Kill the K/D Statistic. It's killing Planetside. Seriously. It's time to Reevaluate The Effect.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by inigma, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Flarestar


    K/D being visible is not one of this game's problems for anything other than a very small number of players.
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  2. Gisgo

    As an engineer if i used my shotgun more often i would have a much better K/D, but my job is to give ammos and keep maxes alive and in a good shape, because SUPPORTING my team is making the difference, one more brainless grunt wouldnt help winning the battle.

    To put it shortly: you keep shooting at things and dont tell me how to do my job.
  3. Revanmug

    -How football helps make the world a better place? As far as I know, it's nothing but a mindless entertainment that MANY people are willing to pay to watch. If anything, it make the majority of people poorer as they are paying to watch other player while they sit.
    -Those that are just playing football in the park next door with friends, are they making money of this? Or are they just there for fun?
    -Please tell us what was the goal of football or any sport when it was created so long ago.

    That's the multiple points you completly missed because you are just randomly slashing eSport. Nothing start "big." Football or any sport really, is nothing more but a pass-time. For some people, it's actually a job. Those characteristic actually exist right now for eSport. There are people living out of winning tournaments and sponsors. There are also other way to make a living out of video games...

    That you don't believe PS2 will ever be part of it is a complete other subject. Though, it doesn't change that "pro gamers" actually exist that you like it or not.

    That's sound like idiot medic running in a room with the healing tool. Congratulation for dying when trying to rez me...

    Stop being ******. Giving ammo take 3 sec every 5 min. That MAX tkk is several time higher then yours. He'll be able to take a few more hits than you. If you are dead, you aren't repairing that MAX. Use that shotgun in CQC more often if you are constantly dying and your faction's MAX will be happier to have more damage but surviving engineer around rather than friendly bodies and full health... for a moment.

    In other words, stop using bad excuses, watch where you step and kill more if need be. That will save lives in the long run if people can actually count on you.
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  4. The King

    Can leave it, but it doesn't matter what it says as if you really want a high KD:R, you are in a plane.
    Nearly everyone with high KD:R, they're in the plane farming people at spawn point.

    Which is meaningless to their KD:R.
    Low KD:R looks like the person isn't ghost capping all the time and killing people from their spawn room from the air.

    If you have it hgh, no one cares. It doesn't make them look any better at all. Actually, makes them look inferior. lol
  5. Thardus

    Just hurl yourself through the door. With any luck a couple of them might actually follow you while you sponge up the bullets for them. After that, just pray that they're smart enough to actually grab some cover once inside.
  6. MasterCheef

    removing KDR will kill some of the whining.

    removing KDR will allow players to play for fun, not stats. Play for the win, not the KDR.
  7. failbot

    If you don't care about KDR, don't care about KDR. Why do you want it removed?

    KDR is something that keeps people playing, trying to get a high KDR is fun for me.
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  8. Jex =TE=

    Quit with the fu cking downs syndrome comments *******.
  9. Jex =TE=

    If this game shipped without these stats, it would not affect anyone's game play. Nobody declines to buy a game because it does or does not have KDR so the only affect it can have is a negative one if the objective of the game is to support a team based game.

    It might keep you playing but that doesn't mean everyone. Are you seriously saying that without the KDR you can gain no fun from a game. I think you should have a sit down and ponder why you play these games then.
  10. failbot

    No, but it's a big part of the fun. I play games to challenge myself and have fun, KDR is a big part of that.

    I really don't see the problem... If you don't care about KDR then don't ******* care about it. Play like you wish...
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  11. Jex =TE=

    Yes I would like to see this and the number of bases I have successfully/unsuccessfully defended and the same for attacks as well
  12. LordMondando

    The K/D statistic has no real effect in game. Sure you get certs for killing people, but there's no penalty to death (waits for someone to mention respawn time).

    What essentially people are complaining about here is PS2 having a mechanic somewhere in the UI to keep track of your Kills and Deaths and dividing one by the other.

    If you want to see the monster that made K/D ruin planetside, look into a reflective surface.

    A few years of games like CoD and BF3 have ruined gamerz.
  13. failbot

    If you don't care about KDR why do you care if it's there or not?

    Can someone explain this because to me this makes no ******* sense at all...
  14. MasterCheef

    the problem is when you play for your KDR you whine at every instance where you die inexplicably. You whine about FF, you whine about OP tank/air , even though they acount for maybe 10% of your deaths. You whine if you cant camp 100s of infantry. You whine about TTK. You avoid any fights thats not a steam roll, you "redeploy to warpgate" if there is even a HINT of a chance you might be in an even battle where you take your lumps.

    KDR causes ALOT of whining IMO. KDR makes people rage at things they shouldnt.
  15. failbot

    Yes without the KDR stat people wouldn't whine about balance.

    Hurr durr is this real life?
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  16. MasterCheef

    of course there will still be complaints. I'm not saying the game is perfect, but many complaints here are over exaggerated due to KDR raging.

    people who play to their KDR cant accept that this isnt some twitch shooter where you CANT always be in control. If they understood that- why would they care about KDR? This is a war game, its chaotic and you are EXPECTED to die, even if its no fault of your own. Thats just how war is.
  17. Jex =TE=

    Then we are at odds because the big part of the fun for me is getting into battles, working with my team, winning objectives, sneaking into bases behind enemy lines, grabbing tanks or air - what the actual game is about. There is plenty of challenge in the game without KDR. Everyone plays games for fun, hence the word "game" and this game happens to be challenging everywhere you go unless you can point out somewhere there is no challenge?

    KDR being challenging is like a painter & decorater challenging himself by the amount of paint he can put onto a wall rather than how many walls he can paint. If you can't play without KDR then you're playing the game for different reasons than what the game was designed for I would say. I would also posit that you aren't much of a team player either as your main focus on the game is your KDR, not who's winning and losing the war.
  18. failbot

    Ok I'll tackle your previous message fully and seriously.

    Dying inexplicably multiple times is annoying whether you have the KDR stat or not.
    FF... I agree with you on this one, people whine way too much about it. Especially when 90% of the teamkills are their fault.
    Tank/Air and TTK are both balance issues, worth whining about if there is any reason to whine.
    "You whine if you cant camp 100s of infantry" when has this ever happened?
    Isn't avoiding fights where you get absolutely steamrolled a smart choice? That way you can join a non-hopeless battle and not get spawn ***** over and over and over and over... again.

    Again, if you don't care about KDR don't care about it. If some people want to whine about non-issues, let them.
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  19. failbot

    I'm an officer and a second squad leader in a quite small, but pretty active outfit. KDR isn't an obstacle for teamplay.
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  20. Ak69

    +1 for remove K/d to make more men from way to many boys.