How many people enjoy the pointless nature of this game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arsinek, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. Verdant

    Capturing bases had no real point in PS1 either. oh, eventually you got to "lock" a continent sure, but that still gave no real benefit.
    Tec labs give you the MBT, Biolabs recharge your health, ect, those aspects from PS1 are here.

    What changed when you lost a base in PS1? you fought at the next base. I was around for the beta and launch of PS1, yes, the game is not perfect, it needs changes. it has balance issues. Tanks are too readily available and the metagame DOES need improving, but as is, groups of organized people can come in and smash a zerg to pieces if they are organized. you still have a variety of choices to go about attacking a base. this game is not shallow, it may not be as DEEP as PS1 yet, but the game is stil young.

    If you are honestly comparing this game to COD, a game where you run around and shoot people till you get shot.. then you are not playing the game the right way.
  2. DeadAlive99

    Other games have more than just leveling, etc. When you capture territory, it means something. When you capture objectives, it means something. When you pin your enemy deep, it benefits your team. Some games have permanent objectives that cannot be recaptured. These add a huge sense of accomplishment and a massive amount of fun. This is the point. Accomplishments and objectives that help your team and add to the fun.
  3. vani

    Odd, i thought the point of playing any video game was fun? Huh, thanks Arsinek for teaching us you don't play video games for fun you do it to win. You've clearly thought your post through thoroughly. Here was me thinking winning at a video game was just a happy coincidence of having fun playing the game! What a fool i was!

    (Either change your thought process and set you own goals with a social game, play together and ultimtely enjoy the game for what it is or leave.)
  4. DeadAlive99

    Sorry, there's more to COD than that, unless you're playing TDM or FFA, and even then, you still have a scoreboard and a winner. With PS2, you have nothing. No hard objectives. The in-game fighting has no value other than to hone your aiming skills.

    I'm not saying COD is a deep game that requires a lot of thought. I'm saying that PS2 has even less depth than COD. Big maps and 20 bases to attack instead of 3, does not equate to depth and metagame.
  5. Darthbob509

    If you think that way, Every game is pointless... Unless its single player.
    • Up x 1
  6. Verdant

    it is at this point I can no longer take your posts seriously. I will look out for threats from you in the future and not read them because sir, i HOPE for your sake that you are a troll.
  7. Aliasse

    "90% of Statistics are made up" you fit in the 90% of statistics made up congrats.
  8. Acer

    every game is pointless, ther eis no benifit from them that becomes applicable to life unless it lands you a design job with the game you play, other than that the pointless game play cane be a type of amusment for a season, eventually it will fade away and your attention becomes attached on something else
  9. DeadAlive99

    I've played COD. I've played PS2. COD has more depth. What you call depth is not what I call depth. PS2 has tons of bases. There's your depth. Big whoop.
    Have you read the zillion and one PS1 veteran threads like I have? I've read tons of them. Countless PS1 vets complaining about the shallow nature of PS2, and only the rare one that is happy with it. Yeah, I made up the 50/1 to make a point.....a point that you missed, just like you guys miss the point of the "the point', miss the point of "depth", and are totally unaware that virtually all gamers play and enjoy games that have purpose, like winning, scoring, and capturing objectives that help you win.

    Why am I not surprised that people who only care about shooting stuff are totally unable to grasp basic concepts that every other gamer understands perfectly. Get a clue.

    What were you guys playing before PS2? Charades?
  10. Aliasse

    I'm a PS1 veteran and played PS1 @ the very start when it released it was shallow back then but improved over the years. The Devs said 4 years to fully complete PS2 we're barely into the first year. Calm down about PS2 being unworthy of the PS1 legacy.
  11. DeadAlive99

    You are defining "the point" differently than most gamers do. That is the problem. We're not speaking the same language. A game can have a point to it, otherwise known as objectives, without resulting in a paycheck landing in your snailmail box.

    You guys talk as if you're in the majority, but you're not. There's a reason why 99% of games (yes, I made that number up) have objectives, and winners and losers. It's because people like it. There's a reason why 99% of games are not "sandbox", where there are no objectives, no meaning, no winners, and no point. It's because most players do not like that. Just look at what's on the store shelves. Which style of game do you think people prefer? Games that you can't win, have no scoring and no meaningful objectives, or games that have all of those things and more.
  12. Verdant

    I either Applaud your dedication to your trolling, or feel pity for you.
  13. Zazen

    Ok, SOE created the playground, the players themselves determine what the "point" of playing in the playground is. I'm not saying there could not be more strategic depth woven into the fabric of the playground. SOE has already alluded to more of that in the coming months for PS2. But if you cannot set goals and objectives for yourself and consider that the "point" of playing, then you're missing out on the pleasure of sandbox tactical/strategic gaming.
  14. monxxie

    I'm from woodman. And the OP problem is the thing, that the full platoon was talking for the whole night. Pointless. The game atmosphere is great, no doubt, but seems like this is the only one factor, that stops me from abandon my acc. The scenario is always the same. We are fighting the NC, big battle, booombang, yahoo, cool. Meanwhile Vanus are taking our empty bases, so we are about to decide - continue the siege or fall back to defend? Well, ok, that will be not a big problem, if we can have some control points, that can't be re-captured for about minimum an hour or more. What we have? We fighted for the base for two hours, we got it, we moved to the next point - hello, our floods of blood were all in vain, vanu recaptured previous in 10 minutes. This is what are vanus at our server. U may believe or not, but they dont fight NC @ Indar. We fight NC, they take our bases. The only two bases we fight vanu - The Crown and Crossroads. Sometimes Allatum. Thats all. And this is ridiculous. Why the hell someone need some strategy? Defend the crown - siege the crown - make certs. Or the other stupid part - c'mon guys, lets take the abandoned amerish, or less abandoned, but still empty Esamir. Pffffffff. And what? The good fight we had yesterday - we fighted Vanu for the Crown for about an 2-3 hours. It was cool, BUT. Vanu captured it in the morning. Practically empty. And we were fighting for the Crown, to loose it the next morning. Where is the point of all this? MB it will be better to make the best and biggest bases availible for attack in the certain time, or in certain circumstances? Meanwhile you can make war in those small locations, to make the big siege availible, or kinda. 10 men can easily cut you off capturing those small locations. Its ok, if to say about tactics, but we can retake em in 5 minutes, and lost in 5 minutes, total chaos. You dont know to leave the captured base, or to sit and wait for vanu rats, and i swear with my mother's name - 9\10 it wont be NC, it will be vanu. Noone respect em, and it just produce the RAGE RAGE RAGE when 10 vanu break your plans. If we left the amount of people at each place - we will be totally outnumbered, if not - they will take everything without a single shot, lefting tonns of landmines after their visit. SOE, please, hear our voice - it can't continue like this. Its not a Quake 3. We need something to fight for. We need strategy, we need purpose, we need point, we need goals, we need reasons. Sorry for my english and if i made any mistakes, but i hope my message is understandable enough.
  15. Acer

    ive been a hardcore gamer for most my life, it even about cost me my marriage at one point and effected my Job. Games are for amusment, but to some they become the main objective of life, you come home from work then live on the comp till its bed time, rinse repeat.

    I like the social aspect running with a group, ( i.e Eq lineage vanguard ect) to me that makes it enjoyable. i also like 1st person shooters (cod ps2) but in the end all of the game does is entertain, other than that the benifits of it is pointless.
  16. Fish225

    I would enjoy a better "win condition" in this game. Fully capping a continent would be awesome (Warpgates included). But that's not possible right now.
  17. oooryan

    because you want to win? numbers are what this game is about have you not noticed? lol what did you expect from 6000 people being in a free open world...2000 in each continent...thats like 4 times as much compared to the first can't use all the same mechanics when you have THOUSANDS of people instead of hundreds...what happens in a MASSIVE game is really unpredictable and honestly i feel like they have done a great job so far...think about all the bullets that have to be computed all across north america (and i think australia and europe?)...IN REAL TIME..every SECOND...all this stuff going on AND the graphics are pretty awesome...
    how theyve set up experience so people can help others without going out of there way or halting their own game....its cool how the community of a army (or zerg) just form out of no where sometimes... and everyone is travelling together with the same know you can always get a ride from a random person...theres always people who just happen to do right the right things at the right moments to help you game (deploying sunderers, dropping ammo) its just crazy a lot of the times youd think, this was programmed into the game...but NO everyone's a real person at their computer

    keep calm, the game only came out 3 months you think planetside 1 was PERFECT when it first came out??? probably not and sucked but as it got updated, you finally got this polished product that so many people compare to the this new sequel...its not like you paid to play this game (buying guns doesn't count), its not complete and SOE is working on updates....F2P games are usually like this...constantly updated

    honestly people aren't appreciating this game as much as they should be and i feel bad for the developers...they are pretty much pioneering massive online games cause you dont really see any other mmo's on this scale...people are just complaining about trivial things and its a GAME..this isn't your human right to have this game catered to you

    "Why should I have to change my class based on a situation if I want to play a certain way."

    - because this isn't a game with a programmed need to adapt to different situations..what are you saying...there should just be one super class that can do everything?

    omg your whole post is about how this game isn't like other fps and other games (boring) and how you need these things changed so you can win one cares, why are you on this forum bashing the game
  18. Iksniljiksul

    Honestly half of the time I log on I end up just standing around, let someone shoot me a few times and log out. Since the game isn't improving I'm not really feeling any connection with it anymore. The Lightforge engine just runs and looks like utter ****.
  19. Brian TR

    Your wrong, its not about how I can win more but more about playing a balanced game that isn't frustrating. No offense but a lot of your post doesn't make sense.
  20. oooryan

    me too sometimes..but im on a low-medium population going to transfer thought when it becomes brother joined matherson i think and as soon as he joined he was put automatically in a squad of 12 people in Esamir and he when to a massive esamir battle .....when i joined genudine, i was put into a squad on 2 people..who were just as confused as me...on the lifeless continent on esamir hoping more people will prevent me from looking for battles