Less Heavy Infantry, plz

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dragonblood, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Zaik

    you should still be able to two shot an HA through a shield with a shotgun unless you're using the Jackhammer or Mattock, one of which is HA only anyway and the other is MAX only and you use two of them so it's not exactly a big deal.

    it makes shotguns vs. bullet hipfire weapons slightly more lopsided than it already is when the shotgun can get close enough, that's about it. a light assault shotgunner coming up on an HA with an SMG is still going to win 10/10 unless he lags out or is terrible
  2. vilehydra

    Most HA's don't notice this, but when you pop your NMG, you move noticeably slower. Meaning that if someone pops it over their shields as they run to cover, they're much easier to kill. Smart HA's know exactly when to pop the NMGs, they're a finesse tool.
    Also I have a friend who plays medic, and I rarely see him lose 1v1s or even 2v1s. Is he a good player? Yes. Could he do so as a HA? probably not.

    AR >>>>> LMG
  3. Phrygen

    huh.... i said i don't like that heavies can use the shotguns.... I have no idea what you are responding to frankly...
  4. Zaik

    was responding to why you dislike it specifically, namely the shield. It's completely irrelevant in shotgun vs. shotgun and does not affect the state of shotgun vs. not shotgun at all.
  5. Phrygen

    ... ok, with the shield in shotgun vs shotgun (pump action) the HA will win i believe... cause its a one shot.

    and yea its kinda annoying when i put 25 hipfire bullets down on a heavy 20 meters away... probably hit about 10-12 of them, and get one shot for my effort.

    Now, i don't think its hugely imbalanced, but i think balancing shotguns overall is made harder by the fact that heavies can use them. shield gives them more time to close distance and 1 shot an enemy. And with adrenaline shield it can get kinda insane
  6. WalrusJones

    AR's generally out ROF LMG's too.......

    Making nanoweave armor more effective against LMG's (It adds 1 bullet flat to the TTK of a 8 bullets per second gun at level 1? 10th of a second.... Or longer then most TTK variation in the game. Level 5? Two extra bullets from guns that do up to 249 damage.... Or, a quarter of a second.)

    Medics laugh at people using nanoweave (With our 14 bullets per second,) Heavies cry.
  7. Zaik

    shield slows you down, so not really.

    the only class that has any advantage with shotguns over other classes is light assault with adrenaline pump.
  8. Brickwalker

    There should have never been cookie cutter roles in this game to begin with as far as Im concerned..

    It should have been cert based,like PS1.
  9. Phrygen

    just makes for universal soldier syndrome
  10. Necron

    The reason for this is almost ALL of the new toys have been for HA, with one major other one that just happened to be the Engie AV turret. Until they start giving other classes cool gear to use you will see mostly HA on the battlefield.
  11. [fr31ns]Karrde

    I almost never bring my HA out to play unless I know I'll need a lot of AV or are guaranteed to be engaging at medium-long ranges. I can't remember what the cert trees look like for NC and TR but most of my time is spent in my LA. LA is a beast when certed up. Max rank jump jets, second to max rank nanoweave (I die far more often to bullets than grenades), Nova shotgun, extended mag. almost NEVER ADS. Keep moving and keep flying. I constantly change heights and levels, and more importantly I keep moving and feint. If someone knows where I am I try to get them expecting me to be somewhere else. I frequently go on long kill streaks. Also 2 blocks of C4 will take down any MBT in one shot and will drop any non-blockade sunderer to burning with VERY low HP such that one rocket from an HA will finish the job. I also use LA successfully in the open, but it's far more situational.

    tl;dr LA will take down HA if you have a good shotgun and certs and are working in closer range with vertical headspace. Sneaky things to hide behind and jump over are a plus. Keep moving.
  12. Olek

    Not really, if the Rocket launcher took up the primary slot, then a pistol or SMG, perhaps even a carbine could take up the secondary, Rocket launcher and LMG is overboard, especially when you consider all the ammunition, grenades, healing kits, they would not get 100m before they dropped from exhaustion.
  13. Avlaen

    I wouldnt mind taking a carbine over an LMG lmgs arent you know the gods of all weapons.
  14. pnkdth

    That wasn't what I meant. HA would still be unique in having a rocket launchers. Engineers would still be the only ones with tank mines and AV turrets. I was more thinking of C4 and a new form AP rounds, or something like that. Giving each class the option to do something against armour.
  15. vGh0stSix

    Oh, I see! That's where I've been going wrong. I'm supposed to run away from 70% of my engagements, got it!

    In my mind I see a slight unbalance in the parity between classes, I should not have to run away from a 1v1 infantry engagement because he's a heavy and I'm not.

    And for the record I'd rather see buffs, not nerfs. If cloak wasn't so obvious to spot and hear, for example, it might make life a little easier for Infiltrators to perform stealth kills.
  16. Nasher

    I prefer light assault, but the problem with LA is your only real toy is C4, which costs lots of resources (and is quite buggy some and sometimes doesn't stick to stuff). The jetpack is nice, but you can easily get by without it.

    But then HA can run around spamming rockets all day long and so can engineers with that new OP turret.
  17. Mr. Troffleops

    Less HA? Why? Its a good class don't get me wrong, but it's not THAT good. The LMG's have big clips, but in my experience are completely inferior to CQC carbines up close, and assault rifles at range. (Just my experience, and why I left the class.) So that leaves... rocket launcher? Its the classes' tool like others have stated. The overshield? Balanced. It doesn't last long, and the HA is meant for KILLING, nothing else.

    I don't mean to jump to conclusions, but some of you guys honestly sound like you don't want any classes at all. Take away HA and what does that leave us with? Engies, Medics and LA's for assaults. That would not end well at all. HA's are made to tank damage and lead a charge. Without rocket launchers you would be unable to take down engie or base turrets.

    I just don't get it. Every day someone else suggests that we turn PLANETSIDE 2 into Call of Duty. It makes no sense. If you can't handle the current classes, get out.
  18. Shockwave44

    Then don't hit them head on. They are supposed to be stronger than you. That's why they are called "heavy" assault. Their job is to take a lot of abuse.