Heavy assault + resist shield + ( Ar/SMG like LMG ) are seriously OP and imbalanced ...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Stew360

    yes sir this video simply show The optimal damage with 100 % accuracy lol , so you can estimate how it end up most of the time in Unoptimal conditions with ( players average accuracy )

  2. IamDH

    Well the heavy assault gets that ability because its the heavy assault. It is specialized for face-to-face combat

    The LA is specialized for agility so it gets a jetpack.
    THIS DOES NOT MEAN that LA is weaker than HA. LA relies on its surprise factor because it can get on top of roofs therefore giving you the first shot in the engagement
  3. Stew360

    And on whats HA rely on ? whats its weakness to justified this 2X survivability ?

    And even if you get the jump on like 2 to 5 heavy you think youll be able to deal with them like you could deal with others classes ?

    IS HA as any restriction thats really affect their efficiency at something ?

    this argument of justified HA shiel value by «« Hey its an HA LA got a jetpack and Infiltrator got a cloak »» ISnt a justification , cloak dosent affect raw ttk and efficiency in a game where kill or be kill is the only thing between you and acomplishing your objective lol

    Ha shield value are to high , having a shield OK having a shield and staking options that grant over 2X more survivability NO hell NO , nothing can justified that the speed nerf does not affect the HA in combat situation m strafe speed in this game and ADS speed are not faster than the HA shield up speed value lol he will moove as fast as you in a combat situation , this speed decrease ( handicap ) can only slow down the HA while trying to use the shield to run aways , while any others classes dosent have anyshield anyway so the HA could just toggle off his shield and run away like any others class can , Medic kit in hand lol ;)
  4. IamDH

    Its weakness is that it doesn't have access to cloaks/jetpacks/medic tools and because of this its slow.
    Jumping 2-5 players will never work out, no matter what class
    Its slow. It is also the class dedicated for 1v1 combat.. so stop trying to go head on with it
    No cloak doesn't effect ttk. Its supposed to be used as an element of surprise
    If you get the drop on a heavy with an SMG or something you are guaranteed a win
    As i said. This is the way HA is supposed to be played
    If HA loses in 1v1 situations its not the heavy assault class anymore
  5. Ender

    Last reply since you said yourself you don't care about the math. You can't balance anything without the correct math. Math is the simplest form of a mechanic, if you don't care to understand it then you have no right to talk about how it should or should not be implemented. Yes you can shoot someone and see how much it effects them, whoop-dee-doo. Instead of understanding it and finding an effective way of balancing it you say, "remove it". If they start "removing" things people find broken, instead of balancing them and keeping them in the game... we're going to be left with a crummy run-of-the-mill shooter.

    You don't even mention the solution I gave earlier, which tells me you 110% don't want anyone else's opinion, you want attention brought to yourself so that you can hawk the removal of something you don't like because "reasons". You respond with the same things regurgitated as something slightly different, and when people don't share your opinion you tell them they don't know what they're talking about and do your little Stew ;), and add some quip like, "my dear." These things don't make your opinions any more valid just because you think you dropped some super witty quip, and then another and another.

    Stew360: "This is OP it needs to be removed"

    Anyone: " I don't think it is, because "valid reasons with correct math and mechanic dynamics."

    Stew360: "If you can't see its OP I can't help you, it's clearly OP because 2x Rawr ;) lover"

    Anyone: "This can be solved another way"

    Stew360: "You clearly don't play the game because you can't see it's OP"

    Anyone: "I can see that's your OPINION, but I do not share that opinion"

    The problem here lies in the fact you give no weight to anyone else's opinion, ever; While your opinion in your mind can in no way be challenged at all. You apparently don't know what the definition of OPINION is because that's what your displaying here in this thread. You tell me the math isn't needed, and post a video as proof...yet the math illustrates far more accurately exactly what happened in that video. It tells the same story to a thousandth of a decimal point. This is not opinion here, this is fact. In this fact the developers can find a counter or a balance to these things without removing them. Without the math this is not possible.

    Enjoy your opinion though, you've very obviously convinced yourself of its rock solid status founded in..... something not based on why the mechanic functions the way it does. Without that to back you up though, your argument will not carry weight. Sorry, thats just how the real world works when people interact with each other.
    • Up x 4
  6. Flapatax

    I don't like how when the vanguard activates it's shield I can't kill it fast. Please remove.
  7. Raraldor

    3 to 4 shots on nearly every weapon is like, .6 seconds at best. That's hardly an ability and more of a gimmick. Heavies would become prey at that point, no one would play that class because it's simply useless and not fun to play. Heavy assaults should be able to take on other classes 1v1, that is their job. This isn't a game that revolves just around player skill for one thing, it revolves around numbers and player skill is a secondary. You will go into a 1v1 fight so rarely in this game that it's hardly even an afterthought.

    That's right. This game isn't about player skill, your entire debate has just been crumbled. I hear TF2 is, or at least was, a very balanced class based FPS. Go play that, you are much more likely to find 1v1 fights that oyu seem to love so much there. I'll stay here and learn how to take down 5 people in roughly 12 seconds.

    Edit: player skill can trump numbers to an extent, but not when it's a full platoon against a squad. There are simply too many people and if they have a sunderer you'll lose the base without a doubt. That's why it's a secondary.
  8. Stew360

    Ok i know thats biased forums figther are sometime beyong silly but hey ...

    i ask for NANOWEAVE TO BE REMOOVE NOT BECAUSE I DONT LIKE IT , BUT BECAUSE IT CREATE A ISSUE WITH THE REVELANCE OF THE CHOICES WE HAVE OFFER TO US , in our suits slots and also because it directly affect the result of the raw ttk in firefigths and remoove a part of the skills based combat

    nanoweave isnt a sidegrade its a direct upgrade to your survivability , Nanoweave directly is a NERF to our weapons damage and create a tons of issue ( especially on slower rof weapons ,but also for snipers etc...

    IT AS NOTHING TO DO WITH LIKING SOMETHING OR NOT , its simply a unfair and unworthy and a epidemic suitslot that become epidemic due to its usefullness at keeping peoples alive like yourself ;)

    2: You should also notes thats ( peoples opinions ) when they totaly agree with me ;) are ignore by those who think otherwise because they dont think they are wrong , but they want them wrong like they want me wrong because they USE and ABUSE these in game mechanics , such as HS shield and Nanoweave and both NW and HA shield combos , it as nothing with well thinking on the subject , it as everything to do with their personal Biased Motivation , unlike me and those who agree with me on this who think about the game as a whole and think about the true game balance ...

    STEW360 Motivation : Having the game to be truely competitive and FAIR , based on skills aiming skills and situational awarness and negate as much as possible the unworthy ways to abuse and exploits in game systhem to grant you unfair advantage over others ...

    Those who disagree with Stew360 and their motivation : Keeping their advantages and exploits in the game foolling peoples at trying to make those awefull features look like a ( No big deal thing ) or laughing at stew360 trying to make him look like a fools or something ,while he is clearly not ;) , Exploiters love to squat the forums foolling devs with awefull feedback , remember the VS from the test servers who was saying thats ZOE was compleatly useless compare to Aegis shield and Anchor mode ? While stew360 as predicted the ZOE desater in term of Infantry versus maxs balance ?

    This is the truth about all this Stew360 point out issue thats really are game breaking and unfair , he care about the true balance of this game and the sucess or it , he try to avoid the imbalance and dont use stuff that he think migth be unfair or overpower , he dont exploits and he try to think what it feel like to use a weapons/classes/vehicules but also how it feel to be use on .. whats the options for you

    and when we talk about NW and HA shield nothing good come out with it , its unworthy and skilless simple as that , and cant be compare to shield generator ( who does not influence the raw ttk ) , or the Ligh assault jetpack or infiltrator cloak ( who also does not influence the raw ttk unless its the Nanite cloak but at least infiltrator cannot fire while cloak , while the shield is made to be fire while used )

    HA shield speed debuff does not change anything in some enconter even the SMG strafe speed buff the HA speed while in shield mode , and anyways almost all classes are kinda slow and need to be while strafing and ADS , this game seams to not handle strafe speed and moovement speed properly whiout having some hit registration problems

    So yeah keep it up seams your far to understand my goal ;)
  9. Stew360

    OK then make the gauss riffle weapons fire 260 damage per shot since it will only kill 0.2 ms faster ,NO big Deal rigth ? It will just be a gimmick and not a balance issue at all lollll

    Do you realise whats you just said ?
  10. Raraldor

    About the skill based thing? Yes. Numbers take priority in this game. No matter what happens you won't be able to win against a 90% enemy population in an area.

    All you are doing by making a gimmick isn't balancing the game, you are imbalancing it beyond reason.

    So, once you are done attempting to destroy heavy assault and make it the most useless garbage in this game, what class are you going to go after next? I assume your goal is to make everything boring, stale, and just kill the game in general.
  11. Stew360

    You just said and you just proove that you dont understand how fragile this game is in term of ttk and fairness , a single bullet worth can justified a decrease of almost 100 to 200 rpm rof do you realise that ?

    But in another hand you think its totally balance to have a free and agile super class who can swallow 2X more bullets to be kill ? thats result in your weapons doing twice as less damage on them you got that rigth ?

    HA shield will be still usefull if its only grant 3 to 4 shot and Nanoweave remoove so NO others classes than HA will be grant by a bonus of HP but still the shield will required more reflex and more skills to make use of it This is my goal

    nanoweave remoove all infantry class will end up at 1000 HP , and will have their ability , HA shield will be the only way to get more HP and will make the HA a 1500 or a 1550 or 1600 target its not negligeable , maybe the shield could LAst longer , while on but as soon as the HA get shot it drop in 3 to 4 shot for me its a good compromise and doesnt break the game like what we have now
  12. Raraldor

    what counter will heavy assaults have to the infiltrator who uncloaked and fired his smg. Already shooting 4 times before the heavy could even ADS? At least one of those are easily going to be a headshot. What counter will the heavy assault have to the light assault who surprises him by jumping down from a building? There is no surprise tied with the heavy assault, he can only walk in and take damage. He can't out manuever like the light assault can, and he can't be sneaky like the infiltrator. The resist shield is the answer to that. It's unfathomable how you simply won't listen to a single person's reason and factual evidence. This thread is something a battle rank 5 who doesn't get how the game works yet would make.

    You are simply a close minded idiot at this point, and you've played for an accumulated 46 days apparently. The last thing I have to say to you is that this is quite obviously the wrong game for you, and you should find the most simple fps game and just play that, because simplicity makes for a boring game and easy balance.
    • Up x 2
  13. Ender

    Ding ;) ding ding, we have a winner! ;) Thanks for admitting that Stew ;)
  14. Stew360

    Sorry but i almost never ever get sneak on by infiltrator because iam aware of sound Qs and i use a great positioning suround sound headset PC360 but also i notice any change or moovement even if the cloacker are transparent , Cloak is great for snipers at distance and its more tricky in CQC i dont even get how peoples can be so blind and so unaware of a infiltrator presence lol

    If i was the HA agains your infiltrator i would have land the shot first and he will never be able to figth back because he will be half dead before he uncloak , HA have acess to SMG and HA will have more survivability getting the jump on HA is far to garanty you to win this figth , Unless this HA is a total new be or baddies , any good players with HA will outmatch others good players , simple as thats as well as bad players playing ha will outmatch any bad players who arent HA , its a matters of facts in almost any situation you can think of ...
  15. Doggzor

    I don't think you have played the light assault class very much. The light assault cant out maneuver any other class with the jump jet in its current state, its just not worth using in a combat scenario. As soon as you hold down jump you are putting yourself at risk of a movement speed penalty of about 20% reduction, added on top of the 200% reduction in weapon accuracy penalty.

    Jumping down from heights to ambush someone below also has its drawbacks. First you need to land and wait until you have a normal cone of fire, if you do not then as soon as you fire the cof will bloom instantly, causing 50% of your shots to miss the target, enough for them to 180 and fire back, with either a extreme loss of hp or even a death to you.

    From these examples the light assault has a 2:1 ratio of negative to positive outcomes from using their ability, the Heavy assault having a 1:1 ratio

    In my opinion the Heavy Assault needs a general speed nerf to the class as a whole making it the slowest class accept the max.

    To counter over popularity of nano weave, this should also give you a speed penalty for using it, giving more options to players that value speed over survivability.

    I don't think we will ever see changes to the shields and I think they are good enough as they are now, the only thing that changed is nano weave that makes Heavy Assaults a lot more hassle now then they use to be.
  16. Raraldor

    Alright you got me there I haven't played LA in a while and I may be remembering things differently, although I was talking about landing behind them. I've fallen with an smg as an infiltrator very close to someone a few times before though and there was little trouble in firing right off the bat since he was so close. When done correctly I think it's not so bad to fire as soon as you land, even before since your cof is gonna be large anyway, and it's something that certainly can be deadly as you are also within knife range.
  17. Doggzor

    Yeah you are better off just falling and taking the fall damage as your cof will be the size from a jump, but when your LA you instinctively tap jump to cushion the landing, adding double the cof of jumping. Ive done it many times with the Claw shotgun and have missed most of my pellets at point blank range due to this feature.
  18. Raraldor

    I think doing that certainly has it's place. As long as you drop behind the guy you can take all the time you want in waiting for that spread to go away, or you can just fall infront of him, shoot your pump action shotgun and knife the guy. Chances are he'll be dead if you landed directly in front of him.

    Edit: Oh the claw is a pump action. It really is that bad? Lemme test this.
  19. tyronemmg

  20. Raraldor

    Okay, so second edit: The Claw sometimes misses many pellets, roughly 5-7% of the time. Maybe it's user error, but at any rate the jumpjet, claw knife combo certainly does kill (does does a giant amount of damage to nanoweave 5 wearers in .2 seconds). So I think it's certainly a viable tactic.