MBT vs C4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BengalTiger, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Robert Patrician

    Got another C4 kill today. A sunderer in the wrong place during a push tried to get away by running me over. I was able to step to the side and plant a C4 on it. Kaboom!
  2. smokemaker

    I got a C4 kill on a lighting and a MBT in honor of this thread.
    Going to see what i can get today.
  3. Vortok

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  4. Posse

    I got a Sundy and a Lightning as a HA with C4 :D

    (oh, and I also killed 4 infantry, 1 MAX included with a single C4, I don't know why people like to stack together)
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  5. TehGrimZa

    I don't come to cry on the forums, I come here to point out that people are ignorant in their complaints.

    The point still stands, if you are going to get tunnel vision then you are doomed. Tanks are support, they aren't meant to be next to towers were some schmuck can toss 2 c4 and get you.

    From the OPs post all he shows is an IED going off under a Tank. Giving no real in-game example of what he'd like to see other than tanks being stronger than what they are now, or C4 costing more. As it goes fro C4, they already trashed it when they made it disappear after death.
  6. EliteEskimo

    If you think C4 is trashed right now I don't think we have anything to discuss lol
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  7. TehGrimZa

    We never did to begin with.
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  8. BermudaOne

    Hmmm... That's why I said it would be a solution for tankers that are upset that they dont get time to react to C4, I'll agree with you that this solution doesnt actually help save tanks (at least equally).
    Being a scythe pilot though, if my scythe gets taken out and I am able to bail safely and exact vengeance on the guy who destroyed my scythe, I usually count it as a victory for me.
    If I was able to get out of my tank and lose the tank but kill the guy who destroyed it, I'd be feeling pretty good about the outcome. Then again I'm pretty sure this line of thinking boils down to another resource war...

    If I were to nitpick at blockade armor, it feels like it just moves the problem elsewhere, as those tank drivers that were being taken out by c4, who now feel nice and cozy in blockade armor, get instakilled from tank mines (usually from engineer placing and shooting them). Even then engineers who access to 3 c4 (i think) if they cert it may still be able to blow up a tank in one go. Blockade armor would have to balance for that as well.

    Those that were angry at being instakilled in tanks will still be angry that this is still happening.

    Another line of thought to take is if 2 c4 is able to instakill a MBT, why isnt it able to instakill a liberator (pretty much MBTs of the sky right?). Its even harder to catch a liberator on the ground and get c4 on it and blow it without being noticed, why does it get the benefit of surviving and tanks do not?
  9. EliteEskimo

    1. ESF's are cheap this whether you win or lose one is of very little significance since you can pull 3 of them in a row so they can't be used in this example of very expensive tanks.

    2. The thing is the Prowler is the most screwed when it comes to being C4'd even without this helping hand. According to Klypto the Vanguard uber shield eats a stick of C4, so you can either nullify a stick to save the tank or proactively pop it and have 8 full seconds to kill the LA. The Magrider is constantly moving, or should be since it has the luxury of turret stabilization, and has Magburner if it sees a LA last second. The Prowler has lock down, which if you see a LA last second then it amounts to the scenario below. Even without lock down the Prowler has it the worst.

    3.No if you give tanks blockade armor the problem disappears, no more instagib mechanic that you can't cert against. Tank mines have been nerfed so hard they are laughable, they are huge in size, you have to run them over or shoot them to make them explode, have a lengthened deploy time, and there is mine guard. The only time I die to tank mines is one of two scenarios, A. a drop pod death with a invisible engineer throwing tank mines, B. I was derping around and didn't give crap so I died. :p Tanks will officially become tanks in the game if we give them blockade armor. Also you have my word that if any tanker of the forums complains about mines outside of the drop pod scenario I will call them out on it.

    4. Engineers with 3 C4 is perfectly balanced, they have to run on the ground and if you have situational awareness and are very wear of things I don't see many scenarios where you die. The only times I typically die to C4 is when it's dropped out of the sky or drop podded on me these days. An Engineer killing a tank with C4 is far harder than a LA killing a tank with C4.

    5. If you're constantly dying to C4 by engineers with C4/Tank mines then it truly is a L2P problem

    6. Not sure but I think that's pretty dumb about the liberator since it is cheaper, but I don't care about that because C4ing a Liberator is extremely impractical and if you do get C4'd there's no words to say about it lol. Also the liberators don't need any type of nerf, they already have a very high skill ceiling.
  10. smokemaker

    Eskimo keep up the good fight...


    Meanwhile I have killed many vehicles with C4 in your honor.

    Play smarter and C4 would not be an issue.
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  11. EliteEskimo

    I'm not even against C4 anymore if you have been reading what I've been saying. Also I rarely die, it's just that when I do it's too C4, and it's usually in some messed up way that I couldn't avoid lol.:p The last time I got on I went on a 61 Kill streak that was ended by someone who high altitude C4'd me when there was no way they could've gotten behind me and I had my front and sides covered.:eek:
  12. HeadshotVictim

    just make MBT invulnerable to C4 and let all the stupid noob-tankers get their "amazing skill" kill streaks until they come crawing to the forum complaining about the next ****.
    Everything is killed by something in this game and in different speeds.
    Infantry for example is killed by EVERYTHING! even by flashes without any weapon strapped to it.

    Tankers complain about C4 without it ever having used it in most cases. So they see only one side of the game, but feel enlightened enough to ask for nerfs of C4.
    It is like a BR1 HA asking for nerfs on Bolt-Drivers because they are able to OHK him with easy even when he is running and dodging and stuff. (When all Infis complain, that it is nearly impossible to kill people with a head from a BASR because everyone runs Nanoweave.) Should BASR need to get nerfed?

    Someone in this thread compared the Lancer to C4. I have to ask at this point: Are you completely stupid?
    The Lancer is out for how long? 2 months? C4 was there from the start of the game.
    People had one year to gather kills with C4 and develop tactics; the lancer is not nearly as old and has therefore much less kill... amazing! how did I do that?`Using common sense, holymoly! I must be some kind of god! (Or perhaps I actually try to give valid arguments.) Next time a new weapon comes out I will vote for a massive buff on it. Since it has the least kills of all weapons it must be massively underpowered. (Yes I think a 300dmg/bullet NS SMG would be a really fun idea though)
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  13. smokemaker

    Sounds like he out played you and was a good rewarding kill for him and the team.
    Taking out a tank that, by your statement, was killing well.
    I see no problem here.
  14. EliteEskimo

    Yes because someone using an ESF to fly above and then drop on top of me with C4 when there is no way I could see them coming or being dropped off behind me to then come up behind when I'm in the middle of a fighting is outplaying me.:rolleyes: Get real man, maybe I should pull a Galaxy and instagib ram an AP Vanguard so I could "outplay" him, or get a cloaked flash to Instagib a tank with him having no chance either.

    It's a valid tactic for taking me out in that it's not an exploit but it's pretty stupid it can happen. Tanks have limited situational awareness from threats directly above them anyway. Nice try though, if you want to outplay me do it in ways that have a TTK higher than a fraction of a second that I can react to.;)
  15. smokemaker

    You want fair... go play checkers.
    In a game where the point is to kill, fair has no place.
    He out played you.
    Ego hurt? get over it.
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  16. DarkerHalf

    The problem with your complaint is that when I compared the lancer to C4 I already took into account the number of players using it.
    Because lots of people went out and bought the ESAV launchers for their heavy assaults, almost as many people have used the lancer in the two months it's been out as have used C4 since launch. Which by the way was only 8 months ago, not a year.

    But you probably didn't read any of that math. You must be too busy being a god.
  17. EliteEskimo

    Ya with the current prices of tanks it's not acceptable.

    If you think everything in the game is fair with invisible AV turrets and non rendering C4 carrying infantry you're full of it.

    Secondly out played would assume we were both engaged in combat against each other trading blow for blow. That did not happen, and my Ego isn't hurt but I'm minorly annoyed at your obvious rage baiting efforts. :rolleyes:
  18. NccWarp9

    Please stop, please .....

    guys, this discussion is pointless, you are just encouraging the mediocre MBT by giving him a venue. He gets killed by C4 by not watching out and geting his truck into situations where MBT should not be and thats about it.

    Best to let this thread die.
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  19. Elbryan

    Well, you did get your moneys/resources worth with your tank.

    The enemy used resources for the ESF and 2 C4s.
    To top it off he must have known your location and he used a pretty time consuming tactic to take you out.
    Props to him for his effort. That's a lot of time and resources spent on taking out 1 enemy tank.
    Compare this to your tank and the havoc you caused with it.
    I see nothing wrong with it.
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  20. Jachim

    This is the EXACT ATTITUDE that is killing Planetside 2. You know what? Screw C4, screw all this other ****. This kid took an ESF and wasted it to kill one tank. I see everything wrong with that attitude. This type of trolling belongs in lesser FPS's, NOT Planetside 2.

    Incidentally, it can be fixed by removing instagib from the C4, thus making such stupidity a waste of time.

    Seriously, if you guys can't see past combined arms gameplay and can only muster the pathetic argument that 'OH BUT TANKS CAN GET SOOOO MUCH MORE SCORE WAAAAAAH LET THE POOR INFANTRY FIGHT IN PEACE' then you're part of the sickening CANCER that is infecting this god damned game and should be surgically removed.
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