How big is a meter in-game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arreo, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. CplRDaWiggy

    An interesting postulation as to the measurement of distance.

    So, tell me, what are you thoughts as to the measurement of issues related to chronology?

    As necroing a thread after 5 years doesn't really do much for your proclaimed "OG gamer" status.
    • Up x 2
  2. Stoet

    place a waypoints somewhere and walk to it untill it says "1M" and u know how far a meter is ingame.
  3. adamts01

    It's funny that you're trash talking people who probably haven't played in 5 years.
    • Up x 1
  4. Callyste

  5. Callyste

    Man, that's even better. The guy's registered TODAY to do a 5 yo necro as his first post. Amazing. OG gamer ftw amirite?
  6. Stoet

    Did not even see that lolz.
    First message he writes on the forums is a topic he spend a week searching for in old files ?? what page did he find this on ? i hardly ever go to the 2nd page because important stuff is on the first page anyway, since people will respond to it.
  7. Coliax

    Well you already have one unit in the game and that is Kilometer per hour. Therefore all you have to do is driving a a distance with the same speed, stop the time how long you need for that distance and then do some reverse math to find out how long one meter is

    speed * time = way

    (or use the implat that show you a meter mark)
  8. Callyste

    For the lulz, I have checked. That topic was around page 2100 when he necro'ed it.
  9. Stoet

    honestly..i hope he found that page by google and not by reading trough all those pages xD