Heavy assault + resist shield + ( Ar/SMG like LMG ) are seriously OP and imbalanced ...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Tristan

    It's a convenience thing. What reason is there to restrict it? In PS1, it was common to drop from single-man air vehicles onto an objective, so the limit on REXOs not being able to pilot made sense. Here, no one does this because there are better ways to go about things.
  2. Flapatax

    Because vehicles are already useless enough. Putting another barrier to me quickly grabbing a sunderer or moving a teammate's is pointless. If I was running heavy in a base assault and my medics go down, I already need at least an infil to hack out a term for me. Having to switch classes would be pointless and doesn't address the issues with heavies.

    If people are getting killed by a heavy after they blow up their vehicle, you should've kept shooting.
  3. mina5

    oh noes !!! infantry what is meant to be tanky dmg dealer kills my LighAssault on head on battles :(
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  4. Patrician

    Don't just highlight the bit that you think supports your argument; highlight the whole paragraph. The rest was an important proviso.
  5. Flapatax

    That's not how you Internet in the pros.
  6. Aegie

    Well, great- that is really all that I have been saying. Cheers.
  7. Aegie

    See, the rest was imbedded within my quotes so yeah it makes it a little difficult to do that- of course, it is also complete hypocrisy considering that the only highlighted portions from your original reply were, in fact, only your bits.

    I think the issue here is that you assumed that I wanted them to nerf the HA or that I think a LA should be equal to a HA in a stand up 1v1 fight- I supported neither of these positions so I do not really see why you reply to me as though I had.

    It seems strange because you and I agree- "it could be said the design of PS2 has made it so that the HA is the best choice in more situations that [sic] any other class, and I tend to agree with this. However, the way to correct this is not to nerf the HA to force placyers to use un-optimum [sic] classes but, instead, to change the design of PS2 so that the other classes have just as many opportunities to be the class of choice as does the HA now".

    That is almost exactly what I have been trying to convey yet you seem so set on having someone to argue against that you take issue with my highlights instead of actually trying to understand the discussion.
  8. cKerensky

    Many, many weeks ago, I quoted a post I made at the start of the year. Somehow, this is still fitting Replace Light Assault with Heavy Assault and it still works. I've shortened the quote, slightly, to be more applicable here, but otherwise it's undedited.

    In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't come down to weapons, as some might think, or special abilities, it comes down to player skill.

    You can give the best players in this game any weapon, and they'll still find a way to kill you with it. I personally use the Solstice SF, widely considered to be a terrible weapon except for it's UBGL attachment, and I get kills with it just fine, even without using the GL.

    Would I get more using a different weapon? Maybe, but I doubt it would be that much more. If I lose in a 1 on 1 situation, I got caught out of position. Period. I don't care if it's a heavy with nano and a resist shield and I've got 1 HP left, or a Light Assault when I've got max health.

    Positioning means more in this game than just about any other factor, the TTK on guns are so quick. Even if the resist shield and nano-weave give the heavy an advantage.

    Aim for the head, toss a grenade, or use a different attack vector. Nullify his advantage through using your smarts, not your guts.
  9. EMP1RE

    To both of you. This is my point somewhat. The HA ability is fine as it is BUT it presents a far too convenient method of 'one size fits all' mentality. As primarily a pilot in PS2 do you know how many times I have taken down HA's flying stock ESF's towards objectives only for them to bail last minute and whip out their lock on launcher and pester me with it till I vortek them to the respawn screen? It's silly that a heavily armored, heavily armed and 'heavy' soldier is able to pilot vehicles.

    The HA compromises on 1. Speed when shield is up. 2. A 'utility' ability BUT practically nowhere else.

    That's my issue. It's like suiting up a soldier in a full EOD suit and telling him to pilot an F-16 whilst carrying an M249 and Stinger missile launcher. It makes no sense. They, in my opinion, need to compromise on something to be in line with other class abilities/strengths/weaknesses. Compromising in this way would 1. Not make the HA useless at what it is there to do primarily and 2. Would force people to apply themselves to other classes that are underutilized. It would (in my opinion at least) be a step in the right direction until SOE realise that the glorified 'follow the zerg' hat simulator they have going on here needs, no not a new continent or new overpowered lock on launcher, but a new and far more 'developed' direction. Preventing HA's from piloting vehicles would also probably require vehicles to be buffed in compensation for the more far more 'killing' focused HA. If they got the 'fixes' I presented in my original post for example, vehicles would have to be buffed somewhat.

    Convenience kills something that this game dearly needs. Depth and meta game.
  10. Aegie

    Engineers are underutilized?
  11. AwakenRiceball

    I'll make it simple. Heavy Assault are not op'ed and they do what their class is suppose to do. I play Light Assault class a lot and I drop HA easily and so fast that most cannot react on time.

    Why? Because I know how to play my class; flank hard, vanish, flank again.

    If you face a HA front on, then you are playing HA strong point.

    I will say this though, HA shield should not be able to cut knife and Max punch damage by half. That's a bit tedious and the only change I think HA will need.
    Shield reduce bullet damage, not melee damage.
  12. Simferion

    Resist shield never reduces damage equal or greater than 400. Knife damage is 625 so it's never reduced. Max punch should be the same.
  13. Stew360

    I agree with this , and i would have fix this the same way a while ago , I dont know why the design team always want to ruins stuff to justified some other broken stuff they have implemented ...

    Now their new idea to turn peoples away from NW is breaking flak armor to the point where they should survive at direct hit from a tanks .. silly enough ?
  14. Stew360

    lol whats are you talking about ?

    A HA shield and NW absorb from 7 to 9 shot depending on range and power of the weapons , 400 is not even 3 shot so you are compleatly out of the reality my good sir
  15. TheBloodEagle

    Man, get your butt back into Counter Strike, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Tribes or other REAL twitch competitive FPS games. Planetside 2 is NOT those games and shouldn't be anyway; step away from the 1vs1 corridor shooter mentality.
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  16. nubery

    Medics get AOE/self healing, reviving, and C4
    Engineers get a turret, vehicle repair, and tank mines/C4
    Infils get stealth, mines, radar, and a choice of CQB or ranged
    Light assault can fly, and get C4

    Everyone has their own perks. Can you guess guess at what HA's perk is?. Firepower.

    Heavy assault get LMGs, a shield, and launchers.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with the current way the classes work. Stop being a baby.
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  17. Stew360

    Iam not closed mind and i dont have a corridor shooter mentality players lol

    I have play unreal , quake , cs , but i was more into BF or Ps1 or MAG on ps3 ...

    the thing is that having something that drastically affect the RAW ttk this much is anoying and stupid , I play all my classes whiout nanoweave and find it manageable unless i have to deal with 3 anoying HA with NW5 and RS 5 nowe my gaming experience become broken

    and this exactly whats happen , if the 1 VS 1 is poorly balanced then the 1 vs 3 will be even more broken and unfair

    To ensure thats skills win over loadout , HA shield as to be tone down a lots and ZOE maxs ability also need a solutions , SOE as try to mix up genre and design concept thats cant be mash toghuether
  18. Flapatax

    TIL 3v1s should be fair.

    While I agree that ZOE is OP, bringing it up every chance you get is boring, Stew. Also, MAXs in general are stupid, even your beloved skillcannons.
  19. Simferion

    My good sir, a single hit of 400+ damage ignores the Resist Shield. Try if you want, you'll see that you get full damage from knife, from Commissioner at short range, a rocket in the face, etc.
    Other than to write in a better English , you should learn what you are criticizing and tell the whole story.
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  20. Flapatax

    While it sounds like that would make sense, I know I've hit resist and had it negate bouncing betty damage.