Heavy assault + resist shield + ( Ar/SMG like LMG ) are seriously OP and imbalanced ...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Flapatax

    Then quit.
  2. Stew360

    LOL i have to redo this i wont let it go ;)

    Ok you want to compare DA versus DA KDR ?

    »Here is animosity VS a DA who play almost exclusively HA

    When you compare the 2 its pretty obvious thats something is wrong , saying thats HA are fine simply because they arent invisible is silly or saying that HA can be kill so thats make them balance is also silly , RAW ttk as to be fair and based on skills and aiming and situational awareness not on unworthy overexagerated HP buff , because when you mix good aiming and HP buff it become a Overkill combinaison


    And here MPAL wich of the 2 have almost 2X kdr ? [IMG][IMG]
  3. Aegie

    No, absolutely not you are correct and that is not what I am saying.

    What I am saying is that there is a bias if the game is constructed so as to make certain classes more valuable more often than others.

    That's it.

    Also, what do you mean by you people and how exactly is it that I have such a sense of entitlement? All I am saying is that the gameplay is biased in terms of the distribution of the classes and the rate of progress among the classes- this is a fact.

    Now, you may feel that this is fine and working as intended. That's great and I can respect that despite the fact that I disagree and think the game could be better if it was constructed differently- for instance, making it such that a new player could expect to gain certs about as fast playing HA as playing Medic or Engineer. I think this would be positive because then when someone asks "what is the fastest way to progress" you could say "whatever way you want" rather than "max out the heal/repair tool and spam it".

    You and I can have a meaningful and respectful discussion but saying that I am entitled does not promote constructive discussion.
  4. Scudmungus

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  5. Aegie

    Why does everyone latch onto rocket launchers and AV/AA abilities when someone points out that there is a bias in the distribution of classes played and cert gain?

    In a combined arms game there is 1 class that can repair vehicles (and with relatively few certs can often do so faster than a single aggressor can deal damage) and has an overpowered (according to you) AV option, infinite ammo, infinite infinite ammo turrets (of both AI and AV flavors), mines... Yeah, I mean, I never said I was surprised by why so many people play engineer... Are they OP? I do not even want to go there but do you see why some people may feel as though they should play engineer whether they want to or not?

    Well, according to many people it already is Infantryside. Although, more vehicles = more engineers right? So, basically, according to what you've said above we either have Infantryside = HA, or we have Vehicleside = Engineer, or we have balance = HA and Engineer.

    Medic is a great class- play cautiously and you have infinite health. The heal tool is basically "mouse 1 for certs" and you even gets certs for healing yourself! Wonderful class, great for beginners because you do not even have to shoot and can play with 5 fps and still make bank. Plus, yeah, you can basically undo the battlefield...

    Now, I notice that you did not really talk about 2 classes here- you mentioned LA at the end with your suggestions (that are pretty interesting) but nowhere did you mention the infiltrator.

    See, this is not surprising and that is my point. Infiltrator and LA are the two least played and least scoring classes in the game and that is not a coincidence.
  6. jak

    I think HA should be toned down a little bit.
  7. Negator

    Its evident in how you convey your points. Speaking of which, i dont understand the points you are making here. Are you saying HA gets certs faster then medic/engi? If so, wouldnt that be at odds with everything else in the thread? How exactly could the game be constructed then that lacks the 'bias' you speak of while keeping the grand balance?

    maybe im confused. aside from pointing out that this is not checkers and we'll never have perfect balance, what is your angle here?
  8. Patrician

    Nicely put.
  9. Stew360

    My point was to make the HA keep its shield but make it less game breaking than having 2X time ttk

    I think thats NW as to be remoove and to fit in part with this the HA shield should grant aproximately 3 more shot while maxs out this way its a 30 % buff wich is not negligeable , everyones who is a little good in this game already know this ...

    The maxs classes is suposed to be the tanks with ressouces cost and speed restriction on them the ZOE as screw up this balance and as to also be revisited ...

    I want the game to be balance fair and enjoyable simple as thats , iam sick of seeing abusers or exploiters come on forums to defend outrageously imbalanced stuff ...
  10. Negator

    HAs do not have 2x TTK.

    Who says max is supposed to be the tank? you?

    Who says maxes cant tank better then HAs?

    Who is abusing or exploiting? HA has been pretty standard since launch.

    Who says stuff is outrageously imbalanced? you?
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  11. EMP1RE

    I somewhat agree with the OP in that...

    As a LA my primary role is to flank and kill... So I flank and kill. As a Medic my primary role is to heal/revive and sometimes kill... So I heal/revive and sometimes kill. etc. up to... As a HA my primary role is to take more damage but kill more... So I take more damage and kill more. Right? Absolutely. The shield is a tough pill to swallow but it is specific to the class' trait. It's the hunter killer class after all...

    So, as a HA, I carry an LMG, RL, side arm, grenade, Medkit/C4 and have a shield increasing my survivability... wow.


    I can run just as fast as any other class AND I can pilot vehicles (am I right in saying that HA could not pilot vehicles in PS1? I can't remember). If my primary role is to 'dish out pain' and I am presumably 'heavier' (I am carrying a fire team's worth of weaponry and gear on me) than the other classes then how is that he is able to do these two things just like other classes and not compromise on my ability to kill better?

    Red bad, needs looking at and Green fine, nothing really a problem.

    -The HA carries a huge amount of weaponry but runs too fast for such a burden.
    -The HA shield is the HA's trait. No problem there really.
    -The HA can pilot vehicles but does not compromise on it's weapon carrying ability or survivability.
    -The HA meets its utility in that it is the 'kill better' class by carrying a heavy 'kill better' type weaponry.

    My fixes:

    -HA is slowed down a fair bit (turning, running and sprinting) and cannot sprint for long periods (shorter sprint period when carrying his LMG or *4 rockets in his RL).
    -HA can no longer pilot vehicles.
    -HA can carry AR (and two grenades in this loadout) with his RL (*choice of ammo count- 2 rockets or 4) but not his LMG (side arm stays by default).
    -HA shield cert line is made more expensive but shields can be made more effective as a result.
    -HA LMG's are not designed for CQC/CQB and are way too accurate when moving/mid floaty lift thing (don't know what they are called)/jumping. SOE need to reflect this. High damage but higher skill requirement.
    -HA healing time slowed slightly. Negated completely when medic reaches a certain cert level on his medic tool.
    -HA shield needs an animation to activate. A quick one. Could be a fast slap on the chest or a button press on the wrist. Could be faction specific.

    All my opinion. Take or leave.
  12. Stew360

    Going from 6,7 to 8 shot to kill to 15 shot to kill is 2X ttk yes ;)

    HA take 7 shot to kills while not using NW or HA shield

    HA take up to 15 to 16 shot to kills while using NW and HA shield is it 2X ?

    Do you really want me to make a video to proove this ?

    Most weapons used agains the HA RS5 NW5 combo make the HA become a 2100 + HP while a regular infantry is 1000 a infiltrator is 900 so yeah the HA is a 2X ttk target and sometime more than 2x depending on range etc..

    Who said the Maxs is the tanks ?

    The maxs design itself say it

    Tanks in all game are Slower and heavyer and slugish etc.. thats their traits , IS the HA is slower ? is the HA is heavyer ? is the HA is Slugish to play ? No its not ;)

    Is the maxs is Slower and heavyer and slugish YES for TR and NC and for VS Pre ZOE BS , the ZOE ability dont fit in this game design and as been a Huge game breaking issue , as well as HA as a whole create tons of unworthy anoyance ...
  13. Negator

    (7 shots to kill + 2 for nanoweave) x 1.3 for resist= 12 (nevermind that shields are a variable and not a constant)

    Compare that to 9 shots to kill for an engineer/light assault (HINT: ITS NOT 2X TTK. ITS 1.3x TTK). Then factor what the TTK is against a medic with its aoe heal running-the TTK margin gets even smaller)

    Now also consider all the best Engi/LA/Medic weapons are more accurate on the move then LMGs and either match or exceed the best LMGs in TTK. Again, the TTK margin shrinks again.

    Range affects all classes.

    You cant take 2 classes that 'can tank', cite one of them as 'the real tank' because 'duh, it can tank' while simultaneously saying the other shouldnt tank. Are you a dev? nope. Do you have any idea what the overall intent is? Doesnt look like it.

    HA with shield up is sluggish, yes.
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  14. Flapatax

    Quick, someone let the PS2 devs know they're not copying other games closely enough.

  15. Posse

    We definitely need a "Stew360 - English" dictionary, I don't understand half of what he's saying.
  16. Patrician

    Now it could be said that the design of PS2 has made it so that the HA is the best choice in more situations that any other class, and I tend to agree with this. However, the way to correct this is not to nerf the HA to force players to use un-optimum classes but, instead, to change the design of PS2 so that the other classes have just as many opportunities to be the class of choice as does the HA now.
  17. Aegie

    I think the simple point here is that among the classes there is one called a heavy assault and one called a light assault.

    Heavy assault carries a rocket launch as a tool and is even called heavy yet the only time the HA moves slower than any other class is when the shield is activated- ergo, the heavy assault per se is no heavier than any other class and that does seem a bit strange.

    Light assault (as of yet) does not even have a tool and is even called light yet the only time LA moves faster than any other class is if you take Adrenaline Pump over other options (like, say, 25% more health) and even then only when sprinting and just by a hair- ergo, the light assault per se is no lighter than any other class and that too seems a bit strange.

    Why call it a "heavy" assault at all? Why not just "Assault"?

    Why call it a "light" assault at all? Why not just "Get in a tree"?
  18. Aegie

    Well, great- that is really all that I have been saying. Cheers.
  19. EMP1RE

    Curious, why would not having the ability to pilot a vehicle as HA affect you adversely in any way?
  20. Sock

    Remove the ability of HAs to carry shotguns and SMGs. Tone down nanoweave or make other options viable so nanoweave isn't such a no brainer for heavies. Look I fixed it.
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