[BUG] HUGE Bug with NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rezz, Dec 26, 2017.

  1. CutieG

    Common pool in this case doesn't matter, as there isn't a choice between Fire Suppression on VS, Fire Suppression on NC and Fire Suppression on TR. All three are the same ability with the same mechanics.
    It doesn't matter whether one of these abilities is easier to learn, as no one is kept from accessing it.

    If all MBTs had access to all MBT abilities, people who aren't pros would just stop using Vanguard shield. And that would be it.
    But right now everyone gets one signature ability, so there's a certain pressure to make use of it and have it compete against other signature abilities.
    Personally, I've been contemplating for a while to just switch to Fire Suppression on my Vanguard.
    Actually, a Heavy's shield is pretty intuitive because it can be called on gradually and at any time. You can activate it before you run into a room, then disable it when you notice that there's no threat. You can deactivate it during downtime to let it regenerate and re-activate it when enemies are coming in again. A good Heavy keeps constant track of its energy, which isn't possible if you have a cooldown like with the Vanguard shield. It has immediate feedback in how it lights you up like a christmas tree and slows you down to a crawl and makes you survive the common "ding" sound that comes from headshots. (Actually, do vehicles get a different sound for stronger hits? I'm not sure if I ever noticed one. IIRC a skyguard shooting at a lib and a carbine shooting at a Harrasser sound pretty much the same. That's something that factors into the Vanguard's shield, as being able to determine the strength of the assault you weathered improves the learning curve. In addition, shield drain on the Heavy is also an immediate feedback mechanic, unless you are using resist shield which beginners won't do anyway)
    I would be completely okay with the Vanguard having something similar to a Heavy's shield, but with an initial activation cost to balance it out. The constant regeneration of the shield would subtly encourage attrition-based gameplay, as a player would naturally seek cover if they knew that their shield would be up again in a few seconds, instead of a minute.

    The difference between Heavy shields, Vanguard shield and Fire Suppression is the difference between "fire and forget", actively controlled abilities and positive versus inverted feedback.
    Vanguard shield is a fire and forget ability with inverted feedback. Fire Suppression is one with positive feedback.
    Heavy's shield is actively controlled and has both inverted, (its effect on a fight) positive (your shield drain) and negative feedback (your speed malus). Additionally, the inverted feedback is less harsh, as time to kill and life turnover is much lower for infantry. You die more often and can afford to die more often, which allows you to more quickly get a feel of how it feels to die or to kill.
    I'll also throw in the Max shield. It's easy to use because it barely depletes from fire and can be invoked at any time and you only need to figure out one little thing to be capable of using it - it can bodyblock enemies from shooting your buddies. There's not much complicated strategy involved in making it useful even at a beginner level.
    However, now comes the question how, say, a Prowler lockdown compares to a Max lockdown or an AI MANA turret when you factor in the different gameplay on the infantry side.
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  2. Demigan

    The biggest bug so far is how some people keep overestimating NC stuff and evem lying through their teeth to "prove" their point.
  3. AISkander

    Probably those stats are pre-nerf. Now the canis is unplayable with a suppressor on. Without it's just a weaker cyclone
  4. AISkander

    What you don't understand that: The more time you play something, the more the statistics will flatten?
  5. AISkander

    Yeah right, becouse NC isn't strong and the vanguard isn't the best tank and the 200dmg rifles have little then no damage

    ******* hypocrits
  6. Demigan

    The Vanguard isnt the best tank
    200 damage tier weapons has been pointed out is inferior to higher ROF lower DPS weapons. This is already visible with performance stats of the Gladius. But also with Math: DPS and accuracy per damage point is kept relatively close for most infantry weapons. But a miss with a high-ROF weapon means less damage lost and another bullet fired to compensate faster, making lower ROF weapons inferior. And high damage goes hand in hand with low ROF.

    But hey, why bring logic into this discussion if you can puke your bias over everything and everyone while ignoring all the points they make.

    And look up what hypocrite means, you are using it wrong.
  7. AISkander

    You don't seem to count that the Vanguard has more HP for some reasons, thus can take a punch. WITH the shield is just unkillable in a 1v1

    Your logic is fraud like the NC
  8. Demigan

    You seem to think that cherry-picking a single stat will prove you are right.
    You are wrong.
    Otherwise I could have cherry-picked as well. Prowler has more damage per salvo! Magrider has far far superior maneuverability! But you would (hopefully) point out that those single stats dont provide a full picture of the vehicles.
  9. AISkander

    Never seen a prowler or a Magrider challange and win a Vanguard 1v1. I'm not cherrypciking, i'm saying the goddamn truth, continue to cry about it's a slow tank. But it's the best tank out there
  10. FateJH

    Isn't only relying on what you have seen yourself a form of cherrypicking?
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  11. AISkander

    playing by a long time i can say i'm kinda objective on the matter
  12. Demigan

    You have to learn how to look then. Because apparently you only look when you lose.

    Also I think I can say that objectively I (and many other players who have corrected you) have more playtime and obviously a better understanding of the game, so your "I havent seen it" argument is a word vs word argument where the measurement (time+events seen) are not in your favor.

    Considering the amount of puke you throw at people here, you are as subjective as they come. In fact you've ignored the objective remarks of others and been cherrypicking everything, making you the least objective player on this thread.
  13. Rydenan

    43 Battle Ranks is PLENTY of time for the statistics to 'flatten'.
  14. freeAmerish

    Than explain why Gladius is at the moment, the (second) best performing empire specific SMG, according to DASANFALL.

    ........average accuracy.......average kills per hour

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  15. AISkander

    Seems the first to me
  16. AISkander

    When I win a face to face with a vanguard is becouse he hasn't got a gunner
  17. Movoza

    Well the grass is always greener on the other side. I started way back as NC, and often found myself wondering why the other factions were so powerful. When I started with them, it did feel very powerful indeed.
    After leveling some characters to 100 on those factions, my opinion has changed. I know their strengths and weaknesses. I'm more often sneaking around and then dishing out punishment, for which the other 2 tanks excell, despite achieving it in a different way.

    Vanguards are in my opinion, as well as statistically on the lower end. Does that mean they are bad? Not at all. They can in many situations power over the other two tanks. Mind you, tbat is if you're using the ability. The other tanks don't even need to use theirs. Without the shield the Vanguard is quite weak.

    I haven't checked the stats after the changes, but do you know what was the truth for the longest time? The Prowler had an INSANE DPS. If it missed half it's shots, the Vamguard needed to hit 75% of shots to stay equal/ahead and the Magrider 80%. That is before the prowler deploys. Sounds fair right?

    I don't know how the Phoenix is OP. The bug makes it m8re powerful, but I think you approach the matter wrongly. Why remove it when you can balance it? Remove the option to fire from spawn areas, leave the bug. Now the user will be left highly vulnerable when you move in on them, but they can dish out some damage. Damage that is lower thanthe other 2 in dps.

    Mjolnir and Gladius are grass is greener again. The Vulcan/Aphelion are beasts as well, and good coordination between gunner and driver can yield near equal results for each faction.
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  18. FLHuk

    You really need to decide the lie you're going to stick with!
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  19. AISkander

    Seem they can stick to reality all 3 to me
  20. FLHuk

    So to clarify you've never ever not once ever bloody ever seen a Prowler or a Magrider win a 1v1 with a Vanguard..... Apart from when you have done it.

    Oh and when you did it they were unkillable because of the shield, but you did it..

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