Invulnerability fallout and bug/glitch exploit policy

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. thepyrosdarknes

    I personal don't care for the people that insta-report people. I have been wrongly accused of hacking and exploiting before when I was, in no way shape or from doing either. When people are having a bad day or I am just doing really well people always want to throw the "reported for hacking" thing in my face. It's kind of BS to be reported simply because other people are being but hurt. Another thing, my outfit is a cross faction /cross game kind of thing, and it sucks when ever one of my mates is on his TR or Vs alt and gets banned simply because his outfit name is the same as the NC one. Not everything is hacks or exploits and the ban happy impropers really upset me.
    P.S. this is just my two-cents and experience,. Feel free to disagree.
  2. Ya Wang

    I just want to inform the developer that this glitch still exists. I don't want this glitch to be overlooked and lost in these posts as it is still a very real thing. Please fix this as it seems to have been known since 2014...

    It hasn't been fixed completely. It seems like the developers are sure it has been fixed completely but it absolutely hasn't. It was also troubling to dig this post up but this should be stickied or something as it is still a current major game breaker.
  3. Sniperior

    A number of Vanu players just glitched themselves into the ground and canyon walls around the Tarwich Depot, shooting everyone who tried to go out and defend the base.
  4. Ronin Oni

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