It's clear people are fed up with 0.75ADS, why aren't you removing it from the game DBG?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ianneman, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. Ianneman

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  2. FateJH

    I'm quite alright with the 0.75 ADS mechanic.
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  3. Demigan

    Because people are barking up the wrong tree. It's not the 0,75 ADS multiplier that makes the weapons OP, it's their damage model, accuracy, COF and ease-of-use compared to other weapons that make these weapons OP. 0,75ADS is just a tiny advantage.
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  4. Haquim

    Hmm... tell me is strafing an advantage over standing still?
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  5. MikeyGeeMan

    It's because you didn't get enough people to post on reddit. Seriously. Go look up these discussions there and you will see why. Posting in these forums are useless. They want to be as public as possible and reddit is read by a lot of people.

    Go to reddit and get your friends and make a big stink about it. If you get enough people to post there. Then they will listen as it will affect subscriptions and new players.

    It's just like the game. The pro .75 people have 96+ on he issue while you all have 1-12. Can't win that war with those pops.
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  6. Demigan

    Ofcourse it is! But hipfire uses 1.0 ADS, yet that's not OP despite some weapons having massively accurate hipfire. Why are there no hipfire weapons that are so incredibly powerful as these weapons then? Why is no one complaining about those? Because the damage model, fire rate and final accuracy balance it out? That means that the total sum of all these stats matters, not just the one advantage of 0,75 ADS vs 0,5 ADS, which might sound like a whole big difference (1/3rd extra speed over 0,5 ADS!) but in the playing field it's not that big, especially compared to hipfire which isn't exactly hard to track either despite being 1/4rth faster than 0,75 ADS. (and even standard hipfire speed is peanuts compared to the UT games for instance, PS2 Sprinting is slower than strafing in those games).
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  7. xMaxdamage

    moving 1/4 faster is an advantage for sure! not only it "nerfs" enemies' damage when they are shooting at you, making you move faster and dodging more, but also it helps you keep better track of enemies wherever there's some cover, or keep your accuracy while you move faster into cover, reducing exposure time without any need of sacrifice your accuracy.
    it's somethign ok with most SMGs (cyclone is another story) and pistols and shotguns, it's nowhere balanced on 750/143 LMGs, especially if it already has infinite ammo and no need to reload, lol.
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  8. xMaxdamage

    it's actually 50% faster or 1/2 more than 0.5
  9. Iridar51

    It's 50%, actually..

    0.5x * 1.5 = 0.75x
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  10. OldMaster80

    Yes, strafing is an advantage as long as you can do that quickly enough to decive hit detection. Imho the problem is they should add encoded movement acceleration to infantry strafe, like they did with aircraft months ago. One should just be unable to move ADADADADADA while firing.
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  11. Haquim

    Those hipfire weapons rarely use their ability outside of 10m - if even that.
    LMGs that have notoriously inaccurate hipfire however are almost forced to do so, even at pretty darn close ranges.
    The smgs and other weapons with good hipfire usually get useless pretty fast with increasing distance - the LMG however stays viable.
    In other words, said weapons give up on medium to longrange combat. The LMG gives up on nothing but movement speed.
    So yes, the final accuracy does matter. And the LMG comes out far on the top.

    Also your math is a little bit off though - 0.75 is very clearly 1/2 faster, 50%. Or the other way round 0.5 is 1/3 or 33% slower than 0.75.
    And I'd say that having 50% more advantage than your opponent is pretty significant. Not as significant as 50% more damage, but still enough to make a difference.

    Now add the fact that LMGs are usually carried by HAs, who have the ability to shield themselves for 700 hp in exchange for a 0.75 movement speed multiplier....
    And you get the result that a VS HA with Orion and activated shield moves at (0.75x0.75) 0.5625 speed. While an enemy HA (who is not using the NS gun with 0.75 ADS) moves at 0.5 WITHOUT the shield.
    I'd say that is some pretty neat synergy right there.
  12. Zombo

    because the 0.75 ADS LMGs from vanu are not outperforming the MSW-R or the Anchor

    go take a look at the stats, the anchor comes out on top at almost everything but total Kills (which is because the orion is a starting weapon)
  13. Naphemil

    Because, stats =/= skill.
  14. xMaxdamage

    I think overshield cuts down your speed to half, not totally sure about it tho
  15. BIllyGG

    it's the high accuracy, the virtually no spread in 1x and 2x ads, the 0.75 movement speed, the no bullet drop, the 750 rpm weapon speed and it's easy as sin to handle.

    It's not just the 0.75 speed.
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  16. HmmOkay

    You know TR and NC have a weapon for heavy that qualifies for the green marked traits as well, right? With better stats in accuracy and better performance?

    Also, please remove no-bullet drop from all our guns. It's a useless trait that's overglorified and used as argument for why a weapon is good. It makes no difference. Please remove it, and instead give back the muzzle velocity that got nerfed for it.
  17. Zombo

    it's seriously not even worth discussing about, all stats point out that the Orion is actually performing equally to the MSW-R and the Anchor... even a little worse overall

    Q4 KPU
    Q4 KPH
    Q4 Kills

    If anything about the Orion would overperform, you would see it in any of these three stats tracked

    Hell, even the SVA-88 tends to perform worse than the Anchor:
    SVA-88 Q4 vs Orion and Anchor

    If heavis would survive longer due to the 0.75 ADS, the KPU would be higher
    If the damage model + Fire rate would be OP, the KPH would be higher

    The only stats that seem higher are the Kills in total of all players, but only because VS happens to start with the orion, which also happens to be the best CQC LMG of VS

    Kills total of all Starter LMGs
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  18. Ianneman

    You're assuming this is about the VS, this is about 0.75ADS in general.





  19. Zombo

    so what will the weapons with 0.75 ADS get to compensate? i hope it's better hipfire accuracy or an ALS ^^

    because even people hipfiring don't really move that fast to miss them
  20. Pikachu

    I didn't know weapons had different movement speed until forumside started to complain about it.
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