Nanoweave armor as no place in a game like this ! Remoove or Make the shield recharge have a penalt

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Patrician

    Not at all, I'm simply pointing out that "balance", or "imbalance" is/are the wrong words to use. It would be a balance issue if only one faction had access to it; as they all have access, and all classes as well, it is balanced.

    Also people aren't complaining about Nanoweave, you are, just as you seem to complain about anything in game that slows down your kills. Previously you've asked for the HA class to be removed, the HA shield be removed, the HA to have it's utility reduced by having to choose between AV or AI as primary weapon and, well so many nerf requests I've lost count to be honest.

    As others have pointed out, frequently too, Nanoweave is situational just as is Flak armor and the HA shield; they all have their advantages in certain situations. Nanoweave is, maybe, more general but so what of it is?

    Lets look at this another way and, perhaps, you'll be able to see some others points of view without resorting to insults. I have on my Lightning the reload speed Cert to level 5; if I meet another Lightning user who only has it certed to level 2, I will have a distinct TTK advantage over them. I will, due to a vehicle slot "upgrade/sidegrade", that has no downside (just like Nanoweave), be able to fire more projectiles over the same time period then my opponent and will, all other things being equal, emerge the winner of the encounter. And before you start any BS about "vehicle combat is different"; it's not in this example. So, are you going to call for reload speed certs to be removed?

    If not then you cannot call for Nanoweave to be removed!
  2. technopredator

    OK, take all the protection off and will see later the same bunch crying to get it back when they realize how much it saves their necks a bunch of times; If you want to know how much, just take it off and will see how much holes you collect before you want to put it back on.

    nanoweave is perfectly balanced for the amount of firepower dispensed on battles and you die fairly plenty, if you don't you hide a lot and never risk your neck or not much, but at the front lines you need it and it wasn't cheap to max it, it cost me a lot of freaking certs, THAT'S THE PENALTY, so why don't you go play some other game of the many that don't use shields out there and leave us play the game to the ones that like it like this?
  3. Vaphell

    so you are saying that 1250hp is perfectly balanced for the amount of firepower, doesn't that necessarily mean 1000hp is not?
    Besides, one time cost of 1211c for a massive passive always-on hp boost is peanuts. I paid 1780 for ammo based tool that does nothing but paints dots on the minimap. My longshot set me back 1130 and it doesn't even work reliably against your 'very expensive' item.
    Also lv4 (211c) is still a massive 20% upgrade, it still pushes all the sub-200dmg weapons (pretty much all bullethoses) into +2 bullets territory.

    Anecdote: iproceed to hack AV turret after dropping betty to cover my back. I hear boom and get sprayed down by an inf wielding smg. I /tell him 'dude, was it flak or NW?' and he says 'maxed NW' and i'm like 'WTF FFFFUUUU-'. Get this, NW is good enough to replace flak armor against AP mines on an infiltrator with 100hp penalty.
  4. FnkyTwn

    this goes here:

  5. Stew360

    Since moderator 02 found it was a good idea to close my guided about the misconception of weapons feel ninja nerf or overnerf wich they are not it is simply the numbers of nanoweave 5 players who as grow at exponential rates

    Xanapis :

    He does have a point, but the discrepancy really applies only on heavies (or primarily on heavies if you like).

    Pretty much everyone else besides heavies will go to 1250 hps with top tier nanoweave armor. Infiltrators will have 100 less, so 1150.

    With heavies it becomes complicated, mainly due to the combination of nanoweave armor and resist shield.
    A HA base health is 1250 (750 health, 500 shield)
    A HA nanite mesh shield (or adrenaline) will give 650 extra health that is drained the more the shield is up. (For example if you activate nanite mesh shield while it's at 20% charge, you'll only get shielded for the 20% of that 650 extra health). Ideally, you can get is to activate the second you get hit, which will give 1900 effective hps (that usually is always a lot lower)
    A HA resist shield is a flat 45% damage resistance, regardless of shield percentage. Basically, when you activate it your effective health goes up to 1820 hps.
    A HA with resist shield and nanoweave armor will have however 2270 hps.
    To summarise:
    No nanoweave + nanite mesh = 1650 hps (best case scenario)
    Nanoweave + nanite mesh or adrenaline = 1900 hps (best case scenario)
    No nanoweave + resist = 1820 hps (achievable every time shield is up)
    Nanoweave + resist = 2270 hps (achievable every time shield is up)
    From my understanding, to get the full effect of the two types of shields, you need to use them differently. Nanite mesh and adrenaline you activate once you start getting hit. If you activate it preemptively, you just drain its hps away. Resist on the other hand needs to be up before you start getting hit, so you get to mitigate the full damage.

    1: Why nanoweave is balanced ?

    2: Is nanoweaves influence the ttk ?

    3: Is nanoweave basically reduce the damage output of a guns resulting in nerfing its damage at any range ?

    4: Why using nanoweaves ?

    5: Why not using nanoweaves ?

    6: What happen when 2 equally skills players figth eachothers , one have nanoweave the other dont who have the edge in A face ti face QCQ combat ?

    7: Is nanoweave 5 make 6 shot to kills weapons , become a 8 shot to kills while the rof is unafected , is using this weapons become a disavantage ?

    8: In a outnumbered situations when you have to figth 3 guys that have nanoweave 5 and you dont is nanoweave become a problems ?

    9: Is nanoweave have a downside ? speed nerf etc.. ?

    10: Can you know that someones is using nanoweaves like a visual indicator like the HA shield ?

    11: Is nanoweaves can be use in Synergy with resist shield and is this grant a Huge amount of extra resistance ?

    12: Is nanoweave could create imbalanced in ttk between high rof weapons and slower rof weapons ?

    I could go on and on but please just answer those 12 questions and then give me your arguments

    regpuppy said :

    Is the imbalance it causes for some weapons huge? Depends on what's huge to you, but it does cause a noticeable imbalance all the same. I'm repeating this all over like a broken record, but this imbalance arises between weapons with different rate of fire and damage per bullet combinations. It tends to favor higher rof guns across the board. Which ends up hurting one faction more than the others. Not to mention dampening the sniping role for any range that justifies the use of the default 7x scope. Because of this a lot of competitive players tend to use this for most of their loadouts for all of the classes they play.

    Not to mention the disparity for newbies, even barring the current factional imbalance this causes. Nothing quite like a straight up 25% boost to durability to make the skill floor higher. While most other upgrades aren't quite as effectual when a straight up infantry fight to the death is considered.

    Corezer said :

    I probably should side with nerfing nanoweave, seeing as it hurts slower rof NC tech more than other factions, but I just love the tears from the infiltrators when their montages of headshotting AFK people at render distance with silenced rifles (its like they never got the memo that gunfire only minimaps you within 40m) get ruined.

    So personally, I would like to see nanoweave removed or nerfed to 125hp, but first I gotta see nerfs to sniper rifles, as long range in this game is 80m, sorry if you think that's not long but in PS2 people move like molasses, there's practically no bullet drop and the only other class that can even really reach out that far with more than just annoying plinking against a non afk target is the medic, also AI mines need to no longer kill, like 900 damage yeah but no other setup gives one the advantage of the opponent being already dead, and a few of them require more skill to pull off. They also need to despawn after death.

    PAs need a nerfing

    basically, instagibbing needs to be cut way back on.

    oh and cancel the ASC buff, I don't want that CoD crap in the game. The only thing it needed was a 2/4/6/8/10% shield increase, so it wouldn't be as good as nanoweave but when combined with the fact that the benefit was rechargeable and the quicker shield recharge, it would at least compete, 4 seconds off is just going to make every corner or rock equal a restart to the gunfight. Alternatively, you could have just made it so you have 2 suit slots, then you would see a lot more variety and a lot more use out of some of the "lesser" selections.

    Bankrotas said :

    Would agree with Stew, that nano is bit too good. If it's 250 bonus health, it's 2 bullets, not 1, as far as I am concerned, 134 should be max it should give. Only reason I use nano on my heavy, is because ammo belt was too pricey.

    Vanu 123said :

    1. It is balanced because if you die from bullets more you use this, if you die from explosives more you use flak, simple.
    2.Yes herp derp
    3.Its damage is the same, it is 1 bullet, if you have any decent aim you dont notice it.
    4. See #1
    5. See #4
    6. Of course the one without, now if one has flak and the other nano and both are shooting explosives the one with flak wins
    7. ?????? Grammar ????
    8. See #7
    9. Yes, explosives
    10. You dont know and it shouldnt matter. I wouldnt mind a slightly different aesthetic look between flak and nano but thats not the point.
    11. See #7
    12. No High ROF = low damage, Low ROF = high damage. See balanced.
  6. randalthorr

    Remove everything. I just want to run around and click stuff and it should die. Lets all play some random Indie game.

  7. Stew360

    Actually its more like AD stuff more than Remoove everything , wanting to remoove Nanoweaves wich is the suitslots use by almost everyones , some who think they need it , some thinK they are forced to use it to not be at disavantages some others who use it because they are the same who made countless thread whining about the time to kill in the game been to fast lolllll

    Remooving nanoweaves and adding more suits slots will actually AD choices and will make the game more skills bases and more competitive

    Also the heavy shield with nanoweaves make the HA having 2X more resistance than a regular infantry but even so they share the same speed agility , but its almost impossible to kill them in a single magazine youll have to realod but theyll be able to kill you sine they have LMG with from 50 to 200 shot magazines ;)

    These are awefull balance problems , wanting the game to be balance and have better variety in term of choices and loadout ACTUALLY IMPROOVE OUR CHOICES AND IMPROOVE THE FAIRNESS OF THE GAME this is all good

  8. zib1911

    Grammer police are going to beat you down hard.
  9. Kevorkian

    You misunderstood my post. I was referring to your preference of playing medic with C4, an "all-in-one" loadout that revives, heals, C4 for maxes/vehicles. Its a solid and versatile loadout. HA's are your hard counter though, hence why you're on the forums QQ'n about them.
  10. Udnknome

    This is a video commenting on the VANU sniper mechanics from beta. I think the snipers feel this way when going against Nanoweave though, and I thought it was funny.

    • Up x 1
  11. K3STR3L

    I think you will find it is grammar ;)

    Doesn't GU13 change the way nanoweave works against explosives like mines and grenades, doesn't that make flak a decent option now for the people who said nanoweave was the only option(although it really wasn't)
  12. Stew360

    Do you realise that ive play over 205 hours as a HA ? Thats mena over over 8,5 compleate day of 24 hours lol and i have all HA weapons and rockets fully upgraded and unlock lol!/5428010618020699761/stats

    HA have , armor + rockets that dosent cost any ressources , it can be Anti - air , anti vehicules , anti maxs , anti infantry , he can heal ( with injector that cost ressources )

    Medic is a suport roles important for everyones and having C4 on the medic class only allow the medic to get rid on 1 vehicules or 1 or 2 maxs depending of if the maxs have or not the flak armor to pass is way trough to help to revive his camrades

    You cant compare the medic to a HA by any mean lol , the only thing that HA cant do and medic does is REviving peoples , but Medic cant kill vehicules and maxs at range so everyting you just said is pretty well biased ...
  13. Stew360

    Wont solve the problems with Firearms balance , and magazine size and rof and so on , poeples will still equip NW 90 % of the time

    Peoples who defend NW simply want to have a advantage and since insane amount of health like the HA who goes up to 2000 hitpoint in some cases thats 2X more than a regular infantry , with a 30 shot NC weapons magazine most of the time you wont be able to kill your target with a compleat magazine while the HA classes have most likely 50 100 or 200 shot magazine so even if the players is really bad he as all the chance on his side

    HA shield + NW should not be allowed , nanoweave should be remmoove from the HA suits slots

    NW should be remoove as a whole or tone down , back to its original states 125 hitpoint and have like a 10 % shield recharge penalty to compensate for the extra health

    Also since the 125 hitpoint cant really be break or divided in some level of progression , Nanoweave should be a 1 time pay certs that cost 800 certs and have 1 level , nanoweave like the assault ( sprint buff ability ) who as 1 level no progression in it

    thats it

    this is the only thing i could accept , but i still think that more suits slots should be added and nanoweve remoove compleatly
  14. Kevorkian

    Yes, I'm aware you've spent time playing other classes, considering how much you play the game altogether. And before you bother responding, stop and slowly read what I'm typing. I'm not disagreeing with you about HA vs Medic balance. HA is the hard counter infantry class to Medic. I'm saying because you play that particular class/loadout alot, you're on here trying to get HA's with nanoweave nerfed. If you're still having trouble understanding, I'll draw a diagram next time.
  15. technopredator

    NO IT WON'T... AT ALL.


  16. technopredator

    So 1211 certs is not as expensive as 1780, so it shouldn't be considered expensive? no, it's expensive anyway. It's not peanuts is some permanent item I buy, as it's my weapon and the attachments to it.

    Your lack of skill and impatience is nto the nanoweave fault. That you don't kill instantly is part of the game, that's why there are other weapons, ammo, tactics and strategies and play styles, not just I have the only and boring 'I have a weapon that kills with 2 bullets' option and I'm sure the nanoweave has saved you many time but you don't post that or how many.

    So what? they have many bullets to fire at 300 rpm? that's asking to take protection so you can be less of a loser, instead improve your skills, learn more about the game options, that obviously you don't know and just want easy kills. So what about the 100hp penalty? if you pass only nearby or fast enough the betty won't get you with full damage, maybe flak armor is badly designed but it's not NW fault neither.
  17. zib1911

    Ha grammar*
  18. Vaphell

    I see people bragging they can farm 1000c in 3 days. Apparently NW5 is really not expensive.

    Actually not that many, because i bought NW4 only recently and i refuse to go NW5 which would deny other infs their headshots. Let's say i got bored with being owned by people pretty much unkillable with magshot in a cqc or by any burst fire coming my way.
    Either way your ad hominem doesn't change the fact that NW is out of wack when compared to alternatives and actively ruins balance and variety.

    next to NW in current form everything is badly designed
                   Flak   Nanoweave               
    fall dmg                  +
    small arms                +
    sniper HS                 +
    HE direct                 +?
    HE splash       ++        +
  19. technopredator

    What is out of whack is your baseless accusations, nobody si unkillable, maybe for you, I get killed because mostly my up to 2 secs lag so I need all the protection I can get, and it doesn't reuin any balance at all nor variaety, it make battles interesting, NW are perfect as they are IMO, you're just another one not using max NW and then excusing that you don't want to deny the enemy infs their headshot? how generous... or maybe you don't want to pay the expensive last lvl, anyway I don't believe you, you're not making the game more fair for the everybody, you're making the game unfair for you and then saying they're unkillable, really? well that's your problem right there, and then you say is out of wack?
  20. Stew360

    Please stop talking about skills and strategies when you need a 250 hitpoint buff + resistshield and so on thats grant overall 2000 + hitpoints to the users thats mean it take 2X more shot to kill it lol

    or 250 hit point resistance bonus on any others classes you play lol this become to be laughable

    Those who lack of skills are those who need health buff to survive ;)