"Loyal" Soldier Bundle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Adara, May 3, 2013.

  1. The King

    well.... yeah.

    I put in money about half a year ago and I finally got something. I was being loyal...
    You just started... That's why they have that there.
    Continue being loyal and they may do something in the future to make you happy. :)
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  2. Sharmanti

    You high? I bought SC once since april, now I lost a lot because of that. I won't spend another SC on this game. Seriously, that's so ********
  3. Aisar

    People who have only been a member or made a SC purchase in PS2 since April 3rd are NOT the most loyal, not even close to being ANYWHERE near. If you want to convince me of your argument you better not make false, illogical statements such as these. QQ more please.
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  4. Verreta

  5. Cloaking

    Many of us have been around from the start, paying into the game from the start, AND made purchases after April 3rd... We're the ones truly getting the shaft. We need to just learn to live with SoE being just another money grabbing company who don't care about anything other than generating revenue from new players and giving the old ones a big FYVM
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  6. SgtBreastroker

    You don't get free SC from this Bundle.
  7. Aisar

    If you didn't get the bundle then..you didn't quality for it, yes? I don't quite understand your point.
  8. Harbinger

    Sounds like a desperate attempt to keep their player base. But that's just me.
  9. Aisar

    They don't need to do a thing to keep me, I love this game and I play because it is the best large scale FPS in existence, nothing else comes anywhere near it. This was a very nice little freebie for those who have stuck around through thick and thin and keep supporting the game.
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  10. Adara

    Perhaps you didn't understand my argument... I was not referring to subscribers who joined after April 3rd. I was referring to subscribers in general.

    I think it is great that SOE gave a free month to previous subscribers as a "loyalty incentive" for playing... all I am saying is that those of us who have been subscribed (and continue to be subscribed), as well as having spent additional money on SC... where's our loyalty incentive?

    We are paying their salary, does it not seem fair that we too (note I said "too"... NOT "instead") should receive a similar reward? I fail to see why people would even try to argue to the contrary. We are loyal, we are supporting SOE's game (equally as much, if not more so than previous subscribers). If they are handing out incentives to stick around... how about throwing some at their current subscriber base?
  11. K3STR3L

    Basically to be loyal you should of been around for a while right? well over a month is loyal yes? under a month not so much.
    What is so hard to understand? self entitled spoilt brats comes to mind..
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  12. MasonSTL

    Dumbest thing I have ever read. Members get $5 free every month and basically get a 50% discount on your purchases via 50% EX increase. You sound like a 3 year old.
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  13. Aisar

    wtf are you saying? what is it you actually want? I don't even...:confused:
  14. Macchus

    The only reason we didnt get the 500 sc and you guys did was the timing. start the premium time right after the allotment . i bet all of us will get 500 SC on june 1st tho ... and then we will see how much that 500 SC you get every month anyways is a not a prize for your loyalty ...
  15. Macchus

    This is exactly right .. In planetside 1 when they did something like this all current and former subscribers got the month . this is just something to entice the people who actually arent loyal and left the game to come back for a month and boost the pops for a very short time .
  16. Adara

    Your comprehension could use some work. Usually before you start throwing out harsh words, you want to make sure you know what you are talking about. Let me break it down for you...

    That is two separate statements, not one single statement.

    They are saying that anyone who has made an in-game purchase since April 3rd is not eligible. In addition, anyone who is currently a paying subscriber (even if you've been a paying subscriber since PS2's launch), is also not eligible.

    NOWHERE was I complaining and saying "I just subscribed a week ago, where's my reward?" The entire point of this thread is to point out that the true loyal customers, are those who have stuck around for a while and continue to subscribe, yet did not receive a comparable reward to those who have not continued to subscribe.

    "What is so hard to understand" indeed...
  17. Macchus

    the issue is that all current premium members ( thats right even ones who have subbed since launch) arent eligible and wont get the free month .. please people stop posting if you dont even bother to understand the real issue .
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  18. Cloaking

    You seem to be a little on the slow side aisar. what Adar and I are saying is that they're giving away subscriber benefits such as the resource and XP boost you gain from it, free, for a month... But the people who have a current subscription don't get any additional time added to their current subscription, surely you agree that EVERYONE who qualifies for the loyal member gift should be granted the membership time ASWELL as the bundle, yeah?

    Many players are being given it who have only just created their account, how does that make them more loyal than the people who are actually "loyal" and have played for many months previous.
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  19. Aisar

  20. Macchus

    your post is possible the dumbest post in the history of this form . why should nt the most loyal get an extra free month added on to there time for being loyal paying customers .