In case you were wondering, DBG screwed us over once again.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HAXTIME, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. Collin

    mmmh 50 % with a striker @ 250 meters _ Try it on the VR its on a galaxy sitting on the ground like 50 % when you got the right position you tap in the right moment. The rest is like 0 % @ 250 meters. In battle conditions you just can´t hit anything with the striker unless its in the range you normaly would use a deci or ES dump fire.
  2. Lena_993

    Where did you get those reload numbers from? Ingame tooltip shows 4,6 instead of 4,2s and 4,7 instead of 5,2s. Looks like you made the Striker reload better while making the Phoenix reload worse.
    Did you calculate the 2,4 seconds that it takes for the Striker to empty its mag at full RoF? Of course not, since you probably never used the Striker.
    Did you also consider that you have to move out of cover & aim at the target before shooting while using the Striker compared to the Phoenix?

    ...those calculations are so far off i don't even bother correcting them.

    You still have the longest exposure time of all RL (>=2,4sec while ADS), the damage is still split giving the opponent more time to react and you still need to have good aim to compensate for movement/bullet drop at longer distances. It is probably the ESRL that requires most skill right now to make it even remotely useful. Why should it be the only RL that also requires CoF luck?
  3. Cyrek

    I have been saying ever since week 1 of new striker change that tracking wasn't working on stealth aircraft, I've have been told often that I must have been laggy and "l2aim its working 4 me" vanu trolls, the problem was NEVER acknowledged by DBG for all this time; Either way I can't wait to get an ever increasing carpal tunnel syndrome from clicking so much with this sorry excuse of a RL.
  4. TheRunDown

    TR Desperately need Long Range AV.
    There's only so much you can do with a Prowler in Anchor mode with no Long range secondary AV..
    Compared to the Enforcer and Saron that can kill a Prowler in less than 4 Seconds combined with AP Shells.

    The Fractures got nerfed because Infantry complained about being Snipped by them, Striker got nerfed in to the ground, G30 Got Nurfed in to the ground and that leaves us with... What to use at long range? While VS and NC Farm TR with PPAs, Enforcers and Sarons..

    Anchor Mode should affect Secondary Weapons weapons increasing it's Range and Possibly RoT with some secondary weapons.
    Striker shouldn't be so S#$% and Fractures shouldn't tickle..
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  5. axiom537

    It would be OP vs Ground vehicles, because the Coyote rockets turn on a dime once they lock on. Meaning those rockets would turn around buildings and make sharp cuts and hit vehicles well behind cover. You would also need to reduce the velocity to like 80 and halve the damage, because at 220 m/s it would be virtually 100% accurate at ridicules ranges...

    Well, you did just describe a possible solution.
  7. Scr1nRusher

    It wouldn't be OP. Just like the striker ISN'T OP against aircraft.

    Stop fearing so much.
  8. axiom537

    Really!!! a 220 m/s rocket that does 200+ damage for a total of 1200+ per clip, with a fire and forget lock-on system that auto tracks into all ground vehicles with in a 10m range wouldn't be OP? Do you have any idea how incredible accurate a rocket like that would be vs ground vehicles that travel at a fraction of that speed.

    The current lock-on mechanic is not OP vs Air vehicles because they travel 150-300 m/s, which means they can quickly and easily get away from such rockets. Ground vehicles would not stand a chance. This mechanic would make the Striker 100% accurate vs any ground vehicle up to at least 250m and they could even hide behind cover... Have you ever seen a coyote rocket do a 90 degree turn when it locks onto an Air vehicle, Ground vehicles wouldn't even be able to tuck in close to an object to avoid them.
  9. axiom537

    And then every TR would be crying about how incredible weak and slow the rockets are, and how it is impossible to even hit targets that are close to mid range, because they simply drive away or you have to lead a ridicules amount...And are you even considering the turning radius of the coyote rocket, because unlike the phoenix, which has a horrible turning radius, the Coyotes can literally do a 90 degree turn, so this would mean any ground vehicle would not even be safe tucked in behind cover, unless that cover extends 10m past the vehicle in question.
  10. Scr1nRusher


    Also Its far from OP.

    Also Effective =/= OP.
  11. axiom537

    FUNCTION!!! You obviously have no vision and how these things would play out in game. A 220 m/s rocket that is fire and forget against vehicles that travel 1/4 the speed of that rocket would have no chance in getting away.
  12. Scr1nRusher


    Dude a single striker rocket against any form of armor will take a while to kill.

    your being irrational.
  13. axiom537

    Irrational? I think your being Obtuse. Anyone with half a mind, that has even the slightest clue about weapon balance and functionality and how those two synergize, would understand how incredibly OP a 220 m/s rocket with a fire and forget proximity lock on function, being used against slow ground vehicles.
  14. Scr1nRusher

    I'm guessing you have never went on the PTS recent to test the changes?
  15. axiom537

    what are you talking about now? I was talking about how OP it would be to give the Striker a fire and forget lock-on mechanic vs ground vehicles. The current changes to the Striker are fine, in fact I think they are just about perfect. However, allowing it to lock onto ground vehicles would be OP and that is not one of the changes, but one we were discussing here.
  16. Scr1nRusher

    But how do you know it would be OP if you haven't visually tested or seen it?
  17. Pelojian

    be on the receiving end of ravens and vortexes for a good long while. you'll understand that the suggested change is at most as powerful as ravens and vortexes.

    remember how ravens are 100% accurate and if there's no cover to retreat away long enough you die? remember vortexes where you can be at range and no real threat and they can pew pew uncharged shots at you and kill your low health tank if their no cover?

    meanwhile NC and VS can sit at range or retreat to those same ranges without chance of lethal or dangerous fracture or striker fire?
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  18. axiom537

    Because I understand how they function and how they will function with that ability.

    Ravens and Vortex's are 450 cost AV Max Platforms, they should give vehicles a run for their money and I think both of those MAX units are right where they should be. Hopefully, they will buff the Fractures to give the TR the same sort of AV Max platform. On the bright side TR do have the most powerful long range AV weapon in this game, the Prowler, but they still need a MAX that is similar to the Vortex and Ravens, once the fractures are brought in line with the ravens and vortex, we will need to adjust the pounders, because those are just way to versatile in dealing AV and AI damage.
  19. Scr1nRusher

    But do you really?
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  20. Pelojian

    Maxes at range are mobile strafe dancing AV platforms, where as prowlers aren't so much, ether reverse out of the line of fire or anchor your metal coffin somewhere for good rate of fire. an AV max can dodge fire well enough that he can kill exposed tanks before they can kill him.

    In asking for a pounder nerf (the only TR AV ES infantry option people are currently wary of) you are directing a nerf to our AI effectiveness, people use pounders as an all rounder because they do well against vehicles at close range and they are direct fire against infantry with a little splash and TR MAXes don't have to worry about cone of fire making most of our bullets miss since we are using grenades.

    Pounders are fine currently NC and VS AV excels at close and long range AV while TR only excels at close range.
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