Isn't it pretty alarming that the playerbase doesn't even know what the VS trait is supposed to be?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ztiller, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. Trooper4211

    The best VS trait is and always will be, Magspiders.

    PS: and no bullet drop
  2. salembeats

    The overarching VS faction trait is versatility (or "adaptability").

    This is manifested through the sub-traits of mobility, projectile antigravity, fast reloads, and manageable recoil.

    Many players aren't aware of this because "versatility" isn't something that smacks you in the face like a heavy-hitting bullet or a flurry of weak ones. The average player simply isn't capable of thinking very far past what he's directly perceiving at a given moment.

    To recap each faction's overarching, single-word trait:
    TR: Speed
    NC: Power
    VS: Versatility
  3. Brenold

    The VS faction trait is the most distinct of all 3 factions.
    line up a soldier from each faction to shoot at a common target. you'll see the difference
    do the same with the empire specific vehicles

    NC and TR are basically battlefield 3. or cops and robbers.

    VS is star wars.

    TR sacrifice damage for fire rate and mags, NC sacrifice fire rate and recoil for damage.
    VS is fine in all those categories. No compromises, does well at all levels.
    you fire laser guns and weird *** projectiles that have no bulletdrop .Accurate, with no bulletdrop.
    Scythe weapons, ES magrider weapons, Lasher and pewpew laser rocket launcher. Flying tank
    Cylon planes, flying tanks.

    so you're right, i guess it's spandex
  4. KnightCole

    Even TR's faction trait is kinda hazy now really..

    VS and NC get exmag on a few of the main stay guns. We get exmag on the SMG, we have guns that fire as fast and faster then TR weaponry.

    TR do not get exmags on a vast majority of their weapons, and certainly dont have an amm bonus on several of them.

    NC is the only faction with a faction trait....Higher damage per shot. Most our guns are 167dmg, ofc we have 143dmg guns.....but mostly 200 and 167dmg.

    VS, yeah, their trait is spandex....
  5. ILoveLucy

    One Word,
  6. TriumphantJelly

    Magrider: Your GOD!

    And right now, your god needs you. So step up soldier!

    But really, VS neds to either have a "choose between no drop/lower velocity or drop/normal velocity" button, or get loads of extremely fun stuff to balance their low population. Granted, VS pop would spike, but we've dealt with enemies having massive overpop before, maybe they should try it for a change (not counting mattherson).
  7. Tylerso12

    Our trait is being sexy. I thought everyone knew that
  8. GhostAvatar

    Out of all that you still failed to understand. RoF isn't exclusive to TR. Unlike 200 damage tier infantry weapons and no bullet drop. You can try to twist it however you want, but that is a basic fact.
  9. Koldorn

    I think this post needs to be revisited.

    High velocity weapons would be something I personally could get behind.
    But to keep balance; ALL VS stuff would have normal gravity bullet drop.
  10. Silvermyst

    I'd hate this. I love their no bullet drop. I can reliably pepper enemies from huge distances with anything. Even my iron sights beamer.

    It's loads of fun and I think scares people half to death sometimes when they're being repeatedly hit by someone they can barely see and simply can't hit easily.

    I'd be alright with them getting a minor accuracy boost, increased velocity and a minor damage nerf in exchange for the bonuses.

    Then their faction trait would be "slightly lower DPS, but higher accuracy"

    It'd be more of a challenge in biolab fights, but there would be lots of situations where it'd be really nice. Also, I think the VS would see their weapons as being more "elegant" and less "barbaric" than the other two factions this way. Which would make sense to me.
  11. Epic High Five

    The TR have exmags cooked into a LOT of their guns. Access to exmags isn't really what is meant when "big mags" is mentioned.