[BUG] HUGE Bug with NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rezz, Dec 26, 2017.

  1. AISkander

    Taking down a Vanguard is possible if you shot him first, by the rear, when he's not looking at you, and pray he misses the first shot

    As magrider
  2. Rydenan

    That KPH value for the Canis is incorrect. It's actually 63.7: http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/item/6003925 , putting Canis solidly in the lead.
    Keep in mind that even without UA, Canis still has nearly the same HS TTK as the Gladius (before spinup), while having better aimed accuracy, better hipfire, a larger magazine, and a near-instant reload (meaning way more uptime).
  3. freeAmerish

    Yes, I copied this wrong...

    As mentioned previously, we probably have to wait a few weeks before stats getting watered down for the Canis.

    This doesn´t make the Gladius a bad SMG.
  4. Rydenan

    Well, it's used a lot since it's new and different.
    But, having used it myself, and looking at the stats, it generally feels like an inferior option to the current SMGs, which are more accurate and have better TTK/DPS.
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  5. freeAmerish

    In full Nerd mode someone could argue it´s having the fastest TTK off all SMGs. Well, since 0.000353 seconds are not that much, it shares the same ideal TTK on 1000 health targets with Cyclone of 0.46 seconds.

    You can look here. They gave Gladius less accuracy.
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  6. AISkander

    It has less accuracy cous 200 dmg.
    The canis has less accuracy couse Unstable ammo (66% less hipfire accuracy)

    UA: reduced the size of the shot and the HS multiplier. So now it's just a ****** trait
  7. freeAmerish

    So, don´t use this ammo if you like a better hipfire.
    Yes I know, this brings us to the main problem of the Canis since this attachment got nerfed, the speed up mechanic which starts at 500rpm.

    Imho this thing needs a complete overhaul, without this ammo and a refund for it.
  8. pnkdth

    To be fair the chain-gun has the mag size to make proper use of that + starts at a competitive ROF + has an attachment which effectively removes the spin-up and increases its ROF further(800 to 845). The spin-off was also removed from the Butcher and they added a lil bit of ROF. In other words, TR aren't so much dealing with spin-up as much as benefiting from it these days.

    The Canis starts at less ROF than long range weapons (at 500RPM) of the same damage class and is expected to do work at close range. UA was supposed to make that work... Too bad UA didn't work at all and it is painfully obvious the nerf was done in panic to save face. Get a feeling it will end up in purgatory alongside the Railjack till they figure out just what to do with it.
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  9. Killuminati C

    ^This my friends is the perfect amount of sarcasm lol.
  10. Rydenan

    But that's only bodyshot TTK, without nanoweave (which basically everyone uses) or overshield.
    Cyclone has better bodyshot TTK with nanoweave and/or overshield, and has better headshot TTK in all scenarios.

    Cyclone HS TTK: 0.18s
    Gladius HS TTK: 0.23s (28% slower) + worse aimed accuracy

    So Gladius is a very poor choice, at least for the skilled or semi-skilled player who puts weight on accuracy and headshots.
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  11. Demigan

    You think 2 stats make the weapon?
    And you realize that accuracy doesn't matter at all in this instance? Look for example at the difference between sniper rifles and Carbines. Carbines will have an accuracy around 25 to 30% most of the time, while snipers have an accuracy of around 50% most of the time. This isn't because snipers are more accurate, but because the minimum accuracy required to finish off a target is higher due to the lower ROF and high punishment for misses.

    ........average accuracy.......average kills per hour.......average KDR .......average deaths per unique .......average kills per unique

    Gladius.....28.8%................55.7+/-40,2 ....................1,81+/-2,1.................182+/-183,9.............................329+/-395,1

    As you can see here, all 3 weapons are still in that brand-new phase. Theres a huge amount of players well capable of using it with good results, and a huge amount that isn't capable of using it with good results. That's why there's such a large variance in the kills per hour. While on average Canis players score 63,7 kills per hour there are some who score only around 13,8 kills per hour, while there are others who score a whopping 110+ kills per hour with it.
    The KDR shows that, for now, the Canis manages to win the most fights and get to the next one alive. Despite the higher KDR, it's variance is almost the same as the Gladius, meaning the Canis is more stable in what it achieves each life compared to the Gladius who is more randomized, not surprising considering the RNG that develops if you don't use a lot of trigger discipline.
    The average deaths vs the average kills shows how the KDR came to be. The Jackals seems to be used the least, with the least average deaths recorded per player. The average player also hasn't scored a lot of kills with it yet, making the Jackal the least reliable in it's statistics as players might still be figuring out the weapon. The KPUX, DPUX and KDRX could shed light on that but there was no more room for that.

    All in all, the Jackal seems the worst (which surprises me) and is the least used of the three. The Canis has a ton of variance in KPH meaning a lot of different playstyles, but it's KDR is more stable than that of the Gladius and the Jackal (Jackal again the worst reliable weapon, either because the weapon is unreliable or because the players using it are unreliable due to lack of experience). The Canis is also used the most, making it's stats the most reliable.

    This is how you start doing a better review of weapons. You might have noticed that I didn't look at accuracy, as it doesn't matter what accuracy a weapon has if it still manages to perform better overall. Accuracy and HSR accuracy can be used when you find anomalies so you can try to explain a certain feature or spike in a statistic.
    Also notice that this way you avoid cherry-picking. You have to look at everything that passes and try to interpret it. Why is there such a high variance in the KPH? Why is the KDR of one weapon less big compared to the average? (In case you missed it, if the KDR is 50 then a variance of +/-2 is much smaller than if you have a KDR of 2). These kind of questions and answers will give you a better insight in a weapon than saying "well weapon X has a higher KPH so it must be better!".
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  12. AISkander

    It amazes me that you think the canis is better. Are you scure these statistics are POST NERF? Becouse it doesn't seem to me
  13. freeAmerish

    TTK ...........1000 health ..........1200 health..........Headshot

    Cyclone......0.46 sec................0.644 sec.............0.184 sec.
    Gladius.......0.46 sec................0.69 sec...............0.23 sec.
    Blitz............0.497 sec...............0.64 sec..............0.213 sec.

    Indeed, five hundredths of a second make this weapon a bad choice.

    And comparing everything with Canis is how to prove Gladius is inferior? It probably was more a rant about 200 damage weapons in general?

    Yes it got less accuracy. And slow rate of fire is more punishing when missing a shot.
    But it seems the Gladius is doing well at the moment, according to this stats. And again we have to wait to get more reliable numbers for the Canis.

    Imho I don´t believe in the NC fairytale of bad SMG, nor I can understand complaints of how broken game breaking this weapon is.
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  14. Demigan

    I was saying the Phoenix was closer to what it should be. At no point did I say the current Phoenix is as it should be.

    You are once again making stuff up. I dont defend the OP factiin, I'm correcting your bias. If you had the same bias yo the VS or TR then I eiuld have "defended" them.

    And what is that bullcrap about switching the Canis and Gladius? What would it matter? Besides you starting to complain about the Gladius thr second you got your hands on it ofcourse.

    I'm comparing to the Canis because those are the weapons we are talking about. If I had the time I would have compared to all other SMG's but for proving that the Gladius isnt a magical superweapon that beats the Canis to a pulp it served its purpose.

    Now I'm not saying the Gladius is a terrible SMG. I have paraphrased someone at some point that it was bad but since then I've used stats to prove its not a bad weapon but definitely not a good one either. Ofcourse theres a high-skill group capable of getting more out of it, but we see the same with the Canis and Jackal.
  15. Rydenan

    You're missing the point, which is that the Gladius is simply worse across the board.
    The Blitz sacrifices raw DPS/TTK for extreme sprayability (high RoF is an advantage because it makes it easier to score consistent damage in CQC, and reduces the penalty of misses), great hipfire, and a huge magazine.
    The Gladius has worse DPS/TTK figures than the Blitz AND has worse RoF, making it very punishing to the user in CQC, has worse hipfire, has half the magazine size, and even has worse aimed accuracy! It's basically a trainwreck, stat wise.

    Also, your snide comment about five hundredths of a second only applies to a theoretical user with perfect accuracy. I mentioned that Gladius HS TTK is 28% slower; this scales with user TTK. So if it takes a specific user 1 second to score a kill with Cyclone, it will take them 1.28s to score that kill with Gladius (And that's not even counting the fact that Gladius has worse aimed and hipfire accuracy.)
    If you don't think that can easily be the deciding factor in an engagement, I don't know what to tell you.
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  16. AISkander

    Defend your stuff all you want. I feel a fix coming
  17. Rydenan

    What's there to fix?
    Seriously, name one aspect of the Gladius that is OP.
  18. AISkander

    What happens when a vanguard sees you?
    2)Shields so your damage is none
    3) wins.
  19. AISkander

    SMG+200dmg + 500+ rate of fire is op to me
  20. FLHuk

    1) Misses as you can't hit the Saron model when a Maggy is hull down. But it can hit you.