"Loyal" Soldier Bundle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Adara, May 3, 2013.

  1. Macchus

    i tottaly agree with your point lol its exactly wht ive been saying :)
  2. Aisar

    ok, how about you tell me why they are offering this then? frankly I couldn't care less but since you seem to have information I don't let's hear it.

    and you are right, I really don't understand what you are saying at all.
  3. Macchus

    you knwo it just hit me the free month coincides with the NC getting the worst gate ?? maybe thats the real reason , so all the NC dont leave seeing now they will have the longest time at the **** gate lol... cant see why vanu didnt get that gate. altho they have low pop already :eek:
  4. MasonSTL

    $15/month with $5 free dollars/month. After 3 months you do. So technically if you have been a member since release you got 2 free months, and discounts.

    BTW how are they the most loyal? Some non members out there have paid quite a bit towards the game, possibly more.
  5. Macchus

    Im a non premium member so....

    As it stands the Free guys are the ones sounding most entitled in these threads . which confuses me . why should we as free players be more entitled then the loyal paying customers ?
    Please enlighten me . convince me that your not actually the " special snowflake"
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  6. Izriul

    I agree as a non member, their totally taking the piss.

    I hope that they keep taking the piss so you lot cancel giving them money tbh.
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  7. Adara

    You realize how silly this sounds right? If a car is worth $10,000... and a car dealer is trying to sell it for $15,000, but tells me that since I'm a nice person, he'll sell it to me for $10,000...

    I'm still not getting a free $5,000.
  8. Aisar

    This thread sounds like complete bs and they are not making any sense. I am trying to do some research on my end and separate the facts from the nonsense.
  9. PS2Freak

    i paid 150€ for SC. i am no way a "free" player.

    I am the same as "loyal paying customers" and maybe i invested even more then some of you "half year" subscribers.

    and i wear loyal camo with pride :p
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  10. Macchus

    And ? what is your point exactly ? SOE promised them that . there is nowhere in SOE fine print that says " this will exclude you from all future subscription or free time promotions because you already got enough ' and if it did i would hope that no one would evr subscribe to this game . and then all our problems would be solved because we all play for free ...
  11. Macchus

    i subbed for a month and ive spent an unknown amount of SC cause i dont keep count lol. so i guess im not a truly free player either .
    i also played planetside 1 . and tbh these premium guys are getting screwed . just deal with it.
  12. Aisar

    Matt Higby- "As a thank you to our members and alpha squad players, members will find a Loyal Soldier reward on their characters when they log in today!"

    who later added..

    "If you have made any SC purchases in the past you will be given membership for the month of May along with the Loyal Soldier bundle."

    Done, end of story. If you are a member, part of alpha squad or have ever made any SC purchases in the past you -should- have recieved the bundle. If not, you -should- not have. Any rumors or semi-unique cases of people receiving it who shouldn't have are a case by case deal and I don't give a **** about them.

    Thank you all, have a good one now.
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  13. PS2Freak

    i dont think "premium guys" are screwed. they just dont appreciate benefits they already get.. they just want feel "i am better then you because i subscribe". so, god forbid that some other supporters get some attention from soe.
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  14. MasonSTL

    So, using your analogy, if we bought the same car for 15,000 but you bought your with payments (membership) and I bought it on the spot (in game purchases). You follow? Dealer told you that he would give you your "not so free" 5,000 via 500SC and discounts a month right? And he told me that he would give me camo and a free month of membership also worth 5000.

    Wouldn't that leave us both buying the same 10,000 dollar car? which is my point
  15. Costanza33

    I love how the word "loyalty" is linked with the word "money" in this entire case.
  16. Adara

    We are not trying to get anything that non-premium members don't get... We are trying to get the SAME THING THAT YOU GOT.

    Non-subscribers got a free month of premium game-time. This is a great move by SOE to reward people for sticking around.

    But why did subscribers not get a free month of premium game-time then? We are also sticking around, in fact, SOE's subscriber base, and those people who purchase a lot of SC, are the reason this game is free for the rest of the players.

    Why do we not get the same thank you gift?
  17. PS2Freak

    because you already get extra meat. with 500Sc and Xp bonuses and so on. you just dont appreciate what you got so far. Humans are greedy and it is never enough.
  18. Adara

    That is not the same comparison. The car is the monthly membership in this analogy. In-game SC purchases are a separate entity not included in the analogy.

    I subscribe and pay $15 a month because this $15 a month gives me bonus XP, bonus resources, 500 SC a month, and access to special member deals.

    I don't subscribe for solely the bonus XP, bonus resources, and member deals. The 500 SC a month is part of the reason we pay a monthly fee. It's not a bonus.

    If you buy a hamburger, fries, and a drink... the fries are not a free bonus. They are a portion of what you've paid for.
  19. Adara

    We get "extra meat", because we pay $15 a month for the "extra". It is not a special freebie that we magically get.

    You don't seem to realize that those who are complaining about how premium subscribers want equal treatment,,, those are the ones sounding greedy.

    Premium members are not asking for more freebies than non-premium members. We are asking for the same freebies. How can this concept possibly escape you?
  20. MasonSTL

    There is no hope for you two.