Infiltrators versus Vehicles

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Damianamaru, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Damianamaru

    We need either some sort of explosive...or better yet, allow us to hack vehicles. I would spend 400 certs on that ability. Please. We need it. Thank you.
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  2. Benton!

    Infiltrator vs Tank

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  3. ST4LK3R

    Use your Recon tool before you hide/run and let the others go your job. I wish there's some sorta thing like 'TAG' from MWO and homing missiles that log on to TAG's target. I'm not suggesting anything.
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  4. SanguniusIX -=TRAF=-

    Hell yes, and everyone else should be able to get sniper rifle scopes!
  5. 888GRM

    Nah, HA/LA are already great snipers.
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  6. Undead Clown

    Just bring back vehicle hacking, then infiltrators could hack people out of vehicles and steal them.
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  7. Opapanax

    Prowler 1 Infiltator 0.. Seems about right.. without any hacking coming into play..
  8. Damianamaru

    This is what I am asking for primarily. We NEED this.
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  9. Dhart

    ....and let Engineers hack into Shielded areas... we're technical right?
  10. Fallout10mm

    Hacking unoccupied vehicles I'm fine with, hacking occupied vehicles....not so much. If someone is gets out of thier vehicle and starts repairing it (and possibly gets killed) and you hack it, no problem, but booting someone out of a vehicle they're driving just doesnt seem right.
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  11. Helwyr

    Well obviously if your in a Vehicle and moving you shouldn't be hacked but if your parked you should be fair game. You could hack occupied vehicles in PS1 and you should be able to do it in PS2, but like the original game I doubt it will happen that often to you if you're an alert active player in a Vehicle, more likely you'll get some extra kills running over enemy Infiltrators trying to hack your tank..
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  12. Damianamaru

    Hacking an enemy vehicle should make a sound to alert nearby enemies who are paying attention.
  13. Damianamaru

  14. [MS] Laloric

    Meh, you can't give one class god mode for every situation. If you are an Infil, and you come across a tank, well do what we do best, get around it. To give us the ability to destroy vehicles would incur a counter to our ability, how about stealth magriders? or stealth skyguards?
  15. JeebusCAN

    I like the idea of hacking a vehicle, not to steal, but to cause some sabotage. Say, next time the vehicle goes to fire, weapon systems shut down for 10s or so. Or they go to drive forward, only to have the movement controls reversed. Hacking it and stealing it just seems boring to me. Like with the turrets, wish we had options during hacking, other than hack, hop inside.
    Subterfuge FTW.
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  16. Nehlis

    Infiltrators are a stealth and intelligence class. If a tank of all things sees you, you're doing it wrong.
    That being said, they should have some form of AV, but not immediately lethal (there's a reason why they don't have C4).
    I was thinking something of the equivalent To C4, but as an EMP device. sneak up to tank, place on tank, push button and any vehicles in a small radius around it will stop working for a good 30 seconds (more or less, depending on balance). It won't instantly kill the vehicle, but knocking it out for a good amount of time is just as effective, especially so if you are working with an HA.
    Outright power on an Inf is a no. We are not a brute force class (that would be the HA).
    We must retain some level of refinement and elegance, Gentlemen.
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  17. Good_Kitty

    Infiltrators are fine VS vehicles. The infiltrators job vs vehicles is to spot them, especially the weak ones. When you have a team of folks fighting with you it will force the tank to have to be repaired. where you should be in a position to snipe them. preferably behind the tank and out of line of site. Engineers 9 times out of 10 go behind the tank and use the tank as cover. I do it all the time. If you are on mattherson this is why you TR and NC have lots of empty tanks when I'm online >:3
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  18. Krytical

    The really sad part about this whole thing is that many infiltrator players believe infiltrators shouldn't have the ability to deal with vehicles. It's like those abuse victims who think they deserve to be abused.

    Infiltrators deserve SOMETHING to deal with vehicles. Why? Because every other class has it. I could understand the argument if infiltrators were the only class that could snipe at the moment. But they aren't. You can snipe from maximum rendering distance with just about any class with the right weapons and attachments. In addition, all other classes are better than infiltrators in CQC. Infiltrators aren't even better at hiding from tanks than other classes considering NV/IR vision (which every good tanker should have) will let them see you as clear as day regardless of cloak.

    So again, why is it that many of us think that infiltrators should be defenseless against vehicles?
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  19. Damianamaru

  20. blzbug

    It was that way in PS1. You needed upgraded certs to hack an occupied vehicle. All vehicle hacking took some time, so if the veh moved you were out of luck. And for the duration of the hack, the tool made a distinct sound. Not nearly as loud as our current cloak sound, but plenty for the veh occupant to hear. Vehicle hacking was one of the most tense 10 seconds in PS1 :) Followed by the mad rush to get in before the anthill got you. Of course, if you jacked a tank and didn't have MBT certs, you could only jump in the gunner spot. Once there, you couldn't depress enough to kill someone right next to the tank. So you jump in and almost immediately hear the jacking sound as they start re-jacking the veh. Fun times...