I hate Heavy Assult shield ability!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dr Grumbler, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. thrikerr

    Heavy Assaults are supposed to have an advantage against other infantry in 1v1 situations. They do most of the killing and tanking, while Medics and Engineers are there to support them, and Infiltrators and Light Assaults... well, they can do their own thing. The game is designed to have more heavy assaults than anything else in a typical battle, but that doesn't mean they can do everything on their own. My outfit, for example, uses a typical squad makeup of 6-7 heavy assaults, 3-4 medics, and 2 engineers because it's an efficient ratio of killing power and healing/resupplying potential.

    I hate comparing things to TF2, but it's really the same situation in that game. You can't complain that the heavy is killing your scout 1v1 because that's what the heavy is supposed to do. He is the front line.
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  2. WalrusJones

    Medics have guns that make the shielded HA a joke.................... And their nano regen makes them very tough cookies in any fight where strafing is possible. (Taking you know... Up to four extra bullets due to him regaining health after he breaks out of your line of fire.)

    Combat. Medic.
  3. thrikerr

    You must be fighting some really bad players if they let you regen your entire health bar.
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  4. WalrusJones

    Well, Try this: Sprint diagonal to the target in CQC, jump (At reflexive speeds......)

    LOF broken. Regen to full health while both of you walk through each others bodies trying to get a new line of fire. (Regenning 2-3 bullets on some occasions.....)

    Knife enemy, shoot him, get shot a little.
    Regen that last few bullets.
  5. thrikerr

    This doesn't happen because shotguns.

    Also LOL "knife enemy", I almost kinda sorta believed you up until that part.

    edit: also, you don't walk through each other's bodies because unit collision is enabled for enemies. Keep playing that imaginary game in your head though.
  6. WalrusJones

    Well, that part USUALLY doesn't work, but its better then emptying my clip into the wall, right?
  7. thrikerr

    Can't say I've ever emptied a clip into the wall trying to shoot somebody.
  8. WalrusJones

    You believed me up into the point where I said "Clip through the enemy strafing trying to stall for time while regeneration does its job"

    When you are in those scenarios, YES, trying anything more then lucky knifing will just waste your bullets.
  9. thrikerr

    Only you can't just magically go through enemies so I don't know where you're getting that from.

    Shotguns still exist btw, and everyone uses them in CQC, you should try them.
  10. WalrusJones

    You basically, can, I ram into you and start walking in random directions, you start walking and turning in random directions to spot me.
    Latency makes it look like you are clipping into me more then once, they empty their gun into the air trying to shoot me, blah blah blah, I jump away, turn around, and shoot them with full health and a loaded gun.

    Ehh, I do plan on getting an SG, but the TAR I have, that can.... Hipfire kill at rather absurd ranges, has biased directional recoil that is manageable, and 800 RPM is more than satisfactory for now.
  11. thrikerr

    The only time this will happen is if you get the jump on someone, or maybe if they have really bad fps, like less than 15 maybe. In that case you'll obviously just kill them anyway. Close range is still dominated by shotguns, but even if neither of you have one, the supposedly horrible hipfire accuracy of LMGs won't matter at point blank range. You might have "juked" a BR5 like this the other day and felt really cool, but you don't just magically beat decent players with some little trick.
  12. TomoB

    Weeel if HA aims at torso and enemy aims at head then there's good chance HA will lose even with his OP shield&stuff.
  13. thrikerr

    That's the fault of the player, not the class. If heavy assault won 100% of the time, it would be a broken class, but the heavy always has a chance of losing. If I were to guess, I'd say heavies win maybe 60% of the time in 1v1 situations against other classes.
  14. WalrusJones

    No, it really is a last second desperation thing if someone gets the drop on you, Get in the "Cant keep me on the screen bubble" keep on their ***, and hop out of the bubble and quickly return fire... But it has allowed me to absorb absurd numbers of bullets, more then most HA can take.

    Sure, someone with a shotgun will kill me in .2 seconds (IF I am lucky,) but............
    When my close range, hipfire range is 20 meters, I think I have an edge on most shotgunners.

    But in strafing scenarios, it can lead to 1-2 bullets more (And always at least one,) if you have nano regen.

    (Sorry for the delay.... I just had to clear up that the TAR isn't the massive kicking monster that most TRV users make it up to be to a friend: The key is, both have literally opposite recoil directions, but have basically identical recoil per second (With the TAR favoring accuracy over ROF,) Thus, it takes the opposite muscle memory to use... Making users of one totally DERP when using the other.)
  15. Syphers

    100 bullets magazine, shield, vehicles counter, HA is pretty much the noob class. Personally I would have gave it something else than the shield.
  16. FlayvorOfEvil

    No they don't get every grenade. They get a useless anti-vehicle grenade that can't kill vehicles or infantry, and a concussion grenade. That is 2 out of the 8 unique grenades in the game. The LMGs are only accurate if you ADS and as an NC have very heavy recoil. Heavies can't repair vehicles, I have no idea where you got that idea from.
  17. SgtScum

    Wut? This is a class based shooter with defined roles. Not every class is supposed to be uber at 1 vs 1 combat.

    The skill is in how well you work with a team and coordinate not because you have quick hand to eye twitch reactions which of course always helps but then you should play an assault class and leave the guys with lower reaction times to healing and handing out ammo or running a burster max to keep the half blind paraplegic monkeys who use a mouth stick to fly from killing you with lolpod spam.
  18. IamSalvation

    Yeah Mr. PRO Gamer, you got it right! You don´t play HA so it must be the Noob Class!
    You are so awesome!
  19. Bill Hicks

    DUDE I TOTALLY AGREE ! It's almost as if Sony doesn't let the heavy, heal, repair, cloak, or anything BUT except killing.
  20. Bill Hicks

    Noob class? Sounds like alot of idiots with their carbines trying to kill a class made to kill things and nothing else.