I hate Heavy Assult shield ability!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dr Grumbler, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Chiss

    This is not a 1v1 dueling game. Classes SHOULD BE UNBALANCED in 1v1 combat.
  2. Kanzy

    I used to always have trouble with HA, when I meet one I just prepare to face my respawn pod if I am not playing an HA my self. but then I just found out that, I was doing it wrong, I mean why should expect to go toe to toe with a HA just shotting at each other with out taking advantage of any cover or anything else and expect not to Get F***ed.

    If I am caught in the open then strife is your friend since HA LMGs are really bad in hip fire and needs to Aim down sights (lots of players will have trouble following you around because of the bad fps everyone is getting (oh don't tell me thats an exploit)

    if its base fights then I just out run and out corner turn them when they have their shields on because it slows them down, just stall them a bit till the shield runs out and the grounds are leveled, They have nanoweave? then why don't you.
  3. boogaa

    Dude, medic can take shotgun, 2 shots are enough to kill an HA with shield even at 50m...
  4. boogaa

    Come on, if you refer to NC HA, I can already told you that they are pretty weak. Most of the time a 1vs 1 , for example light assault vs HA, light assault wins. Same thign with medic, because if you are close enough your weapon are more accurate and got higher fire rate than HA weapon. We got even no time to activate this shield you are talking about..

    The shield slows you down significantly and makes you light up like a christmas tree. I see no problem here. Playing a lot as Heavy myself I gotta say that I actually rather dislike the overshield for the reasons I mentioned above. Hence I typically only ever activate it when my personal shields are down, basically to have an additional layer of protection for the time it takes for my personal shields to recharge. And in such situations I usually retreat from combat anyway.
  6. centurionvi

    Well, he does have a point. 6/10 people on the ground wouldn't be Heavy Assaults if it wasn't the easiest to play. Every other class has some sort of weakness, Engineers and LAs have carbines which are worse than ARs and LMGs, Medics are fairly helpless against vehicles, Infiltrators have less health, what drawback does HA have? They're great against infantry, great against vehicles, they have the most durability, and they can carry medkits without having to sacrifice their AV capabilities like everyone else.

    Practically there is very little reason to play anything else other than simple personal preference, and that doesn't seem very balanced to me. I don't buy the "front line soldier so there should be more of them" argument either. I can't think of any other class based shooter where one class so highly outnumbers the others as this one. Heavy weapons guy doesn't make up the majority of teams in TF2. There isn't an overly dominant class in BF3, or Borderlands 2, etc. I bet if you went on a TF2 board and asked what the most played class was you would get a half dozen different answers.

    A class based shooter should have enough roles and skills that makes all of them equally viable. That simply isn't the case in Planetside 2. If your platoon isn't made up of a majority of Heavy Assaults, you will be at a disadvantage against one that is, and I think that is a very poor design.
  7. Mightyhalo

    It's very noob friendly so that is why it's so popular.
  8. hunder

    make HA shield to work only wen tthay have aout the rocket so thay cant use it vs inf ha is AV not a AI and make HA rockets like underslug kancer so thay will stop shoot enemys with them and start use ther wapons thas yhe reson HA got the ther shield and not for AI like all use them this change will lead HA to focous more on tans ect

    According to that logic a platoon full of heavies would win hands down vs a platoon in which all classes are advocated and supporting each other. In reality it doesn't work out like that. Heavies can't revive each other nor can they resupply themselfes with ammo mid combat. Neither can they repair the SCU that the other team has just destroyed.

    This game isn't about yolo MLG 1v1 shootouts (wait :eek:) . Get it in your heads already:rolleyes:.
  10. Rhinzual

    The vehicle counters are either C4 that LAs get access to, or the rather crummy launchers. The Phoenix is alright, but it's got crummy turning, the Lancer is bad since you have to expose yourself to fully charge up shots to hit a vehicle and hope it doesn't blow up or move behind cover, forcing you to waste a full charge. The striker seems to suffer in that once LoS is broken, the missile goes to dumbfire and it can't even lock onto MAXes or go into dumbfire mode (unless I missed something in VR training). There's the lock-ons which most agree are garbage, and the default launcher where SOE took pages from Far Cry 2 of all things and made the projectiles slow as hell and arcing.

    The NMG and Adrenaline Shield stop damage, but are less effective at lower charges, the Resist Shield mitigates all damage (though not BASR/HE/Lolpods, etc) and simply make the TTK a few tenths of a second higher, maybe. The 100 bullet magazines? If you mean on the default LMGs, then the Orion only has half that, the T9 Carv sucks, and the NC6 Gauss SAW needs 330+ certs to really be effective and has the absolutely longest reloading time of any weapon in the game. Fire off all the shots from a Longshot/RAMS. 50/Parralex(sp?) and you'll notice the long reload for those is shorter than the short reload of the NC6 Gauss SAW.
  11. RichardDunn

    That's why you need to kill the HA before he pops his shield. You can't just run into a room and make your presence noticed, this is when HA shines. Also, once his shield has drained he's completely vulnerable.

    Also, 1 word, HEADSHOTS.
  12. IamSalvation

    HA is most played because it is a Generalist, it can deal with everything but is not best at anything.
    LMGs are basicly **** weapons in this game... for CQC they don´t have enough ROF or good enough Hip Fire COF and are outperformed by basicly each and every Carbine, Assault Rifle, SMG, Shotgun.

    At Range the COF Bloom is to much, the base Accuracy is **** and the velocity is not very high. Every AR outperforms it by far. (Ok, maybe not the Gauss Saw..)

    Same goes for Launchers:
    They can deal with Vehicles, but they are not the best at doing it.
    Tanks are killed faster by LA & Engi with C4 or Mines, lots faster than Rockets and not harder to do if the tank is very close and between buildings.
    At Range the Engi Turret is much better.
    Every option is better to kill a Sundi.
    For AA a Burster Max is LOTS better than Lock on Launchers.

    As far as i see this, the Shield is the only thing that keeps the Heavy from totaly sucking in CQB and losing to every Noob HA no matter what....

    Who ever thinks Heavys are OP has never really played a heavy, or never really played the other classes and saw what they are able to do...
  13. Bl4ckVoid

    50m with shotgun? LOL. More like 5.
  14. boogaa

    Dude don't tell me five, I tested it yesterday with a friend and 2 shots are sufficient. Once again don't reply if your do not know what you are talking about.
  15. IamSalvation

    Only with Slugs...
  16. MrLee.NO

    Can't 1v1 heavies? protip: aim better.
  17. Patrician

    You say the classes should be more balanced 1 v's 1? What like an LA should have an equal chance of taking down an HA? Or a medic? So you don't want there to be any difference between classes in PS2? All classes should be equal, is that what you want? Look just go back to CoD.
    • Up x 1
  18. wave

    I would not be adverse to having the shield only be available is it is fully charged.
  19. haldolium

    Hence the name.


    Some people probably start whining that the desert in Indar makes their feet burn...
  20. BuzzCutPsycho