Most balanced EU server?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lord_Avatar, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Lord_Avatar

    I might get around to Miller, should Ceres fail me. Until then - SAW away. 8)
  2. LordMondando

    Just don't make a TR character, we have quite enough of thouse, thank you very much.
  3. Lord_Avatar

    I'm willing to consider your suggestion, because you bear a noble title as well. <chuckle> Gigs aside - I'll most likely go with NC, should I shift to Miller.
  4. LordMondando

    Nc Miller is where its at, phat rims, fly honiez, money, money, money, money, money.
  5. Trooper315

    I used to play on Miller, 4th faction nabs on every alert. Playing on Woodman right now and it's balanced all day. VS wins most of the alerts with domination because NC and TR can't be bothered to leave Indar most of the time (but accuse VS of being OP even when they form temporary alliances against us).
  6. JudgeDeath

    Both NC and TR were EU recomended for cobalt. Funny enough VS was not. That led those moments of TR sporting +40% server pops
  7. Unclematos7

    Woodman is pretty even. Once there was a large Vanu pop surge when Frankyonpc started playing there but it evened out.
  8. Greenies

    Miller is actually getting more even during alerts lately.
    Yesterday after prime-time it was a bit skewed towards VS/NC as opposed to the more typical TR.

    With the ammount of players on Miller and the even pop during prime-time, I would highly suggest it for whatever faction you want to play.
  9. LordMondando

    Thats because both the VS and NC alliances were out in force. In the end it came down to an attempt to do a last minute steal of sungray off the VS. Something like a minute and 14 seconds in it in the end, but they managed to clear us out. Easily the most technical large scale fight i've seen in months.