How to kill a heavily defended sunderer (video)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SenorBeef, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Kroktar

    i think...i was there...this was awesome btw
  2. Beef Castle

    Where you were promptly swallowed alive by the swarms of magriders.
  3. SenorBeef

    Genudine about 15 minutes before the video was posted.
  4. Takoita

    About those bridges: there is a whole level underside them (not all, but on many) that nobody seems to use. Why? If there is a stalemate on a bridge, that sublevel can be used to send people in groups under all the action and strike the enemy from behind. LA can even pop up from it mid-way thanks to their jumpjets. There are even a couple of objectives\lively roads that can be sniped\ambushed from there...
  5. illgot

    how dare you say it's the defenders fault for not placing AT mines to protect their Sunderer!! Blasphemy!! lol

    How many mines/C4 do you need to blow up one Sunderer?
  6. Xasapis

    When you do a C4 or mine rush, you don't expect to live.
  7. PrincessFrosty

    I've used this before on tanks that are tricky to take down, bomb in on a flash bail and let it coast into the tank while you throw an anti-vehicle grenade, set off the C4 and then switch to the AV rocket launcher to finish it off if necessary, incredibly effective if executed correctly.
  8. Gavyne

    lol it's worse in BF3 because you could toss so many C4's on your vehicle, and the C4's in BF3 don't cost resources. At least here you're limited to 2-3. But good stuff, good to see BF3/BC2 tactics used here. It won't work all the time, but it's sweet fun when it works.
  9. Æshell

    As much as i like the natural feel to have a little creative room for c4, the idea itself is as old as sticking mines in half life 1998 or unreal 1997.

    What makes your idea ******** in planetside2 is that there is no way those guys could have stopped you besides someone already certed in mines and deployed those (which is neither really practical due to friendly fire). Everyone else has you appearing in just 5 meters before themselfes and even the half of these with a 1 second delay. In short no one saw you thanks to SOEs crappy "dynamic visibility range", the whole squad poping out right in front of you? Same goes for your flash.

    While the vehicle may spawn for them on the screen the driver does not, which means you can't shoot him. Hits are not registered!
    The only way would have been to shoot down your flash down to pieces which wasn't viable.

    As much as you like to advertize this as a great creative tactic, all you did is exploit the ****** server tec of SOE in the thight spot of the crown. In short you haven't been visible to most of the people and the other half only saw your vehicle without you on top and as such could not shoot you down until it was too late.

    Yeah SOE is to blame for that, but you advertizing this, it's you to blame.
  10. Tasogie

    AHAHHAHHA. Sorry but they did NOT exploit a thing. EVERYONE should take advantage of this tactic as it is an exallednt one to use. I highly recommend it. if they are too lazy or stupid to post mines an support....

    2 of the simplest things would have stopped that happening. a tank side on across the road, and mines....
  11. SenorBeef

    I agree the limited range sucks. Sucks for us too since after the sunderer was down we were trying to kill groups of infantry and by the time we saw them, we were flying past them too fast to do attack them. So by all means I wish more people would get a chance to see me, and me a chance to see them too, but I can't do anything about that now.

    They did have some effect in stopping us. After we did that a few times, about half the enemy team switched to heavy and launched rockets at us - it was kind of flattering actually, the whole tone of the battle changed. A few went engineers too and put up mines. They got a few times.
  12. Bro do you even Lib?

    Setting up two or three MANA turrets a bit in front of the Sunderer is a super effective wall against this. They cost zero resources and can be replaced faster than people can spawn flashes.
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  13. SenorBeef

    That actually happened to us towards the end. Not sure if it was deliberate or they were just placing turrets anyway, but yeah it's kind of silly, but they'll bring you to a dead stop. With good teamwork though, we can have the lead guy take them out and the following guys break through.
  14. Tasogie

    See, someone who doesn't want SOE to hold his hand, he jsut fixed the situation in 30 seconds.
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  15. Yetii

    This is the greatest thing I've ever seen.
  16. Frosthammer

    An alternative method I've used with less '*****' in it is to invest in the drifter jets for the light assaults. With two certs into it you can reach the top of the bridge from that particular tower and just drop the c4 down from above. Even in situations with flat ground drifter jets can help you evade fire... so I'd stick with that... or stop using the word *****.
  17. SenorBeef

    Ha, I've never thought about that, since no one has ever taken drifter jets ever, or so I thought. Riding around on a flash is fun though. A bunch of times I've encountered just 1 guy who wasn't worth blowing up and ran him over, which is almost as funny as a successful bombing.
  18. SenorBeef

    If any of you want to get in on this, I'm trying to form a 10+ man ***** Squad on Genudine TR. If you're on Genudine, or you can easily earn the 200 certs there, add me in game (senorbeef) to your friends list. I'm going to try to make videos of huge flash attacks.
  19. Vibe

    Glorious Flash Bombs.
  20. Bro do you even Lib?

    Exactly! Half the fun of silly things like this is coming up with interesting counters to them.
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