I'm close to quiting Tanking.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Halon

    Personally the best buff for tanks against infantry in recent memory was them moving the prox radar to the defense slot, now you can have the empire ability and radar equipped. And if you're checking your minimap often (which tankers should be already) c4 infantry become a non issue. Yes, you lose out on other defense options but for me it's hard to pass on infantry radar. Though I'm also confused why the devs gave c4 to classes like the medic and heavy.

    I agree engy AV turret range is still too long. But assuming you play NC, at least you can break lockons with cover, all I get to see is phoenix missiles cresting over the hill chunking my tanks HP. And honestly the damage from lockons is about the weakest of all AV options.

    EOD hud could use some improvements along with NC/TR AI weapons. And I agree the game would be better without HE cannons.

    After a while tank mines become mostly easy to spot, if you have flora and shadows turned off and are vigilant about checking the ground in front of you. Not the best solution I know.

    I couldn't believe they wanted to lower the magrider's already dismal velocity along with the other tanks' to encourage more close range engagements while having no plans to change lockon or engy turrets.

    The tank meta isn't perfect, but I think it's the best it's ever been. It would probably be better without the engy AV turret, but something tells me we are stuck with them in some form or another.
  2. Copasetic

    What I meant is reduce vehicle render range to match infantry, if anything that would increase performance.

    I get the logic in deciding on the separate render distances, but we're talking about something that creates an unfair playing field and lots of problems for the sake of a minor cosmetic improvement. What kind of competitive shooter allows players to kill other players without even rendering for them? Not to mention all the special cases they've had to code in to handle projectile and threat based rendering, I can't imagine that helps performance either and it seems to cause bugs in almost every major patch.

    I don't know, personally I'd rather just accept appearing tanks as a limitation of technology. At least then I can always be sure that anything I can't see can't see me either.
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  3. MadMelon

    Even though I agree with u some of your points are dumb:

    -c4? That's your problem? Lucky u. Only Inexperienced tankers die to c4
    -av-mana turrets ( yes u are right they are annoying as hell)
    -eod not working? I'm not sure. I don't think an implant should make tank mines useless.
  4. FateJH

    I doubt that kind of argument would fly for either party.

    You also couldn't apply it to other realms of the game without major stinks being raised. Some players have been asking for a means of actively disrupting the Medic's immense ability to revive players, while other people suggest it would lead to a breakdown in gameplay. While the newer corpse decay mechanics are frustrating, they don't really serve the same purpose that the original complaint tried to address. That same applies to less crusades such as against the Engineer's bottomless Ammo Pack.
  5. andy_m

    Picture this for a moment though:-

    In real life, if you looked across a landscape, made up of rolling hills, buildings, trees etc. What would you notice first? This is where I am coming from, that the larger objects, even in real life, would be given priority. Our brains would more than likely go, "wow, a fecking Tank!!! Runaway!!"

    So it kinda works for me.

    You could say that a large amount of infantry could also provoke the same kind of response, but Tanks move much faster than infantry and I would therefore not consider them to be as much of a problem...
  6. JudgeNu

    that reply was, visualizing the times when no one is taking point, everyone is sitting in their tanks/sundys
    I have seen it countless times on NC side.
    Also I have seen many times AV turrets waiting for our tank column.
    In the same spots, the same times...when there is really no need for a tank.
    It has nothing to do with the spawn room, AV turrets are mostly used from what I have seen, when armor is in route to a base.
  7. FateJH

    There's no cure for that kind of poor gameplay choice. That's not the kind of situation this thread is trying to be about, though. The point of discussion is extreme animosity towards tankers who are actually trying to tank responsibly, or at least the perception of it.
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  8. JudgeNu

    I agree with 95% of your comments in this thread.
    I have been thinking about joining an outfit, but idk.

    What do you mean by this.
    I agree that an abundance of solo players is a problem, when it comes to faction cohesion.
    Communication is key but nonexistent outside whatever circle command has.

    Outfits are fine imo, maybe they should elect a friendly leader of the free world that would actually be able to communicate to the rest of us peons.
    Clearly they aren't recruiting many.
    It would have to be a bit repetitive also in simple instruction to the masses, because of player turnover with logging.

    Basic information that would help the newer/solo's feel apart of the faction and not the one who gets booted out of a sundy while trying to keep it alive.

    One can have their [XXXX] outfit, how about making a [xxxx] outfit for engaging the peons?
  9. volth

    Engineers can use it(They have TANK MINES and the AV turret)

    Tank mines and Engi AV turret is very OP against sunderers. 1 Tank mine can almost blow a max level armor sunderer :/ and AV turrets is very strong against both tank and sunderers. AV turrets should do low dmg not like tanks and have limited ammo.