Mani biolab from Mani fortress

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nabtwat, May 20, 2017.

  1. Nabtwat

    I want to attack Mani biolab from Mani fortress.Note that Mani fortress is the only attack angle you have in this situation.

    But want to use the teleport. WHY? Because that is why it exists in the first place. I believe tp exist because otherwise would attack from only one spot which is stupid. So that is the purpose of the teleport room, to provide alternative to the only jump pad there is.

    I put a sundy near tp room, and takes a while to go up mountain each time. I go in, i die and then I DO NOT RESURECT AT MY SUNDY. Because somehow the distance is too great. Therefore some ppls use teleport one time but then the teleport clears and then soon after nobody uses the teleport. And attacking from one jump pad only is crap, and yea, the sundy place bellow the platform will not do, not even close.

    I remember when this appeared because somebody decided to shorten the distance between the places you can resurect by default. That was the worst crap decision i ever witnessed around dbg, the reason for it was completely artificial and ruined more things and helped nothing. I think it was meant to help the dynamic of the fight and push the line, but guess what, it does not do that, and in a long time you did not figured out that IT DOES THE OPPOSITE. Hey, its a small difference lets not be picky?

    And NO I WILL NOT manually make selection each time and wait the extra 10 seconds penalty for resurect spot change etc, i will not waste that time.


    And I WILL NOT SAY that you should change it back because you should of figured that a long time ago. But your devs are running around like headless chickens with no clue and only banging on things, but that does not create music only noise, and its worse than the game was originally.

    You should take even more measures to KILL THE FUN in playing the game.More drastic measures.

    MAKE THE RESPAWN DISTANCE 50 METERS. Kill the hamster and kill the game with one definitive swift blow.

    It certainly is more humain than what you are currently doing, torturing the game and killing the game little by little.
  2. Tankalishious

    Can someone please give me an easy to understand summary here?
  3. Demigan

    Or you take the 3 "punishment" seconds for granted and just select a new spawn instead.

    Theres only a few edgecases where this is a problem, but overall it allows players to more easily follow the fight without picking new spawns every time or getting stuck with an outdated spawn, which 95% of the time includes spawnpoints all the way at the previous base. The whole point of making spawning faster on the auto-picked spawn was to encourage this, not to "punish" players for picking another spawn.
    Also the "teleport Sunderer dries up" is a pretty weird statement. I've placed sunderers there myself and seen others use it, and players gladly spawn there... Unless the teleport is camped so hard people seek alternatives.

    Personally I carefully pick my own spawn every single time. If that happens to coincide with the auto spawn, great! And if players cant be bothered to pick a spawn thats their problem.

    Also, have you thought about using alternatives? You can place a Sunderer at the opposing pad, or one of the feet, or even place a stealth sundy at Mani Tower to get another way in. Or if You are truly good you have your team pull back and breach the defences when the defenders come out for a countrrpush. True, this is like herding cats with a pack of bears, but when timed right you can enter the biolab yourself/with a small group during a natural counterpush and hold a point/hop from point to point while overloading gens and hope your team uses the distraction to come crashing in as well.
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  4. DeadlyOmen

    I remember when bypassing and isolating biolabs was an option.
  5. OldMaster80

    Biolabs imo are a problem in general: given the numerous choke points the coordination required by attackers is definitely too high for random teams. Battles usually turn into a frustrating spamfestival, and the overall capture time is usually much longer than other bases.
  6. DeadlyOmen

    Thank lattice.
  7. Demigan

    Hahahaa you hypocrite. Wasnt it you claiming players should solve things without ignoring it eh? And here you are pining away for a system that did just that: allowing players to ignore it.

    Lattice enforces players to deal with eachother and presents challenges for Players to overcome, rather than avoiding difficult bases or Zergs forming that actively avoid eachother or ghost cappers that actively seek a base thats undefended and skip out the moment they meet resistance and have several bases to pick from where theres unlikely to be resistance.

    How about this: add ways to lower the biodome shields for a short while. This allows a short influx of players from all sides as the chokepoints are temporarily removed. The downed shields only need to last for 10 to 15 seconds, especially if there is already a big standoff around the chokepoints. Maybe you could add gens on the ground that when they receive enough damage will open the dome for that time. This gives more importamce to the vehicle fight below the biolab.
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  8. OldMaster80

    Discussed 10000 times. But they are going to replace the shield with a solid dome you cannot see through.
    Imo creating an entrance on the top of dome would be enough.

    As long as players are forced to pass from the landing pads or from the teleporters fights in Biolab will always be very stationary and frustrating :|
  9. Demigan

    I dont find it frustrating. Theres at least 3 ways into the biolab and at least one entrance has a teleporter close enough to assault the chokepoint from the inside. I get that it could be improved, but just making biolabs the same cakewalk most other bases are isnt going to improve matters. I would love it if bases had a larger sense of progression where even after fighting back and forth for 2 hours without anyone capturing the base/pushing the attackers away people can still feel good about it.
    I rememember good old Renegade. The marathon servers usually had maps change from 15 minutes to 2 hours, but at one point it took 3 entire days before the map ended. 3 days of almost full servers (around 70 players vs 70, massive pops for the 24vs24 that was boasted at the time, even much for todays standards). And everyone fighting hard trying to control territory and get enough force buildup to blow up a building. Because the endgoal was the ENDGOAL, and players had self-made goals to achieve like stealing enemy vehicles to decrease the maximum they could field, taking terrain, earning enough points to buy new shiny stuff, mining/clearing mines etc.
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  10. Nabtwat

    1. Put a sundy near Mani Fortress teleport room.
    2. Teleport in biolab and die there.
    3. Notice how by default you will never respawn at same sundy again near teleport room.
    4. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP: Play like this for few hours, tell me how you feel after.

    Becase some smartpants ******** dev considered that it should not be allowed.
    In theory you could select stuff manually, bear the penalty and ****, but you and other ppls just get annoyed and move on, so this PRACTIALLY NULLIFIES the teleport attack path.

    I expect to be able to put a sundy near a teleport room, die anywhere in a lab, and press (E) resurect by default at same sundy so i can start over again.

    Otherwise again WHY DO WE HAVE TELEPORTS AT ALL?

    And for rest of you, please do not hijack, i do not know nor care what other peoples problems with biolabs are. I enjoy biolabs quite alot.
  11. Demigan

    Noy hijacking and I already gave you your answer.
  12. Nabtwat

    Then we have different definitions of what "answer" means. However please notice that i did not asked any specific question so i an stumped as how come you did game me (not "one" but) "THE" answer.

    For rest:

    I see in general peoples are just posting their own problems with noting related to mine. Its normal as ppls can block in their own mindset and that narrows the horizon when understanding others. If you do not understand you have not played enough this route to have all things happen to you so you might not understand, so ask. Do not post things about how biolab colors are or how often should we water the plants inside.

    "There are multiple ways in" - I DO NOT CARE, i want to make a route with teleport room at mani fortress to mani biolab and play one hour from that sundy near that teleport, i do not want to jump pads then use tp then rotate all that. Whomever says "there are different ways and are equal" that guy does not have a clue. If you use jump pads and fight entrance u want a long range weapon, if you use teleporter you can have a short range, maybe shotgun, etc, so very different loadouts, maybe different classes even. So this issue is about attacking biolabs specifically via teleport rooms and no other means.


    I want to make an attack plan which includes a teleport room to a biolab, and enjoy my plan WITHOUT HINDERENCE. But the game decides by itself to change my respawn point without asking me. About half the game teleports room in biolabs have this same exact problem. At others it depends where u die in biolab, like if you die in the part closer to your teleport its ok, but if you want to go on the other side then game will change your respawn point. Again WHY is the game allowed to change my plan? It was a good plan...
  13. Nabtwat

    And the actual "answer" was: increase (back) the respawn distance with +200 or +100 meters. So the peoples can use sundies near all TP rooms in game without trouble. As they should.

    Coz if you introduce hinderances to using certain teleports, that kinda defeats the purpose of having those teleports in the first place, doesnt it.
  14. Demigan

    Eh, how on earth can you have a different idea for "answer"? You pose a problem: You think that spawning is supposed to go one way. In my answer I clarify why the system is as it is, how you misinterpret how the system works and why doing it the way you want is worse for gameplay than keeping it. That's an answer to the fullest if you ask me. But do tell how you think an answer is supposed to go.

    And now you know why: Only in specific edge-cases is your "problem" a problem, and most players appartently see that those 3 seconds are a bonus for spawning on the nearest Spawn/a nearby spawn you used previously. So your entire "punishment seconds" is backwards to what it really is, and viewing it that way is only punishing yourself rather than the playerbase.

    Also in my reply to you I didn't "post my own problems". So why bring it up anyway? It's not an argument in the discussion you have with me.

    Kind of what you are doing right now.

    I understand perfectly, that's why I could explain your situation and how that situation does not apply, or at the very least if you insist on misunderstanding how these mere seconds of spawn time work then it only rarely applies.

    And why should that suddenly be everyone's problem? Why is the entire spawn system suddenly broken just because you have a problem? Talking about people blocking their mindset and narrowing their vision much?

    and you can. Hey if you proposed a system that allowed you to set a preferred Sunderer to spawn on and reduce the timer on that I would be on board right away, but what you are doing is creating a problem and blaming an entire system and all the people involved even though this is entirely your problem in an edgecase scenario.

    Well since I didn't say that there's no reason to bring it up. There's people on the internet that sell magic spells, does that suddenly mean I am right about this subject if I say I disagree with them? No it doesn't! Because they don't have anything to do with the discussion we are having!

    Yes, again, why bring this up? You have a problem with 3 seconds of spawn bonus if you pick a Sunderer that isn't in the previous base, which in 95% of the cases will be a better choice which is exactly why the developers changed this. You aren't punished for picking another Sunderer or spawnpoint, you are rewarded with faster spawntimes if you pick a Sunderer so that battleflow is improved.

    so instead of playing around with fancy colors on the internet, how about you actually suggest a solution instead of blaming the developers for your own erroneous view?

    I mean I already gave you a perfect solution: Allow players to preset a favored Spawnpoint. Done! Troubles over! No sense in ******** and moaning! But instead you blame all the devs and an entire system but offer no solution but "the old system was better" while bypassing all the reasons why it was done this way? You never once stood still and ask yourself why the change was made, all you ddi was lock yourself in your own mindset and have such a god damn narrow horizon that you can't even see that there's actual other people anywhere.
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  15. Icehole1999

    It's like when you're in the middle of a totally amazing fight, with friendly sundys all over the place. You die, and suddenly you can't spawn there anymore and end up a thousand meters away.

    It's because, like you said OP, they're just going around banging on stuff. It'll never change. Ever. You are absolutely right and I feel your frustration.
  16. Demigan

    Not even close to the OP's problem. He's lamenting the fact that nearby friendly Sunderers actually make themselves auto spawns.

    Also the problem you are describing only happened when using quickspawn and has been mostly fixed.
  17. FateJH

    Are you not able to spawn at the base itself and move to the teleporter? (Since it's Mani Fortress, they should give you a nice teleport to ground level near the biolab teleporter.)
  18. Nabtwat

    Icehole1999 and Demigan are close to understanding it but not quite still. Go attack that route for few hours and you will see how bad that attack route really is.Only because you imagine something it does not mean you know it, you have to feel it instead.

    About the time when you find yourself with a shotgun and CQC gear at a sundy placed nowhere in open fields and surrounded by 3 enemy tanks, BECAUSE GAME DECIDED TO PUT YOU THERE WITHOUT ASKING, then you start to understand it.

    Now, the game will put you in the closest sundy from where u died, closest to biolab. And sundies like that get destroyed first. All the time. And each time you get ressed there by the game, you will die because its not the setup you got prepared for. And extra, all the things you got prepared for in biolab, just changed coz you lost time. Its basically pure crap. This devs aint playing the game, at least not infantry they dont.

    ~ ~

    Demigad only: dude no offence, i will not read that crap wall of text, if you want to win a debate this is not the place and i am not the person. If you want to appear smart to me, you failed that also, and you trying too hard. This is MY thread, i posted it to ask devs to fix their ****, and frankly i do not actually care about your opinions. If you actually want to look smart i will tell you how it works for me. First, take out that signature picture, its pathetic and that is nothing even close to a significant achievement. And second and in all occasions, you should never brag about anything. Bragging only over-inflates your ego, and your ego is your biggest enemy. If you want to look smart to me, try being just logic and humble, that will do and only that. Speaking only for myself here, but there you have it. Quoting me and debating me will not do, and that is not what i was asking, and i was not asking anything from you anyway. I was asking from the game developer(s), to wake up from being drunk and stupid all the time and fix one of the MANY things they broke.

    The "solution" was in one of the posts above and it was quite evident from initial post when i said smth like "i remember how it was before they reduced the maximum allowed normal respawn distance" and then the post above your wall of text where i said the answer is.. that. So this is not a debate, its a lamenting thread. Understand that.
  19. Nabtwat

    Let me QUOTE MYSELF maybe ppls read it this time.
  20. Demigan

    And you are lamenting something that isnt a problem in the way you describe it, something that I already said I experienced but you cant be arsed to read that. I dont want to appear smart, I want to educate you. But you are a hypocrite that blames other people are only busy with themselves and have a narrow horizon while you cant even be bothered to read or understand the short version of why you are wrong.