How do you feel, now that the Double XP has ended?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vepo, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. Nocturnal7x

    One could hope this maintenance is a mass merge.
  2. Themanwithaplan

    Like blowing up key vehicles isn't important for the team, and besides its impossible to blow a sundie by yourself alone, unless its already badly dameged, you will usually need the help of another LA, HA or tank. It's made harder when it has its 2 gunners, its moving, or a whole enemy squad is camped near it. Also, have you seen the price of C4, it better be worth what you're paying for it.
  3. Gavyne

    How do I feel? I didn't go as hardcore this time around as I did the first double exp weekend where I barely slept. But I also have gotten most of what I wanted to get for my characters so I'm pretty set equipment wise. So I'm neutral on the whole double exp thing, it makes no difference to me right now either way.

    I'm personally looking forward to what SOE has coming up this month and in the future. Also I do think they should up the exp rate by a tad, even if it's just 25%, it'd help the casual gamers. We need to face reality, games need players and without casual players, this game will be a niche game like Planetside 1. Nobody wants that, we want to see this game grow and see SOE put their resources into developing this game.
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  4. HerpTheDerp

    He's TR on Woodman.
  5. {joer

    What they should do is up EXP greatly for underpopulated sides (none of this 1-9% crap, if a side is 10% down its at least 50% bonus) and for underpopulated continents.

    This would help keep populations balanced and fights all over.
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  6. bPostal

    Like Jes said, Main Battle Tank: Magrider/Vanguard/Prowler and Empire Specific Fighter: Scythe/Reaver/Mosquito.
  7. AuntLou42

    I saw tons of prowlers and mosquitos zerging like crazy.
  8. Adekan

    I was actually trying to find things to buy with my certs and failing ( I only play Engineer and have unlocked everything I'd use on that class ). The only other things I use ( Lightning and Reaver ) are pretty well set already, with no real rush to unlock the next rank of increased ammo since resupplying is so easy, and HE cannon/rockets + IR/Thermal = trump card, with or without any other attachments.

    At the height of my playing during double exp I was probably farming around 150-200 certs in 45 mins, mostly as boots on the ground infantry, biolab defense.
  9. BuzWeaverPS2

    BF3 is in my opinion one of the best military style (as far as simulated game play) FPS's on the market. Each FPS has its strength and weakness, however BF3 would be the last game I'd use as a pejorative. SOE could learn some great lessons from EA/Dice as far as a reward style system.

    I like PS2 equally and each game has its strengths and weakness. The double experience was a nice treat, however in retrospect I'd rather have a Re-Cert/Re-Set as hard earned Certs can often times be put into upgrades that we'd not anticipate causing us to have to choose an either or option. Also, I can't tell you how many Certs I wasted trying to find the right Scope or weapon/vehicle/class config.

    Not having double experience could cause some people to prioritize their play or move onto something else, however it could also be a boon for Station Cash Boost. If we ever had the luxury of having a Re-Cert/Re-Set that would certainly make may day!
  10. warmachine1

    Miller was first & main EU server populated by major outfits, I never had queue on woodman since release week.
    There are certain servers in each zone that are still resonably populated to make all conts live, but cause u cant move your hardly grinded char to it, its absolutely useless.
  11. Vorpal

    I think I had more fun before the 2x. At least then I got fights.

    The 2x was just masses of air and armor rolling around taking uncontested points.

    The few 'fights' were one side just farming the other with air or armor at a spawn room.

    I was utterly amazed to get into a bio lab fight where, instead of farming the VS attackers, the TR gathered up, pushed the VS out, ran out onto the pads, down the teleporters, killed their sunderers, and recapped the satellite bases. Usually bio lab fights is just one side farming the other endlessly.
  12. Fox234

    Hate to break this to you skippy but those n*obs are what keep this game alive. No player base=No PS2. Try not to be so short sighted, ok? Also you were a n*ob once so have a little understanding.
  13. Protential

    The main reason bio-labs get like that is because everyone else is to busy flying around to come help balance the fight in there.

    Fact- The CoD/BF3 "Newbs" are not flying around in liberators or driving tanks, they are in the bio labs fighting as infantry.

    Its the "Pros" that are abusing this terrible system of Vehicle zerging.

    And unless they wipe this game when they fix it, no patch is going to bring these players back once they leave.
  14. MasterCheef

    My main class is pretty much certed out to where i'm comfortable. I wont be bothered much by normal XP, but now i wonder if i'll still be interested in playing as much, now that my skinner box is running low.

    I know i'll definitley log off if my platoon decides to play "lets avoid the enemy and wait around capping bases". I dont think i'll have the patience for that kind of gameplay anymore.
  15. MightQuinn

    IMO, certs should take a while to earn. Now having said that, I'm pretty bummed. I was going to buy an all day boost and spend my first real long session playing today. Not buying a boost for a total of 150% xp now.
    Maybe it takes the emphasis off of cert farming? IDK. I just started playing and don't have everything I want unlocked. But the point should be: team play,fun, bragging rights? Cert points shouldn't be the point. But they need something that IS the point right now in ps2.
    This doesn't keep me from playing though.
  16. gorviss

    Oh ok thanks
  17. Avs0000

    Double exp barely kept the population stable. See

    I just hope that the game designer understands why his game is failing.

    Double EXP is like the ONLY thing that makes this game worth playing. That's only due to the fact that CERT grind > anything else in this game. And that's only due to the fact that to kill anything you need to have weapons that level the playing field for yourself (1 soldier vs everything other single 1v1 enemy). And that's only due to the fact that this game isn't FUN without killing. And to gain certs the fastest you need to KILL. And that's the problem with this game. What a **** cycle.
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  18. Protential

    Lol welcome to PS2...The sad thing is those are the people who feel like pro's and the PS1 Veterans doing that. Its really pathetic and boring.

    On a side note. I will NOT be trying to earn certs as infantry any more,and will only be using vehicles because there is no other realistic way to build certs without x2 exp
  19. Protential

    x2 gave infantry players a way to gain certs. Everyone else will be fine.
  20. -lOldboyl-


    My god, it's little wonder why games are getting so bad now. I'm glad that SOE is NOTHING like DICE.
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