Is it fair to allow MBTs to be instagibbed by one rocketpod salvo?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Egg99, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Darkzero

    Yeah, you're right on the #of rockets as I just tested it myself 20 minutes ago on a lone unwary Vanguard. However, I don't think that is unfair. Aircraft are supposed to counter tanks. And like I said, don't venture out alone in your tank. If I see a vehicle column down below I would think twice before starting my attack run.
  2. Bagar

    It's fair you got killed in 3s, after all you had to drive the tank from the Warp Gate.

    The game balance of the game is a troll.
  3. Nekky

    Mags go down in under 10 rockets to the rear, barely any time to react if you don't see them coming.

    This game is turning into a farmfest for ESF, sure you can use more AA but what fun is sitting in a turret or AA max all day. Then eventually every base turns into a spawn camp, usually by Libs and Reavers.
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  4. pnkdth

    The lightning is a one player vehicle. It is quite fast but not very maneuverble. It is forced to specialise in ONE area, it has access to ONE weapon. As far as a tanks go, and the sheer amount of potential threats you need to look out for, this tank has paper thin armor.

    ESFs is a one player vehicle. It is very fast, highly mobile, and have have access to both a primary and secondary weapon. The primary is useful for taking down air, light armor, and it mows down infantry. Then it can get another weapon which can deal even more effectively with air or become a very real threat for any ground forces. It also have access to hard counters versus lock ons and can "out-run" missiles. Unless you are a very bad pilot you're more than likely is going to be the one who decide when and where you're going to engage in combat. Unlike tanks you do not need to switch seats to operate the guns, but you can just switch to whichever the situation requires. This makes ESFs very flexible ontop of being effective at their chosen role.

    If you are a pilot and see no problem with this, I'm afraid you're delusional. It is not your mad skills paying the bills, I promise you.
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  5. Tuco

    And AA is suppose to couter air.

    So if an ESF kills tanks in 1 sec, than AA should kilL ESF' sin 0.25 secs.
  6. Tuco

    Magriders are imbalanced topic is thataway ----->
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  7. Tuco

    A tank zerg is much easier to kill off than an air zerg.
  8. Calendra

    You need 4-5 rocket pod hits on the back of a MBT hit.
  9. Calendra

    That's not true. You just need to react faster. Goes without saying that you die when you exit though. Because it's an ESF shooting at you.
  10. Darkzero

    1 sec is exaggerating. At least takes 2 - 3 seconds from mouse button press to release, and another 1 sec for all warheads to travel to target, and if you take into account the time spent maneuver the jet into perfect position, it takes even longer. Oh, and AA turrets can kill you really fast right now, believe me.
  11. Tuco

    1 second on the receiving end, which is what's important

    Oh boo hoo, the fastest unit in the game has to "manevuer into position."
  12. Darkzero

    It's your fault that you don't work on your situation awareness. Travel in a ground and have gunner help you spot.

    Yes, it does have to maneuver into position to hit the rear end of the tank, not to mention you have to spot it first.