** of a K/D going up from 0.40 to 0.43, and I won alot more 1v1 situations with 1 bar or even no bars left. (Running it on all my classes).

    What's wrong with removing nano anyway? SOE is going to return the certs hopefully, and variety is a good thing. Sure, BASRs are going to kill you more, but that's your own fault for standing still. ( I have the exact same reasoning for the Phoenix should be able to 1shot). Stop standing still and you'll die to BASRs much less, stop using Nano as a crutch.
  11. PWGuy93

    If nanoweave five wasn't an option, then players would die faster. Faster deaths means less engagement and more people behind spawn room shields. Do you really want players behind spawn room shields?
  12. UNSCSpartan051

    How many people can actually afford Nano Five? Most guys have it up to 4. 1000 certs isn't cheap.
    The Spawn room shield thing is not nanoweave. People with nanoweave still camp. Spawn room camping is a product of cowardice and bad leadership. If you manage to do a MAX crash, I garuntee the pubbies will tag along.
  13. Tristan

    As much as it pains me to agree with Stew360, I agree that Nanoweave in it's current form is 'bad'. Not necessarily because of what it does, but because it renders unattractive most of the other suit slots. If they really wanted a health suit slot, they should have had one that would slightly increase the passive health regeneration rate after a certain amount of time of not taking damage.
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  14. Crazytrain

    This is simply the most adorable argument I have ever seen on these forums.
  15. Stew360

    it is the most valid , uncontestable , and reliable argument :) , when a guy have nanoweave and you dont if he as like 2 to 6 healthbar left he was suposed to be dead by the time he kill you :) , same for resistshield nanoweave combo ...
  16. freeze

    can we close this thread already pls?
    I mean, there was no constructive feedback to begin with, so why keep going?
  17. deggy

    Yeah, I'm gonna go with...

    Mod, please lock, this one's not going to go anywhere, and if it ever was, it's been there and back a few times.
  18. Flapatax

    If they want to nerf nano fine, as long as they refund the thousands of certs I've dumped into it.
  19. Crazytrain

    If by "valid, uncontestable , and reliable" you mean precious, then I agree.

    "supposed to be" :D
  20. Ender

    Good God I'm posting in a Stew thread. The only reason I would label Nano 5 broken is because of this. The other options aren't attractive at all save flak in a flew situations. In a game where everybody's got Nano 4-5 on, i'm not going to purposely handicap myself by using something else that doesn't help me against all the HA's running around shooting everything relentlessly within a 100m area.

    Now if we could just do something about this Rocket Primary weapon crap that has caught on . . . .:confused: and for Stew's next thread....