Infantry weapon changes - 12/12/2013

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by joshua, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Nintyuk

    40m!!!??! You think SMG's should be perfectly viable in hipfire out to ranges were most carbines need to be ADS to even be close to accurate and also need to stop moving too? SMG's are supposed to be used in hipfire within 10 to 20m and have the benefit of a small almost fixed COF that allows them to get consistent damage from the hip in close range. Their supposed to be a step between shotguns and close-range carbines. Like shotguns in close range but actually have the ability to damage stuff outside of that range with burst fire and ADS.
  2. VonStalin

    I don't care. They can make SMGs to do 0 damage on the range over 40 meters, but bring back original hip accuracy :)

    Anyway, I really like scope zoom in time changes on Warden. It scopes quick!! More guns should scope quickly like that. It feels good. I don't know, it might be a bug, but good one :)
    And I like, that they removed scope sway from 4x scopes. Try SAS-R with 4x scope now, its a beast! I like that as well. If it could only scope in as fast as warden, that would be amazing. Would remind me cs 1.6 AWP, when you press mouse 2 and instantly mouse 1 to fire "without scope". That thing requires a lot of skill, but once you master it...
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  3. Wildclaw

    Lock-ons are extremely fair suppression weapons that give you plenty of warning and have multiple counters including
    • avoidance - All lock-on missiles can be forced to miss if you maneuver correctly. This is especially useful for fast vehicles such as Harassers, Lightnings and ESFs.
    • cover - Works both before and after it has been fired.
    • range - Next patch will make this a more important factor.
    • flares/smoke
    • stealth - Further increases the time you have to utilize most of the above countermeasures.
    And that is in addition to having a noticeably lower damage output than equivalent non-seeking ways of doing damage. I both drive and fly, and I don't think I have ever died to a lock-on missile while thinking that it wasn't my own fault.

    Lockons are probably mostly disliked because they expose idiotic behavior. Out of all suppression fire mechanics in the game, it gives the most warning and does the least relative damage. So while firing a lockon may not require much skill, getting killed by one requires even less skill.
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  4. DeadliestMoon

    That's fine. I actually don't mind lock-ons.
  5. Kociboss

    Some people prefer oldschool system, when ADS did not exist you know...

    Not to mention how horrible the sights are in PS2.
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  6. Gleerok

    Hip accuracy tears everywhere...

    I only hip with my SMG (7-PDW) while infiltrating when the target is 5m away and I'm sure I'll get the kill when I do it. Never, ever, I do that when someone is running and +10m away, in that case, ADS if no enemies are around, if they are then expect to get killed because of your negligence in analyzing the enemy field.

    I always thought hip firing towards +40m targets was overdoing it.

    If you can hit headshots from hip within 10~15m on a moving target its already too much, and you deserve a medal because heck, that must demand a lot of skill.
  7. BarxBaron

    OMG do you know what this means?

    This means the damn Heavy weps actually have some balance against the LMG spamfest!

    I might actually start playing heavy again now that it will be less boring.
  8. Nintyuk

    I love games like TF2 and C&C renegade but in those games everyone was using hipfire and only snipers had a scope. But in a game were 90% of weapons require ADS for accurate fire having weapons that kill fast and are just as accurate when fired without spending time to scope aim leads them to have a advantage over any gun that needs to ADS.
    This doesn't mean they can't be balanced it just means they need to be forced to be effective ONLY in typical hipfire ranges which would typically be around 10 to 20m.
  9. Zazen

    The hip-fire change is for two reasons:

    1) With the new Nanoweave not affecting headshots, hyper accurate hip-firing, which allows you to drill many enemies in the head at close range before having to reload with insanely low TTK, would be un-fun and OP.

    2) It's a backdoor buff to NC, because NC LMG's, with only two exceptions, were not good hip-fire weapons anyway. So, it evens the playing field a bit, now all LMG wielders will have to ADS or suffer a hefty accuracy penalty just like NC already does by default.
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  10. Nintyuk

    Also the TR Mini Gun actually has more of a point as It's hipfire is unaffected.
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  11. Qaz

    I'll quote in the hope that you'll see this.There's a conceptual problem with the LMGs now. You're nerfing their usefulness in CQC through the hipfire adjustment, and that's fine. I'm perfectly OK with LMGs moving from all-rounders to medium range weapons. That being said, the close range LMGs of each faction (orion, msw-r, anchor) have 50 round magazines and act more like SMGs than LMGs. There's two ways to address this. Either they need extensive rebalancing so that they're competitive at medium range, or they need to be excluded from the proposed nerf/remain as cqc variants. The former would be harder, the latter would be less disruptive.As VS, I do love my Orion, and I don't really regard it as overpowered. If it needed balancing the MS multi could be downgraded to .5.

    This brings me to the next point. Weapons with a .75 MS multi have been adjusted. For VS, this affects the orion and the SVA-88. I haven't had the chance to test them out myself yet, but i can see a conceptual problem with the proposed change. .75 MS on LMGs is an attribute that makes the weapon better at close range/for corner peaking. Adding more random recoil means that these weapons will now be much worse at even medium range. Problem is, with the proposed hip-fire changes, these weapons just aren't viable for real close range fights anymore. To me, this represents a massive nerf to what is the most loved VS lmg -- the sva. If its recoil was significantly worsened while it was also made useless at close range unless you're in ADS, I really wouldn't see a reason to equip it anymore.

    Kill the .75 MS on the SVA and leave the rest untouched, and allow the orion/msw-r/anchor to perform well at close range.
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  12. stalkish

    Ive had the same idea, someone needs to make a suggestion for it.
    With the changes we are seeing to nanoweave and flak armour it would realy be a choice of what to take, extra bullet protection, extra explosive protection, or headshot protection. Could call it composite helmet cert.
  13. Ghosty11

    300m is max infantry render range adding an additional 50 m would do absolutely nothing for the T3 sniper rifles, and having the range of the t2 match that of the t3, is a bad idea as it muddies the water between the weapons. I think SOE has hit the nail on the head with the sniper rifle changes and has clearly defined the roles of each weapon.
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  14. chrollo

    i think one of the latest lambo engine is made by volvo
  15. ISKNausicaa

    Fantasic news about the sniper rifles, made my day, though ptr is ptr, i wont celebrate until we see them on live.

    Then we would be right back where we are right now in reguards to BASRs; in that we wouldnt know who was carrying this headshot 'protection' before we made the shot and unless that individual is braindead/afk then it would be a doddle to get in cover and heal up usually before we can attempt the followup shot.

    Even in the open, trying to land a follow up shot on an aware opponent can be foiled by them simply doing what i lovingly term as the 'Spaz Dance' (running and changing direction at random, making leading shots outside of close range next to impossible/lucky at best) until they reach cover.

    The only headshot protection should be on the engie's turret shields, and then only directly from the front (perhaps with a small visor for snipers to shoot through at close range).
  16. piottras

    NC's weapons have such bad hipfire that it's not much of a change (I use hipfire only at point blank, anything else than this is just silly), I guess TR / VS will feel it the most as they might start to ADS now with their LMGs in CQC.
  17. Gammit

    What are assault rifle hip fire weapons (vs the standard assault rifles)?
  18. Botji

    Havent tested yet but like the sound of most of it.

    Just a bit concerned about the Orion, its a good gun but if they make it less accurate AND give it a longer reload whats the point of having a 50 ammo LMG?
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  19. stalkish

    I can see what your saying but why not have something that shows they are wearing the protecting helmet, and besides flak armour seems way more viable than headshot stopper to me, some people will also prefer nanoweave. I think they should at least explore the viability of such a cert line, just saying no itl stop me gettin ohk every time i shoot isnt exactly giving it a chance.
  20. Mexiguy

    There is no need for reticled scopes when you can just memorize the drop pattern of your rifle and put your personal waypoint on the enemies' position