Let`s think a way we could give TR high damage weapons without ruining faction traits

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FIN Faravid, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. axiom537

    Really? a shotgun isn't a High Damage, slow rate of fire weapon? And it isn't an NC trait? yet we have 3 versions of it on or maxes, an ESAI shot gun for our ground vehicles, hell we even have a shot gun on our ESF and our HA has a unique 3 barrel shotgun...

    ROFL!!!! "shotguns aren't an NC trait"
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  2. z1967

    Gank is the common alternative for forums that block g i m p. Its a word that was multiple meanings so they have to block it just because of one of it's meanings.
  3. MorganM

    Low damage is fine if you have the rate of fire to make up for it. What bugs me with TR guns is the insane recoil. They don't even have spectacular RoF but that recoil and bloom PER SHOT adds up so fast that it truly puts the pray into spray and pray. Their faction trait is more like "burst fire or die".
  4. Matixzun

    Your traits give you dominance on the Shotgun area, but they are not you trait, a weapon trait isn't a trait. SMGs in general share many TR traits like RoF, yet we don't go saying they are our trait and other factions shouldn't have them.
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  5. z1967

    Shotguns are not an NC trait. They just happen to be very prevalent in NC design philosophy because of their high alpha damage nature. That is an NC trait, infantry shotguns are not an NC trait despite its constant use.
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  6. Goretzu

    The reason those weapons exist is because high RoF weapons are often a significant advantage, high Damage per shot weapons seldom are unless they can one-shot.

    TR already get more ammo on most weapons too (a genuine advantage, unlike damage per shot).

    High Rate of Fire weapons are better than High Damage Per Shot weapons in PS2. :confused:

    Never mind that the High RoF weapons often have more Damage Per Second too.

    Why would anyone want worse weapons? o_O
  7. MorganM

    I should have said... what I'm getting at here is: You can have low damage but give them higher RoF and less recoil. Stupid amounts of recoil, bloom, and bullet drop should not be the TR faction trait.
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  8. hawken is better

    Why are you worrying about ruining TR's "faction traits" when the NC have a monopoly on the entire 200 damage class while also encroaching into TR territory with 750/800/845 rpm weapons? Let them cry about how "bad" their weapons are. The rest of us will keep playing.

    Faction traits mean jack.
  9. Matixzun

    So you are saying that because RoF is an useful trait, It's worth giving it to other factions, even to the point of negating the faction that is based on it dominance on its own trait?
  10. Goretzu

    There's been about 1 billion threads (a conservative estimate) over the last year and a bit saying just that from TR only players. :confused:

    It was understandable in a way, because high RoF is the best option (all things being equal) for most weapons in PS2 (unless they can one-shot, then it is damage per shot all the way).

    I just don't really understand why people would want access to worse weapons.
  11. Hiding in VR

    And the NC get plenty of weapons with very high Mag sizes as well. Gauss Saw, EM1 and EM6 are all 100/400, so its not even as though they are the weird horrid guns no one wants to use. NC even gets Extended Mag on the Gauss S! I wish I had that option on the TR equivalent. So really, there should be no problem letting the TR have the odd decent 200/167 gun, should there?

    One word: Variety.
  12. Goretzu

    It is not as dominant as it once was (the orginal flinch mechanic totally supported RoF), but it is still very much the best option in most cases all things being equal.

    It's not so much of an advantage at long ranges, but close and mid range it certainly is, especially when paired with larger magazines.

    In fairness I suppose they could re-balance the high RoF weapons that the NC and VS have (now that flinch is largely fixed and the absolute NEED for them isn't so great), but it would require going back to the drawing board with them and be a big job.

    I'm not against the TR having high damage per shot weapons per se, by the way, I'm just utterly (and genuinely) confused as to why TR only player would actually WANT them. :confused:
  13. Matixzun

    What we the TR want is to have the best RoF in every category, as we should, there is the problem that we don't in certain categories *cough* carbines *cough* and a lot of weapons encroach TR territory in RoF, but I've never seen someone say that they shouldn't have access at all to those categories of weapons that have good RoF in general, as some say about shotguns because they share NC traits, just try to keep the RoF not too high.
  14. Matixzun

    I don't either, probably to balance NC and VS having access to High RoF weapons. Had we dominance in that area as supposed, I doubt this thread would exist.
  15. Flashtirade

    The CARV-S gets extended mags. So does the Rhino, and I think the Bull does as well.
    For 167, the TMG exists.
  16. Goretzu

    All LMGs are the same in total magazine size (at least to their equiverlents).

    AR, Carbines and SMGs don't though (nor MAX weapon or ES vehicle weapons), there the TR have a significant mag size advantage.

    I can see that attraction, but it flies against the idea of factional design (which whether you or I are for or against it, SOE seems to like - probably because they want a player to play TR, NC and VS).
  17. Goretzu

    But again the reason why they do is because high RoF gives definate advantages (although less since the Flinch fix), where as high damage per shot doesn't really (assuming equal or in the case of many high damage per shot weapons, lower, damager per second), unless it can one-shot.
  18. Matixzun

    Depends on the combat situation, over time damage evens out, and the math pretty much is balanced, It's not like RoF is an overpowered trait, it has its uses the same way damage per shot has.
  19. IamDH

    They should lose those weapons. Lets not make the issue larger
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  20. axiom537

    Shotguns are the apitimy of High Damage, Low ROF that is why we have (3) shotgun variations on our MAX, (1) Shot gun on our MBT, (1) Shotgun on our harasser, (1) shotgun on our ESF and our HA has a specialized 3 barrel shotgun. And just like we have some High ROF, but low damage weapons the other empires also have High damage low ROF weapons with their shotguns.

    I never said the other empires shouldn't have shotguns, I was responding to crashB111, who implied NC already have weapons with TR traits SMG's & GD7F, while the TR and VS do not. Which I explained is not true, because they have shot guns as well, which as I mentioned above the apitimy of High damage, Low ROF.

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