Is it fair to allow MBTs to be instagibbed by one rocketpod salvo?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Egg99, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Flarestar

    It's not really exceptional, you just start higher than main gun elevation, drop your sight and keep it there on the run in while using vertical thrusters to keep yourself from flying straight at them. You end up almost doing a nose-stand at the end of the run, although you're still moving horizontally pretty fast, then you flip out of it and afterburn off. It takes a few tries to get it right, but once you do you effectively present them with an erratic flight profile that keeps your aim rock steady while you fire the salvo off.

    For what it's worth, I was absolutely rubbish at piloting ESFs a few weeks ago - never really messed with them during beta, as I assumed the weird-*** flight physics were bugged. Since then, just lots of practice. It's worth the time to go just outside the warp gate and play around with an ESF for a while instead of trying to learn fine control mid-combat.
  2. MNO

    Sheeeet, really hard to press A or D huh.

    Sheeeet, really hard to have awareness of the skies.

    Sheeeet, really hard to roll with AA maxes/Skyguards.

    The amount of crying on this forum is literally unbelievable. I bet you want to keep HE rounds though don't you.
  3. Revanmug

    Good thing you use "almost" in your post because... well... I don't know about you but infantry usually don't have time to react when a HEAT or mostly HE tanks are around.
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  4. PoopMaster

    Just like real life, tanks have bad top armor. Just be glad they don't make it only take 2 or 3 missiles to knock it out. I'd still like ESFs to be more fragile than they are now though.
  5. Aktarus

    you're just saying that its fair to be able solo anything in your ESF with 1 OlololRawKitPAWdZ salvo because its a team game

  6. medbot544

    Take HE rounds away, go for it: if that's what it takes to justify adjusting rocket pods a bit more then so be it.
  7. IshanDeston

    First of all. you are only instant gibbed if they hit your rear end. And if you are concerned about it, you should be working in a team with a gunner. Ideally one mounting the Anti Air gun for the MBT. Running one of those makes your tank quite unattractive for any pilot.

    Second of all, you are able to defend yourself. Vanguards have a shield, Magriders have a Turboboost to catapult them forward and i am sure Prowlers have something equally useful to be used to take a beating or avoid it.

    Third and last. To my knowledge all Tanks have a defensive upgrade for their top armor, which protects against air assaults as well.
  8. IshanDeston

    That is a problem for another thread. And as for as i am concerned i disagree with Higby on the notion that only air is supposed to be a hard counter to air. But it doesn't belong into this thread. This one is about tanks being unable to defend themselves, which isn't true.

    One can design and outfit their tank in such a manner to survive those bombing runs.
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  9. Ak69

    Yup, they need to tighten up the advantage that air units have over ground in general, if you are a good pilot you will munch things up considering how easy it is to control the crafts. Watch some of the amazing pilots rack up points and kills, ground troops, tanks, pretty much everything. You won't see that same performance from any other ground unit. Ground units are limited by speed, logistics, general spam, other ground resistance. Ground units are made to move in numbers together, and even though aircraft are still part of your squad they operate as a lone wolf making them a good choice to play solo, practice and get good at.

    As someone else said two posts up, air should be a counter to ground units, but air fighters need more of a challenge in the sky before they get a chance to attack ground units with deadly force. We want to promote squad and teamwork, by making air fighters the most lethal force in the game when flown by a skilled pilot that decimates everything solo?. If you know what you are doing as a fighter pilot you have plenty of escape potential more then ground units ever will, you have the option to stalk from out of nowhere making surprise attacks, and have the ability to control and pick the fights you want and don't want. The sky need to be more dangerous.
  10. Beartornado

    I don't even want to post the words I have to describe you for making this statement, because if I did tear you apart I would likely get reprimanded by SOE representatives.

    Press A or D with a tank and let me know how quickly you're going to suddenly dodge a salvo of rockets that is already halfway into your tank. Then think of all the words you would use to describe someone such as yourself for making such a statement.
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  11. USD

    As a prowler driver I usually get destroyed by other tanks, not aircraft.

    But then I don't stand in one place often, either.
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  12. Metsuro

    Each of the 12 does a bit more than that of the 16. However after a full salvo of both, they do the same damage.
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  13. medbot544

    Uh, TR walker anti-air gun for prowler is not very good...a rifle will deter a plane more than that thing even though it was buffed. It shoots popcorn, literally. Vulcan can be an answer if the pilot is bad and gets within 80m but most pilots are not that terrible. Other factions get better choices for dealing with air in their I can understand why you would think so.

    Yes equally useful: Anchor Mode that roots you in place for a slight reload speed increase only on your main gun. There is no defensive bonus either while deployed which takes 3 or secs to go in and out of which makes it even worse. This is about the worst ability you want to use when facing a plane...or heck anything for that matter. Staying still = free kill! Should be renamed "Suicide Mode" imo. Like to also point out it takes 800 certs to even have a noticable difference in reload speed. GG.

    While this is true...a good pilot will nail you in the tail and in the Prowler's case; that's really hard to miss since it's *** is bigger than texas.
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  14. Monnor

    How can someone be better, if he needs more resource then other, wich do it with less ?
  15. Qaz

    I think there is a really simple fix for that. Currently all shots that originate from an angle lower than 45 degrees dont count as top armour hits, but side/front/rear hits.

    Now, a reaver can kill a mbt in 1.4 seconds if it hits the rear armour (6-7 missiles). I believe this is problematic, as the 45 degree angle rule is too generous. So, to fix this, every shot coming from an angle higher than 20-25 degrees should count as top armour hit. This will force ESFs to get to a very risky height in exchange for insta killing mbts, but still allows for the maneuver to happen.

    Tank drivers have to work hard to get those rear armour kills. ESFs shouldnt have it that easy.
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  16. Roobarb

    Because the Great Republic issues factory-fitted, state-of-the-art equipment to its loyal troops, not some obsolete reverse-engineered scrap metal held together with duct-tape and super glue.
  17. Compass

    A. Only a squad.
    B. The next 4 minutes were 3 Liberators, 7 Magriders, and 3 Sundies flattening us.

    We ambushed the leading elements of a VS zerg to buy the rest of the TR some time to regroup. Sorry to disappoint you, but some of us are willing to do a bit more for our faction than run in for some "free" XP.
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  18. medbot544

    I dunno, I just get impression you think Prowler is totally fine in it's current incarnation when I see it quite differently and by in large most people I talk to say the same things. That vid only showed a small clip so forgive me if I did not see the full fight. Of course a well oiled outfit whos been playing together extensively will have a large impact. It's just that I don't see this level of coordination on my server's TR ever so call me a bit jaded. It's usually just me and a couple other dudes back capping and tryin to dodge massive NC/VS zergs most of the time. Perhaps if they offer transfers, I can take my 100+ bucks invested on my main, move, and see the game played how it should be.
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  19. Compass

    I think the Prowler should get some buffs, but to sell it as a piece of crap results in things being buffed so we shoot Vanguard rounds, have extra armor, and fly through the air.

    I assume different servers have different levels of competency in the leadership department. The first squad leader that I joined yesterday suggested we keep capping while the zerg followed us, and to IGNORE base defense of the base we were spawning at. No real cure for stupid squad leaders.

    We got cut off, expectedly, even after I told him that he was an idiot, and I rejoined with the outfit you see there, which, after losing that point, met up with another squad to defend against several platoons before getting pushed off that. Afterwards, however, we got tanks and secured any further incursions on the Western front for a good hour.
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  20. MNO

    Didn't say anything about dodging rockets did I? Way to show your ignroance.

    This thread is whining about rear damage to tanks. You can switch to take the hits to your side in literally a second, oh look, still alive. I'm not blowing smoke either because I do this myself, you just need to have AWARENESS, which it seems 90% of this community is lacking, it's like no one here has ever played a game with a Z axis.