I <3 my MAX!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Col_Jessep, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. MaxDamage

    And the most drasticallyand effectively damaging OP faction-specific tool in the game. So "only" is a joke.
  2. Xasapis

    What do you mean? Lego uniform is op!
  3. Col_Jessep

    Hello, I fly a Reaver when I'm not in a MAX. I will NEVER voluntarily start a dogfight with a Scythe or Mossi unless I have the element of surprise on my side. Why? because a Reaver cannot win a dogfight against a Scythe at any range unless the Scythe pilot makes a major mistake. Like losing control while spiraling and slamming into the ground. So yeah, we have a pretty great MAX but we pay for it in other important areas.

    And a Hacksaw MAX can be beaten. You just need the right tools and tactic. Same thing as if you want to take out a tank: Don't expect to run up as infantry to a NC Hacksaw MAX and live. You either need to be sneaky and lay a trap, flank or you need to fight from a distance.

    Anyway, I made this thread because I got frustrated a lot recently by Liberator and ESF spam, the zergs... But sometimes, sometimes Planetside 2 reminds me why it can be a great game! Sometimes you get a very good fight that makes you forget all the little things that still need some love and attention from the devs.

    Btw, take a look at the changes the developers are planning in Update 2, really good stuff imo! Today gave me the feeling that it is worth to stick around and keep playing Planetside 2.