Medic tool, nerfed my self by getting rank 6.

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Enerzeal, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Enerzeal

    Yea that's right, I hit rank 6 on it, I revive people to 100% hp, that's great for the group and everything, not so good for my cert gain though. It cost more certs per rank, to reduce my exp per revive and heal. Now I get very little certs for a heal because the gun is so powerful, was better before at rank 1.

    I propose that the exp given is based upon the amount healed, from 0 - 100%.
  2. MaddBomber

    Meh, with rank 6 I can rez and keep running straight. I can rez from farther away. I get more certs as a result.
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  3. phreec

    Now you can revive more people at a faster rate and your revivees can return fighting much faster. Play to win, not for your personal gain.
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  4. Tinyish

    With a 100% rez you benefit other ways as well. With more people revived and standing around you sooner then there's more flesh other than your own to absorb those bullets and more targets than yourself to be shot at. The revived will also be shooting at the enemy, who will be either dying or at least keeping his head down more. These two things together keep you alive longer and allows you to continue to gain experience. Lying dead and being stepped on and sprinkled with spent shells give considerably less experience. The speed is very important in a game that almost always comes down to split second life-or-death moments.

    Max suits are raised with a few extra percent of health which is a great benefit for your team, and especially for the guy in the Max suit, and there is no downside for you as a medic because you cannot heal then anymore anyways.

    Additionally, if you're in a zerg running up a hill and you're able to get those people up faster and with more health then the zerg will continue. If those people get up with less health and die, or just plain don't get up because you get shot while healing with your slow healing gun then your zerg will be less successful, and you will profit! People who get up and then immediately die will be less encouraged to take your revive and more encouraged to go get a tank instead.

    Also, in any really great fight you'll find yourself surrounded by a few bodies AND a few other medics who are competing for reviving those bodies. Only the first medic there gets the revive exp. With a level 6 tool it takes about a second to revive someone. I can do manage a revive without even stopping or changing directions. And as someone else mentioned, you don't have to wait around to heal them up. You COULD heal someone else. In the case that there's temporarily nobody else to heal, you can get your gun out and shoot someone or throw a grenade, which is worth a whole lot more exp than healing. And if that grenade you throw is a frag grenade and lands in your friend's pocket, you can spend less time being sorry for it and spend more time basking in glory and appreciation when you heal him with 100% health.

    Finally, you mustn't forget the increased range bonus. The upgrade from tool rank 5 to tool rank 6 is an upgrade from 2 bonus meters to 4 bonus meters. That's an extra six feet for just one rank, or TWELVE more feet than a newbie! This will allow you to stand behind cover more often and get people up who died in a very hot spot where other medics (especially much lower level ones) would die trying. Often I'll start a revive and back around a corner to a safer spot. This bonus range allows you to maintain the revive and get to a better spot. It also helps when you're attempting to heal some ungrateful running soldier who continues to run away although you've dropped to a walk to heal.

    Since you revive faster, you can then get out your gun once everyone else is up. Getting a kill is worth more experience than standing around healing.
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  5. Windreaper

    Meh, with maxed med tool you can just run-by revive people. Plus there are less times you get caught pants down, tool in hand (heh). It's a lot better to revive people to full health instead of having to waste F charges - providing the scrub doesn't start running away from you like a headless chicken. Don't use your med tool to heal unless you want to give some lucky guy a double kill.
  6. ScorpDK

    The range and rez health bonus is a big plus as any medic who has one character with a T1 applicator and a T5 or T6 applicator, not being forced to rub your crotch into your patients face just in order to be in range of the healing beam is great to avoid stray bullets. And with 4 meters, that's quite some range. Wish engineers' nanotool had this boost.
    While I agree that the lost XP is annoying (T5 applicator here), it beats having to babysit the guy you revived for 4-12 seconds to have him get up and able to be healed. Just finish the rez and keep moving on to the next patient.
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  7. LOLdragon

    Yeah, that's pretty much it in a nutshell, OP. Yes, you don't get the XP gain from healing the people you revived anymore, but reviving is now quicker, easier, and safer than it was before. This boosts your survivability... dead medics gain less XP than alive medics. Plus, if you're in a room full of players who've just died from a grenade, you can revive them all much faster than the hoard of other medics that come rushing in, and maybe you can beat most of them to it because your gun heals FASTER, which in the end will give YOU more XP than other medics.
  8. Grotpar

    I really wouldn't mind getting like 25 more experience for a full health revive.

    Putting revive experience at 100, making it equal to a kill for the same amount of time spent.
  9. Cyridius

    Sorry bro, you nerfed yourself at Rank 4. You revive with enough HP that healing them to full after yields no XP.
    I think the revive XP should be proportional to the amount of HP they rez with. Eg, Rank 1 Med App should give maybe 30, and add an extra 15 per every rank. That way Rank 6 you get about 115XP bonuses excluded. Now, from Rank 4 onwards you get 75XP max, where as with Rank 1 you can get 170-200XP(Not sure on this - it's more if you're rezzing squad).
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  10. KodiakX

    You're severely undervaluing the increases rank 5 and 6 ultimately provide towards ressing.

    Yes you loose approximately 20 xp or so, but that 20 xp is nothing compared to the sheer number of additional resses you will be able to perform by having the tool maxed out both in terms of reach as well as in terms of speed. I pull off a number of ninja resses on people that wouldn't be possible with 5 and sometimes are an extremely close shave on 6 due to range and speed. There are a number of bodies I've ressed entirely on the move starting at max range, moving forward past them and simply continue forward never losing momentum which is huge when trying to ress out in the open.

    More over I can simply move on to the next corpse in a pile of bodies rather than ress, wait till they accept and begin healing. A lot of people don't immediately take resses making that extra wait to get the heal XP silly at best. This is especially true with the number of other medics out there all of us practically fighting for corpses to ress where you may slowly ress 1 guy then heal him while I will have ressed 2-3 people and gotten far more XP.

    On top of all this you also pick up the greater team play element to the equation of being able to pick up a squad of guys in short order to keep yourself in a fight. People that know me will take my resses because they will come back at full rather than come back at half and risk being quickly killed again (another something that's been popping up lately as well).

    Seems extremely petty to whine over such a small amount of XP.
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  11. LordBelak(!)

    I recently got level 6 and my cert gain has gone way up, just go to a tech plant or some other place where there is a ******** of corpses and you can make about 3 certs/minute running around reviving people.
  12. alecholman

    Cert gain does go up a lot because it takes about 1 second to rezz people, like everyone else has stated; however, i find it annoying that level 1 applicators come up and steal my rezz when the guy is already in the sitting up position. One guy followed me around yesterday, then shot me to death and took my rezz.
  13. Nehlis

    Every good squad wants a level 6 medic. A squad revive nets 100 exp. You also revive people faster and much farther, so you get revive exp much faster, heal exp faster, and more certs faster. Just don't forget that you're F ability heals a radius around you and you can also fight with the assault rifle to maximize cert gain.
  14. Ecko

    This game is about teamplay. Not individual gains.
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  15. inkbear

    Sure, I can run around and revive people really fast. It's just that when I run into 3 dead people and ress them quick. You can be sure there will be at least two other medics with level 1 tools overwriting my rezzes not giving me anything for my efforts. Only way to negate this is to keep the Heal Beam on the corpse until they re up. Which in turn negates any extra revive speed you get from having a maxed out tool.
  16. Hoki

    Medic tool six changes battle tactics. The ability to revive someone so quickly to full health lets you play the game like in BF3, shoot -> rezz -> shoot -> rezz -> shoot
  17. Haterade

    You're only losing experience if you have a very narrow focus on what's happening. A level 1 medic has to stand on top of a dead body (exposing themselves to whatever killed that dude) of days. Once the guy accepts the revive, they have to spend the same time, more or less, healing the guy to full health. Hell, I've seen shields start recharging before the health is topped off. It's been a while, but iirc this will give you about twice the exp as single revive with the level 6 medic applicator.

    In the time it takes for a level 1 medic to revive and heal a guy to full health, I have revived 3-4 guys.

    That's not even taking into consideration the distance advantage I have over him, allowing me to stay behind cover or begin reviving a guy before the nub gets in range to use his.

    Underpowered medical applicators will garner more exp under the following circumstances:

    • You make it to the dead body and revive it in time (not a foregone conclusion because if it takes you 2-3 seconds to get to the body, their respawn timer will be up before you complete the revive)
    • You are able to heal the resurected guy up to 100% (not a foregone conclusion because in the 2-3 it takes for that, it's likely another medic will run up and take some of your heals away)
    • You are able to stay alive for the duration of the reviving and healing process (not a foregone conclusion because you basically have to stand on top of someone's body. That dude died from something; that something will likely kill you, too)
    • You are talking about revives on a 1:1 basis (which almost never happens because that means only one guy drops, and you're able to get your medical applicator off quicker than someone who has a far greater range than you)
    • You're only concerned with that 1:1 revive ratio
    I get tons more exp with my level 6 applicator than I ever did with my level 1 (which would be the best applicator in terms of exp under this argument). I can revive 3-4 guys and steal some heals off that nub who refuses to upgrade is medic gun in the time it would take him to revive 1 and heal to 100%. I do mine behind cover, staying alive. A dead medic is a worthless medic. Hell, a lot of times I'll see a guy go down, a nub medic try to revive and he goes down. That gives me 2 revives to his 1. Nevermind I'm more effective in that whole "combat" thing because I don't spend the majority of my time shoving a medical applicator up someone's butt hoping I can eke out a few "extra" certs. Or that I'm a better team player because I get people back into the fight quicker and give them an actual fighting chance rather than giving the op4 all those one-shot kills that happen with a 20% revive.

    You're gimping yourself, son. You just don't have the correct perspective to understand it. But that's cool, I'll take all those extra revives while you're still plodding away on your first patient.
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  18. JimBob22

    This is how it should work, and I don't regret getting my level 6 tool, but more often than not, I get in, revive one or two people, get my gun out to cover them while they get up and recover and fire at the enemies downrange...and then start to notice those guys got up at 20% health because some idiot with a level 1 heal gun came in behind me and overrode my revive.

    I end up getting more xp from killing people these days...which totally shouldn't be the case.

    Really wish they'd limit revives to level 4 guns and up at least, level 5-6 preferred.
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  19. Morgoth

    I believe most arguments in favor of medic XP w/ lvl 6 are broken.
    It would be true if you had infinite people to revive, but that's not the case.
    I use lvl 4 in all situations and I almost don't die, thus am making far more XP than I ever could with a lvl6.

    That, is utter ********.

    When you upgrade your weapons, you get more XP.
    When you upgrade your tank, you get more XP.
    When you upgrade your medigun, you get less XP.

    Why ? That's broken. Sure a lvl6 is a better combat tool.
    But honestly, when you ask a guy to forget about all the kills and the related XP, shouldn't he get something in return ?
  20. KlyptoK

    This is an understatement. You would have rezzed 3-4 guys before he even started healing what he rezzed. XD