Kill the K/D Statistic. It's killing Planetside. Seriously. It's time to Reevaluate The Effect.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by inigma, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Protential

    I counter that sggestion to having a 30 second resapwn time.

    So everyoen doesn't feel like zerg rushing is the best strategy.
  2. GhostAvatar

    Spent money and really don't care about K/D ratio. I don't need a single figure to tell me if I enjoy playing the game or if I was in a good fight. To me it is kinda of irrelevant anyway, especially with the amount of pointless deaths. I mean, how many times have players been killed due to friendly fire, being run over, random explosion as soon as you spawn at a sunndy. Hell, I have even been killed by the wreackage of a lib falling on my head, that was a pure WTF moment. I am a objective based player. If it takes me 100 deaths to achieve my objective (especially against overwhelming odds) then I have achieved my objective and move on.
  3. Duvenel

    I have a 0.5ish K/D ratio, does that make me a bad player? Or that I die a lot? Or that I can't aim for crap? Or that I'm not flying 24/7? Or all of the above? I don't think so. I feel like I make a positive difference regardless of my K/D. It doesn't matter how many times I die, it matters how long my faction can hold out all 3 continents for.

    /signed(I think I might be the only one to sign this "petition"?)
  4. Esch


    WoT had a similar stat rolled up as 'Win %'. I saw first hand the impact that this stat had on how people played. The group I played with used win % as part of recruitment, and we all had mid-60's to mid-70's win percentages over thousands of battles. To maintain these numbers many people would only play company battles, and if they played PUG's they would only do so in a 3-man squad and only in a limited tier range where they had a good chance of making sure all 3 members ended up in the top 5 of the match bracket.

    I had another group of friends that got so tired of the pressure to maintain their win % numbers, they started new accounts that they could play for fun without worrying about winning or losing. Over a fairly short period of time they completely stopped playing their original accounts altogether because of fear over lowering their stats.

    K/D currently has no value because it doesn't provide context. Who cares if someone has a good K/D if they spend all their time bombing from a Lib? Who cares if someone has a bad K/D if they spend their time tirelessly defending WG-neighboring territories to prevent a cont-lock while being hopelessly out-pop'd?

    Remove it or give it meaningful context. It has negative social and psychological impact and ultimately provides no value at all in determining the quality of player.
  5. Tasogie

    well said
  6. Protential

    Suicide runs are an issue of their own, CoD arena style gameplay.

    Increase spawn timers.
  7. Achmed20

    why is everyone so scared of a number? who cares if its there or not? why even care?
  8. Brainpan

    My K/D is 0.36, give or take. I just don't care if people slaughter me since the larger the denominator, the less change there will be in the ratio. I have spent way too many fights doing grenade lobs followed by suicide mine laying just to kill multiple spawn room campers. If there was a penalty for dying, I would understand if someone suddenly became gunshy, but we are living in the age of respawn technology. Get your butt in there and open fire like you give a flipping monkey's paw!

    Kill me. I'm only going to respawn and try to kill you back.
  9. TheRunDown

    Wasn't the PS1 leader board removed because of "score over cooperation", too many solo players and griefers.
  10. XRIST0

    Totally agree , remove the k/d statistic and the game will improve .
  11. KrystOutlander

    Hehe you sound like the Japanese any nearly any other nation that lost a war by throwing numbers into a battle above strategy.

    You want the bloody battles, well I do to and I get them. They get nasty and bloody. I don't worry about my KD, but at the end of the day I do check it, and on most days I end up with more kills than deaths. I feel satisfied, even though my KD is only like 1.6.

    Are you saying that every one has to play your way? What about the hundreds of professional gamers and people who aspire to become one, without stats there is no way to measure yourself against another players accomplishments. You sound as if you're saying **** people who want to know their stats and play the game that way, you want them to play it your way. But guess what, people DO play it your way, and people play it my way, and people play it their own way. Thats the beauty of this game.

    I do not like your tone in suggesting that the game will be ruined. It hasn't been ruined to me because of stats. Am I the only one who feels this way?
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  12. BalogDerStout

    I feel like the only person who doesn't even look at their K/D.

    This is why I like TF2 it hardly even shows your K/D, while you get some points for kills you get far far more for objectives.

    Hell, I die so often to getting run over, dumped out of planes, pushed through the world, hit by stray friendly grenades and any number of other random events that my K/D score is about the least accurate method of judging my usefulness to an operation.
  13. Tasogie

    you mean like you wanting everyone forced to play your way?... lol
    As for pro gamers, sorry mate but there's no such thing. gamers are just that "Gamers" nothing more... gaming is a mindless entertainment medium with zero benifet to the real world or your lives.
    Next time your down the local, an try to get a leg over, tellin that bird how your 40:1 KDR in COD is not gonna get you sorted.... trust me on that.
  14. Revanmug

    I never understood this excuse of "I am support so that's why I got a bad k/d." If you die so often, you aren't really supporting... The gun from Engineer and Medic are as deadly as any other so you can't use the weapon excuse either.

    As for stats, this game need more stats not less...


    Too bad that can be said of any sports. What the point of Football or Hockey? It's nothing more but a mindless entertainment that people are willing to pay fortune to watch.
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  15. Tasogie

    Suicide runs are valid an well used tactic an should be fostered at all times. if you refuse to protect yourselves against it, too bad.
    One of the simplest thing sin PS2 to stop is a suicide run. Have your team pay attention, its simple to stop a ATV rush, place some turrets on bridge in front of your Sundy.
    DONT bunch up on bends in a road
    Use Mines
    Pit a tank sideways in front of an behind your sundy....
    There is any number of ways.
    basically as always its on you to protect yourselves. But as usual too, players dont want too. They want the devs to do it for them.
    Spawn timers are just fine. I dint pay 300$ to sit waiting for respawn half the day.
  16. KrystOutlander

    Just as the guy above me said. If you're dieing so much then how are you helping your team. You're feeding the meat grinder your body to appease the enemy who are more than willing to farm that idiot who keeps running out of the building gunz ablazing in the face of 30 guys. While it might look cool and feel cool its not very effective. IF you want team sports and to find those kinds of battles join a big outfit. I did, and I have plenty of fights where we all do that and own and I still log off with more K/D than you. so what are you doing wrong? What are alot of people doing wrong. Oh right, not caring if they die and the impact their death has on their team as they wait to respawn and get back into position because hey, you don't care about stats right?
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  17. Tasogie

    I am sorry, but you cant even try to compare a Westham Football match against call of duty... that is just idiotic argument.
    There is no correlation.
    COD was designed from ground up to attract the young an keep them playing it has no positive benefits at all.
  18. Tasogie

    Football on other hand attracts billions of dollars, an is the worlds most played sport
  19. Locke

    Stats like BR and KDR are currently the only way to determine how well you are doing in the game for most people which is why people look at it. This has been trained into them from games like BF3 and COD.

    Planetside 2 does nothing to show them that there is anything more to this game as at present capturing bases and continents almost has no effect (resources feel limitless) and the game doesn't recognise or reward that achievement in any meaningful way. The base capture mechanic itself amounts to king of the hill over X amount of points which isn't really that fun the hundredth time you have done it so there is no reason to play for that.

    Removing KDR wont solve the problems in PS2. Making the game a more interesting experience by adding multiple capture methods, challenging bases, rewards for taking territory (nothing at all happens when you capture a continent! Not even a text message to notify that you have achieved victory!), caps on resources (so you cant endless repeat the vehicle cycle) and so on. There are plenty of good ideas on the forums.
  20. NoXousX

    As one of the biggest killwhores you'll find, I will also say removing the "death" statistic from the game would be beneficial. Session K/D... sure. Overall character death stats... no thanks.