Mr Higby want's your Ideas for TR's ES Sniper rifles.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Dregan

    TR BASR rifle

    Suggestion 1:
    Dual-chamber Rifle: The rifle chambers 2 shots that can be fired pretty much as fast as you can pull the trigger (click the button). recoil will be the main balancing factor. Range will be low (OHK at 100-150m max). While have fast and slow chambering time much like normal reload time difference. Leaving ADS will trigger the chambering (If you have the "chamber without leaving ADS" upgrade it will wait for you to fire the second shot or you leave ADS).

    Suggestion 2:
    The Versatile Rifle: This rifle will feature 2 fire modes. One will be a standard BASR rifle function. Range will be limited with OHK being restricted to 150m. Second fire mode will be a Semi-automatic mode with function similar to the battle rifles.

    NC BASR rifle:

    Anti-Material railgun: Major difference between this and other BASR is that this one has its own damage type, dealing increased damage to MAXes (compared to other BASR), flashes, Harrasers and ESFs. It will also be able to damage Liberators and Lightnings though the damage will be negligible (largely there to show the power of the rifle). 3 round magazine (enough to kill a MAX if you headshot all of them and it does not receive any repair between shots) with relatively long rechamber time.

    VS BASR rifle: Standard BASR except for 2 things. Slow muzzle velocity (300m/s) but the bullet will track the cross-airs of the rifle. A controlled bullet as it were.
  2. Maljas23

    Both these TR ideas are pretty good. The first one is the most interesting to me though. I'd actually be pretty happy with either one, but I would prefer the first one.
  3. GhostAvatar

    I completely agree with you and actually feel bad for the VS if this gets implemented. Yes it would be a hell of a lot better than a charge rifle, but it would still remain a worse choice than over a BASR. Honestly, I don't get the devs logic on all this. Sniper rifles are already a niche weapon category. Now they are trying to make a niche weapon (per faction) for a niche weapon category. Asymmetrical balance is damn hard with niche weapons, hence why most the niche weapon categories are currently carbon copies of each other. Why they are wasting there time on this and not something more pressing is beyond me. But hey ho, they got to add content at any price it seems.
  4. DizzyEX

    Take the sensor dart gun. Change the dart to not apply a radar, but instead allows friendly strikers to lock on to ground vehicles that have the dart(beacon) attached from further ranges. Not really a rifle, but would make for an interesting team based AV role.
  5. Goretzu

    Yeah I think that's the problem they are having with ES pistols, the PS1 NC one I can't see how they could get it to work in PS2 with the much lower TTK.
  6. Gustavo M

    Well, then.
    • High rof;fastest sniper rifle of all empires
    • xboxhueg mag
    • very fast bullet speed
    • lowest damage of all empires
    • special feature: rof increases by (value goes here) while scoping for (specific time goes here)
    • first and only automatic sniper rifle
  7. Ronin Oni

    That's not a bad idea... faster lock-on time might be good as well to give benefit for closer range team-work
  8. Outake

    TR Gun idea: has 20 round clip each shot does low damage like 100 or 90 or something. but the bullets bounds 2 times off walls and are super long range so u can shoot at a door and keep people back and provide cover fire from a mile away

    NC Gun idea: Fires a huge bullet thats slow and pops like a AA but for people. same idea for cover fire from range

    VS Gun idea: i was thinking of firing thru walls but thats a lil OP so.... you setup a lil droid and shoot at people with your gun but your gun does not shoot the droid does and it shoots at your target. this gun would come with a x-ray so you can see past a wall and shoot people inside but u have to setup your lil droid 1st.
  9. Phazaar

    If it doesn't shoot rails, SOE can **** off if they think I'm paying for it. I don't even care if it shoots rails with shotguns on them, if they're really that buzzed by the 'shotgun concept'... I am simply not paying another $ for -anything- in the game that isn't a railgun. Sick of waiting now.
  10. Rentago

    There is a thing about empires being you know, unique. It is because each one has weapons others doesn't,

    This is simply giving everyone the same guns leaving no uniqueness, and then saying they'll release empire only weapons when there is no room to.

    Doesn't really make sense, they've already made a big mistake, they'd have to re-purpose and remove some weapons.
    • Up x 1
  11. Sagabyte

    In order from Vs, Nc, Tr

    Alternatively, the Tr can just have this.
  12. TheRunDown

    Idea 1# Super Projectile Speed (very low bullet drop)
    Idea 2# Scoped reloading
    Idea 3# I really Don't care as long as its bolt action..