Most balanced EU server?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lord_Avatar, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Lord_Avatar

    Greets. I did some server-hopping with my various "toons" (1 per faction) and ended up rather undecided as to which server should I dedicate my time to. What I'm looking for is a place with a fairly high amount of people and more-or-less balanced population. A few good outfits (TR and NC especially) wouldn't hurt either.

    Any suggestions?
  2. Ravenorth

    Miller is pretty balanced usually, but not during three continental alerts, then TR will get 10% population boost thanks to those spineless 4th factioners.
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  3. Dvine

    Woodman! 33% for each faction al day errday
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  4. Lord_Avatar

    I did some reading beforehand and there seems to be a lot of whining going on concerning the Miller TR overflow. Is that the current state of events? Also, Miller seems to have the highest overall population EU-wise, correct?
  5. Nolenag

    Except during alerts.
  6. Ned

    Ceres is relatively well balanced, however I feel like the EU servers suffer a little from underpopulation, meaning that depending on what time of day it is depends on what faction will have the most people and control the most territory
  7. DramaticExit

    Ceres is generally alright. MIller has a bit of a TR problem. I've heard Cobalt and Woodman are relatively okay.
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  8. Ravenorth

    When there is no alert the populations are pretty much even, no big imbalances, sometimes TR got even less population than NC or VS like now.

    Currently its 34% VS, 30% TR and 34% NC
  9. Kociboss

    Cobalt is relatively balanced during prime time.

    At night, random VS airderpzerg creeps out.
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  10. Mastachief

    All are pretty even at prime times but suffer in the off peak, base you decision on the challenge you are looking for.

    Hard - Miller
    Medium - Woodman
    Easy - Ceras
    Tutorial - Cobalt

    Miller has the largest overall pop, and yes the TR do zerg... everything. Both the NC and VS ignore alerts.
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  11. Lord_Avatar

    I wouldn't mind playing on a US server, but I don't wan't the eventual lag to ruin the whole experience... Back to EU, I had fun times on Cobalt, but it could use more people and it did seem a tad "outfitless"... Hence, I'm considering Miller, but I'm looking forward to an overall balanced experience - playing as/against an overpopulated faction is little fun (for me, at least).
  12. Lord_Avatar

    Ranked according to average player skill, or "zergyness"? ;) Also - alerts aren't that much of a thing for me, but they do create an opportunity for massed battles - NC/VS ignoring them on Miller is a slight turn-off for me.
  13. DramaticExit

    I lol'd.

    I play on Ceres most of the time. Miller feels like easymode. So many inexperienced players there... So many.
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  14. gigastar

    Ceres is a bit chaotic, since SOE cant decide whether to reccomend us to one faction or all of them, but generally during primetime each faction usually has 30+% world population.

    Unless theres an alert on...
  15. redsevenski

    I don't think that rank bears any relevance to anything but his personal opinion. In my own opinion the EU servers are all much of a muchness ability/skill wise and the main difference is in population levels.

    Specifically speaking I'd say Woodman has balanced population levels (since the recent 'recommended server' changes) and the Indar alerts are often an even and well fought thing. The overall population levels aren't high enough though meaning most action is on Indar. Vanu are the only ones who move maps as a faction for alerts meaning they win most off-Indar and global alerts.
  16. johnway

    I play on Colbalt and i always felt that recently the VS are the dominate faction as they seem the most organised. They practically win every alert. But i do get a feeling that the server is a bit empty at times. Its partly why i spend most of my time on Indar. The occasional trips to amerish is deathly dull and empty. But what we really need are hard numbers to see how many people are logged on as a opposed to a percentage population.

    But tbh 4th faction types will always fudge the stats.
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  17. GSZenith

    and if you are on woodman miller and ceres is easymode.
    and if you are on waterson matterson is easymode.
    if you are on us server eu servers are easy mode.
    if you are on eu server us servers are easy mode.

    really all servers are kinda equal easy/hard @ times.

    on topic: don't come to miller unless you like standing inside spawn or look @ a spawn 99% time.
    atm trying kobalt and way more balanced, i even got to fire my gun on a none behind shield target once or twice.
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    Come to Ceres. We've got Black jack and H00kers
  19. Pikachu

    NC is worst on Cobalt. They seem better on Ceres. Vanu dominates Cobalt. TR lacks interest in non-Indar alerts. There used to be good population on Esamir but since a month ago or so it rarely happens. :(
  20. Chipay

    And TR females actually have decent booty on Ceres! :eek: