I <3 my MAX!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Col_Jessep, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Col_Jessep

    Just wanted to share this with the brave freedom fighters of the NC. (TL;DR at the end of the post.) I fight for the NC on Cobalt and I invested heavily into my MAX suit. So far I mostly used it for AA and occasionally as AI in Bio Labs but today I was stuck with a couple of brave NC women and men in an isolated desert outpost on Indar (can't recall the name). I was patrolling in my Reaver, went after a Mossi pilot who called in reinforcements. I lost the 1 vs. 3 fight and respawned at a desert outpost to get back at the Mossis.

    I quickly jumped into my AA MAX (Dual Burster) and put some hurt on the Mossis that were now stalking a hand full of courageous NC fighters defending the outpost with rocket pots. I managed to annoy the Mossis a lot, caused one pilot to crash and shot down another one. Business as usual: They repaired/respawned and were back a minute later. The valiant fighters of the NC supported me with repairs and a pick-up. Thank you very much!

    What will an organized squad do if the ESF rockets cannot annihilate all opposition within 3 fly-bys? You are correct, they bring in a Liberator. Thankfully the pilot tried to land on a close by building (WHY?!?) and got slightly nervous after I took down his health to under 50% before he could even land and repair. Lib assist. =P

    Enter: The Prowler. What better to spawn if you want to oppress some poor, innocent freedom fighters on the ground, right? I was already in my anti tank MAX but the Mossis were back and required some immediate attention. The brave soldiers of the NC not only managed to take care of the Prowler, they recapped the point, buying us more time to defend.

    If everything else fails you try to fight fire with fire. The TR squad brought in a MAX of their own. Shouldn't be hard to take down a rebel AA MAX with a TR MAX, correct? Of course they didn't know about my double Hacksaw loadout... Let me put it like this: Surprised TR MAX ends up 5 meters in front of a double Hacksaw NC MAX with vengeance on his mind == one very dead TR MAX and a NC MAX with a slightly scratched paint job. :D

    We lost the cap point and the spawn room eventually but it felt good to be such a pain for the enemy. Again, thanks to my fellow freedom fighters for the repairs and support. I would have been toast without you! <3
    And thanks to the TR squad for being such persistent SOBs and making me realize that I should drop more cert points into my MAX suit.

    Please support your MAX suits and invest in a MAX suit of your own - or into your engineer tool. (You will love the XP from ammo and repairs!) A MAX close to a infantry resupply station with support is a powerful ally and can keep you save from the nasty things that would make ugly holes into your shiny uniform. However, a MAX without an engineer (and sometimes medic) is a short-lived affair. Too many times have I lost my MAX because everybody around me was trying to cert farm.

    And please pick up MAXes in your Sunderer or Vanguard. Running from one base to the next is obnoxious as hell but sometimes unavoidable due to the spawn timer on suits. If you have a Dual Burster MAX in your Sunderer you don't have to worry much about stray ESFs rocket podding you.

    Get the double Hacksaws for your NC MAX if you don't mind spending the money. They are highly situational and you will not use them often but it feels worth it if you can surprise an enemy MAX and put him to rest in the blink of an eye! I'm sure the TR MAX is still cursing me... ;)
    • Up x 2
  2. MasterChiefette

    Yep - love my MAX, too. One of the first things I did was invest in extended clips. I bring the hurt to the enemy planes. :) Rwwwr... I ♥ MAX
  3. forkyar

    if your nc of course you do its op.
    • Up x 1
  4. Xasapis

    This max unit is the main reason NC spawn camp with it and not with their MBTs like the rest of the factions. Also the reason why it's the hardest faction to root out of a place if they are well dug in.
  5. ent|ty

    I hate my MAX, and I'm TR. He is such a wussie, though I haven't fully specc'd out his flak armor and such, I DO have the double chaingun, which I never use, nor the double 'anti-armor', because both weapons are weak and useless.

    Noone runs from my TR or VS MAX. They charge.

    When I see an NC MAX with the dual shotties, I pop my HA shield, and if I can't find cover, fire best I can... chop chop I'm dead....
  6. Col_Jessep

    Inside of 10 meters the double Hacksaw MAX is super powerful but the TR MAX would have torn me to pieces at longer range. But he was too busy killing our infantry and gave his position away. That allowed me to surprise and shred him.

    Moral: Don't go balls deep if you know there is a NC MAX around who might have Hacksaws. Scout from a save distance instead of running in blindly.
  7. Xasapis

    All vehicles, units and weapons have specific niches that they fulfill (with varying success results). Maxes in general don't do well in the open. Their best utility is when they can go in, push a bit, absorb some damage normal infantry wouldn't be able to absorb, then go out to repair. Or die trying to push. At least that's the VS experience.

    In this particular niche NC max works at its best, thus some of the forum whiners you can witness on these forums. The rest of the maxes, not so much.

    Generally speaking, if you're running around in the open with the max, without other infantry support, you're doomed to die. No max is excluded from that.
  8. Sharpe

    Dual mercy is weak??

    What is this... I don't even.

    It rips infantry in close range (albeit not as fast as an NC MAX, but pretty fast) - and it's still very deadly at ranges that make NC max's free kills. Very far from useless indeed.

    Lying to make a point on the forums is not cool bro.
  9. Revorn

    Sounds like a verry good Figth, well done OP. +1
  10. centurionvi

    I would have bet everything I own this came from an NC player. Of course you love your no recoil one shot killing MAX. Surprise.
  11. ent|ty

    Really? I have seriously not ever experienced anything like that, my friend... ever. I don't even use them because they're unaffective... or maybe I die so fast trying to use them I wouldn't even notice. But really, IME i can't make them work.. if they do... I'll try them again.. but up to now they seem like I'm just 'hey you want ground pepper with that?"

    All I know is that i get charged, but when I have the NC, people run. That's all I know and have observed.

    It's the same with the HA chaingun... it simply isn't impressive and it gets me killed way too fast.. I'm probably not the only one, since I dont see any other TR HA's using the chaingun either.

    Huh? Wait? What? How do I tear you apart at long range? I'm only aware of the chainguns, and the grenade launcher thingies.. I own dual bursters... but how do i kill you at distance exactly?
  12. Purg

    Geez, bet everything based on the fact that he said he was NC twice in the first two sentences!!

    Secondly, what would recoil have to do with anything if you kill in one shot?!
  13. Sinoby

    Very nice post OP, enjoyable read :)
    Supporting MAX is a very important job indeed, and it nets some decent XP for engies that do so.
  14. rumblepit

    if my max could kill infantry in .00020 secs i would love it too.
    if my max could rip apart another max as fast as a nc max can i would love it too.
    if my max had the range and the damage that the nc max i would love it too.

    but this is life, and our maxes are lack luster, so what can you do? just reroll nc if you want a beast max is all i can say.
  15. Sharpe

    Are you using the Mercy chain gun? Or one of the "other" variants?

    Because with my dual mercy MAX I can cut down infantry left and right easily and fast.
    Obviously not as fast as a dual hacksaw MAX under 10 meters (which I also have) - but beyond that range the mercy has actually a lower TTK in my experience.
    It's all about the range really. The NC max is designed for extreme close ranges and is USELESS further than that.
    The TR and Vanu MAX's optimum ranges go up to 20 - 30 meters and can still be used fully under those ranges.

    It's a trade off really.

    NC MAX's are a pain in the *** in biolab fights when they use doorways to their advantage, but there are other ways to get to them other than the bloody front door.

    And when all else fails... mass C4 it! :D
  16. f0d

    any of you TR or NC want to swap max's with us VS?
    pwetty pweeze
  17. Revorn

    Agree, dual Mercys are not realy bad, at killing NC MAXes at some Distance.
  18. MaxDamage

    I knew, without recognising the tiny thread avatar, that the author of this post was NC.

    NC players stating they love their MAXes is kinda redundant.

    Let's see how much you love them when they receive the inevitable nerf.
  19. Ripshaft

    I just find it funny that during the double xp event, alot of engies seemed to realize that supporting a max was some of the best xp in the game, especially if they're in your squad, so there was always a ton of them on me.... but as soon as it ended, it's hard to find an engie again =p

    Though yes, I love my max too, and I'm VS. Alot of people think the vs max is at a disadvantage, these people are fools. Not that I dont have problems with maxes in general, but they're still damn fun
  20. L1ttlebear

    If you're* NC than it's the only OP thing you have.