If you don't want me to farm, stop punishing me for my job.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by deggy, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. Alarox

    It is an interesting person who takes pleasure in the misfortune of others.
  2. iller

  3. EliteEskimo

    The resource revamp will help remove tank spam, but I'm sure there will be other ways to invest into vehicles or else SOE will lose many pilots, tankers, ect. The tankers who can keep themselves alive long don't even have to worry about cool down timers. If the resource revamp makes things similar to PS1 I'll actually be able to pull my tank even more since time isn't my limitation, being underpopulated and having limited resources is. Being spawnshelled isn't a problem of tanks as much as it is a problem of bad base design, and that issue is being solved by making the new types of bases like those found on Amerish.
  4. WTSherman

    I'm pretty sure the resource revamp is also making the cap much higher than 750, and it's on a per-facility basis so if one facility is tapped out you can pull from somewhere else.

    Which if you're getting a vehicle, the polite (and smart) thing to do is to pull it a few bases back anyway. It doesn't take long to drive/fly to the front, you won't have such a high risk of running over infantry on the way out, and you'll be less likely to get gibbed by campers the second you roll off the pad.
  5. LibertyRevolution

    Sorry man, I lost my sympathy for tankers after a year of this:




    This is not fun gameplay for either side.. Spawncampside2 is not fun..
    After 2,250 hours of playtime, I have had enough of it.

    BTW, with that 2,250 hours of playtime, I have spent a whopping 48 hours total in a MBT, and that is across all 3 factions.
  6. Devrailis

    This is because all objective play is infantry only.

    Tanks have 0 influence on objectives, hexes change hands when infantry roll a point. Sure, you may have a dozen spammers around that point vomiting Thermal Viper rounds at it, but it took the infantry to roll the point and flip the hex. It takes infantry to flip every single hex, regardless of how much armour is being spammed.

    Think of how relevant you are in a magrider sitting around a Biolab. You are, in fact, as relevant around any other hex in terms of point control. You may make flipping the point easier, again by farming infantry, but there you go, you're still farming infantry.

    That's why at the end of the day, sitting in the tank leaves you wondering just what the heck you're doing. Because there really isn't anything meaningful to do when capture mechanics are an infantry only domain.

    If you want more intensive vehicle encounters, PS2 is going to need vehicle based objectives that flip or switch based on vehicle presence. They could be cap points that only tanks can flip, or destructible objectives that only vehicles can destroy (and then have engineers repair?), vehicle escort missions trying to push a resource convey from one base to another, command vehicle hunting if we ever get vehicles with meaningful C&C gameplay mechanics, it doesn't really matter, it just needs to be something.

    Imagine if base function or control could only be maintained by a resource, which ticked down at regular intervals, which could only be supplied by a vehicle, so you get that vehicle loaded up and supplied and now you have to traverse a 1.5km no-mans land to that base (as opposed to a zerg hump 300 meters away). Now imagine that base is contested so you need to make sure that the supply convoy makes it there in one piece, and there are AV vehicles on the opposing empire that want to make sure you don't make it in one piece. Now imagine you're the hero of the day in your AP Magrider, keeping those supply routes clear for the resource convoys. In that sort of ecosystem, vehicles have a gameplay role that actually matters.

    Right now, vehicles have nothing.
    • Up x 1
  7. deggy

    Actually, the resource revamp (April I believe) is going to remove cooldown timers from all vehicles.

    If you kill my tank right after I pull it, I can come back three seconds later with another one.

    InfantrySide can have fun with that little gem.

    As for this:
    In 2,250 hours you only hit BR58? You need to work on your playstyle. I've only got 1,290 hours on record and my VS is BR84, my TR is BR25, and my NC is BR32.
  8. LibertyRevolution

    I have a BR73 VS, and a BR74 TR, along with that NC that is in my sig.

    You can't compare my stats with yours.. we are playing 2 different games.
    I am playing a MMOFPS, you are playing a force multiplier as a playstyle..
    We all know being a vehicle farmer pays more certs... so congrats?
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  9. deggy

    70 SPM...

    Dear Vanu, what the hell do you DO all day? Even mine's better than that!
  10. Devrailis

    I'll be interested in seeing how they handle infantry resource "banking" with a consolidated system.

    It's the fact that you can store your infantry resources into consumables, so you're not having overflow waste with your resources sitting at 750 all day. Vehicle and air resources don't have any such option currently which means if you don't fly or tank, those resources are going to waste.
  11. LibertyRevolution

    Well, I did a lot of nothing as I was PL of zergfit..
    A lot of just sitting in a sunderer with my map open or being the guy standing on the point.
    Most of my NC XP comes from base captures, the rest from suicide LA sunderer kills that were worth only 100XP...

    I don't play my NC anymore, stopped when they merged me onto waterson...
    I only play enough to get my WDS rewards. My killboard is so empty it goes back to 2013.
  12. LibertyRevolution

    There will be no more banking infantry consumables, everything will be a pay on use.
    You will no longer be able to store 40 blocks of c4, and 40 tank mines ect..
  13. deggy

    I think that'll be the only nerf C4 will need.
  14. Crosseyed

    That's not how you spell "Revive medic" or "Biolab MAX"

    Ignoring the terrible troll henceforth: OP I have to disagree with you, a little. You say you can come in with an AV tank and the best case is you wipe out anything you are geared towards fighting in the area...this is the truth. You then say that there is nothing for you to do at that point but try to farm infantry with AV oriented weapons.

    NO. You are a tank. In the 3-5 minutes or so it'll take your peasants to capture that base you can cross a good portion of the continent with time to spare. Go to the next fight your faction is in, kill their armor too. Or even just advance to the next base on the Idiot-lane and pop all their turrets/shoot anyone trying to prepare a defense. This will result in certs, probably more certs than spamming the spawn competing with 30 OTHER tanks also spamming the spawn for that approximately five minute period.

  15. Taemien

    This is the problem with today's gamer. They will seriously sit in a location and 'farm' stuff rather than completing the game. And this goes for any game. Its like playing Super Mario 3 and sitting in the one dungeon that has the coin loop with the room made of blocks you can turn into coins infinitely. They'll actually sit in there until they have 99 lives. Where by that time a veteran gamer (one actually from the 80s) would have finished the rest of the game.

    Point is, too many people worry about certs. Not enough worry about the actually territory capture, alert win, or continent capture.

    I made a suggestion a while ago about how to fix this. Its a crazy idea but one that would probably work. Basically you get a running tally of all the 'certs' you would earn, but you don't earn them immediately. What happens is on each continent you play on, it keeps a separate total for each one. Once your faction captures a continent (whether you are online or not) all of the certs you would have earned to that point are finally awarded.

    The same thing could happen with alerts, the certs are awarded at the end (so there would be a way to get 'some' certs even if your faction kinda sucked).

    This would entice people to actually do things that contribute to the win, rather than the farm. I would even suggest not showing this running total until it was earned. So if you want your certs, you have to win. Not farm. There is no instant gratification.
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  16. NinjaKirby

    That's pretty magical. I like dis man's idea. Full concealment of the certs acquired would be a great idea, it's a similar thought to concealing K/D, to prevent people from padding and "manipulating" game mechanics via tedious methods to get there numbers up, just because... well, Ego, or whatever.

    To the OP, I personally like playing AV Tank setup, because I don't care about my Cert gain - I honestly don't. I sometimes roll support duty outta nowhere for random smaller squads at bases, because eventually they are gonna bump into an enemy infantry farming vehicle, which I can blast the crap out of, and feel great for supporting my faction. That sorta cool story bro's.

    TL;DR **** Certs
  17. WorldOfForms

    Higby already said in the initial proposal for a new resource system that there will be no banking of consumables. Everything will be spend-as-you-use. You'll always have a grenade in your grenade slot when you spawn, but it will consume resources when you throw the grenade. You could still only carry one grenade at a time, though.

    I guess the exception is if your resources are so low that you can't afford even a grenade, maybe it won't spawn with you (or hilariously, you'll try to throw a grenade and get red text saying "Sorry, you can't do that right now.")
  18. WorldOfForms

    That system would never work. It would mean that I as a player am dependent upon the performance of people I can't control for my character advancement. I could do amazing things for my team, but if they lose while I'm offline, I get no certs. That would pretty much kill the entire game instantly.
  19. Devrailis

    I actually rather like that idea, less having to check my resource counter every few minutes in an infantry hex to make sure I'm "banking" my overflow.

    If this were a Korean MMO, you would get a big bright flashy cash shop pop-up every time you tried. ;)
  20. JesusVoxel

    Stats like that encourage all the worst kind of behaviours in this game. Maximizing your meaningless score instead of playing and enjoying the game? Sounds like fun that. I swear if stats would be removed altogether from this game, the quality of playerbase would skyrocket as all trash would leave.