Heavy Assault Overpowered.

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by SmokeMcCloud, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. KnightCole

    Exactly, the HA is like a Heavy Mech in Mechwarrior where the other classes are like Mediums and the Infil is like a Light.

    The Heavy will dominate the others 1v1 and the light cant really stand a chance against a heavy, but use numbers and the small guys win.

    The HA or Heavy Mech is the "Main" or "Front Line" class. It needs to take hits, dish hits and all in all be a bad ***. The bigger mechs only do one thing, they smash, hammer, beat up and all in all destroy the opposition. Thats the HA.

    Then the Mediums or Medic/Engi and LA are more support to the big guys, they keep flanks clear, minimize damge to the big boys and draw fire while the big boy does his work.

    Then the Light or Infiltrator, hes not out there to really kill, more less scout, find the enemy, annoy, finish off, disrupt the enemy base or lines. He goes behind the enemy and disorients the enemy. In PS2, the "light mech" role would equate to hacking all the turrets in a base, hacking the terminals, sniping engis off gun turrets. shooting people to make them duck and then letting the toehr guys rush up and kick in the front door.

    Battlefield is just a big arena with different classes for w/e reason. PS2 is a class based game, its like Everquest but with guns. We have classes, those classes have jobs, do your job you do aight and have fun, step far outside your class and its

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  2. WookLordz

    Really, I absolutely dominate Heavy and Assault mechs in MechWarrior Online with my teeny tiny Light Jenner in 1 on 1 engagements. 4 small pulse laser and 2 streak SRM. Different game totally. A Heavy mech is nothing without support. If I catch one that strayed from the herd.... game over for them.
  3. R3volutionist

    1) All classes are available to everyone, you can specialize and cert in whatever class you would like. This isn't world of Warcraft where you roll a paladin and level your way to max level and another class is overpowered. If you are getting owned 1v1 vs heavy assault switch to a heavy assault.

    2) Heavy assault is the front line infantry class, I don't know if you understand the concept of that but as far as the game goes you have infantry, tanks, airplanes etc. the heavy assault is a dedicated infantry class with one sole purpose and that is infantry combat, they are a dedicated infantry class. They have no other uses except fighting as an infantry unit. Infiltrators are a stealth infantry class with the ability to sneak past enemy lines and cause chaos with explosives, ambush enemies, hack turrets and terminals, SNIPE, plant spawn beacons behind enemy lines, etc. Light assault are more mobile infantry units that can get to tops of buildings, jump over walls, flank enemies with ease, etc. Medics and Engineers are support classes, and very useful for what they do. All classes are capable in combat, nobody is gimped or useless 1v1 and heavy assault have a clear advantage at head up 1v1 combat. Every vehicle, class, weapon, etc. has a wheel house, if you get sniped from someone you never saw is that overpowered? If someone flew over the wall and flanked you is that overpowered? If you used half your rockets on a tank, the driver retreated and repaired his own tank and came back to kill you is that overpowered? If you charge a guy with an over shield 1v1 and get mowed down is that overpowered?

    3) Planet Side 1 had x amount of battle ranks, and every rank gave you a cert point. So lets say you had a max of 25 cert points, those points had to be allocated to vehicles, weapons, armor, gear, etc. So someone could spend 4 certs in heavy armor and get extra armor as well as a 2nd primary weapon slot (usually filled with a rocket launcher) and you had implants. Implants such as an over shield that you had to decide to spec in. So lets say at max level you're character would have heavy armor, a jackhammer, a Phoenix, a harasser, and vanguard. That's all you could use, Planet Side 2 is different however. You can use any class, and vehicle, implants are specific to classes, etc. Heavy Assault is just basically one generic build that a lot of players had in PS1.

    4) I play mostly heavy assault, I don't really like using vehicles, it's pretty much how I built my guy in PS1. And it fits my play style. The shield slows you down, and lights you up making you an easy target, it only absorbs abouy a burst of fire or an indirect explosion. Even the decimator takes 3-4 shots to blow up an enemy tank. So its not like it takes no skill to assauly a tank head on and win. Not to mention, im sure judging by the fact you dont realise the stealth class isnt meant for 1v1 close range combat with the heavy assault class, tanks are meant to hang back and shoot from a distance and not rush in to a group of infantry. I would suggest you either:
    A) learn the strengths and weaknesses of other classes so you don't get owned in wheelhouse of another vehicle or class
    B) pick a class more suited to your play style
    C) get better at the game
    D) stop ********...
  4. Outreach

    Yup, that has nothing to do with the jenner's well known lagshield and hitbox issues. It's all skill!:rolleyes:
  5. HerpTheDerp

    You mean except the Battlefield Conquest mode, which Planetside 2 essentially is?

    They're words of someone earlier in this thread.

    No, people want all classes to be equally useful.
    All classes are not equally useful, because HA can do ******* everything.

    It has literally no downsides and is the only class that can challenge vehicles in a vehicle-heavy game.

    The problem is you don't NEED to do anything else!

    You're good at killing infantry.
    You're good at killing vehicles.
    You have double HP of other classes(Resist Shield).
    You can heal yourself with kits so you don't need CMs.
    Your ammo pool is so large you're 99% likely to die before you run out so you don't really need Engineers.

    Yeah you can't fly or turn invisible. So what? These are GIMMICK SKILLS, and, as fun as they are to play, LA and Infiltrator are gimmick classes whose impact on any battle is minimal.

    Meanwhile 90% of players roll HA. Stop and think for a second why they do it. Then ask yourself what is the point of five classes if 90% of players picks only one of them.
  6. Buphalo

    As many others have said and you have apparently chosen to ignore, SOE is currently evaluating and updating all classes whether that be through buffs or nerfs(hopefully no nerfs to any classes). Since it seems that most of Forumside isn't aware of the Roadmap allow me to assist you:

    LA - https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/unscheduled-class-revamp-light-assault.82988/
    INFIL - https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/august-class-update-infiltrator.106316/
    ENGI - https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/december-class-update-engineer.106315/
    MEDIC - https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/october-class-update-combat-medic.106317/
    HA - https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/unscheduled-class-update-heavy-assault.106318/
  7. Hrafnagaldr

    Erm... all shield upgrades improve the charge rate or the time being active (resist shield), no upgrade lets it take more bullets. ONly nanoweave does that.
  8. TrainerS2

    Hehehe you post that you kill HA muhahahahahahahaha I play LA from begin to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    But you can see that everyone NOOB take HA cos is OP( strongest infranty ) :D
    If you are good like me as LA :) then if you grap HA heheh enemy shake there pants ^^
  9. Damerst

    Mobility => tankiness. Every class is situational. And often its more easy 2 flank and c4 MAX or tank or infantry group, instead of face them with your shields and rocket launcher.
  10. HerpTheDerp

    Why thank you, that has actually been very useful. Though I sincerely doubt that will change anything.
  11. Curse_Gamerkin

    Resist shield lets you take more shots, even tho it takes damage to health it still takes more, and idk whos dumb enough to compare it to cloaking for a infil.
  12. Hrafnagaldr

    We are talking about the shield upgrades. Every shield lets you take more shots of course, but the number of shots wont increase with additional ranks.
    Resist shield also got 2 major downsides: it doesnt avoid falling damage and compared to the other shields it loses effiency based on low your health is, so you have to activate it before getting shot to be better than NMG / Adrenaline. If you are already in the red, it wont help ****. NMG will still help. But if I know where the enemy is, I usually dont need a shield at all, so I never run mit Resist shield. It is the worst of all three (imho), because way to situational.

    And if another class besides HA goes on a frontal 1on1 with a glowing HA, he just an idiot and should l2p.
    Cloaking on the other hand lets me easily sneak up on HA and kill them with an SMG before they even hit the shield button. I dont play infil a lot, but when I do I kill most HAs I encounter.

    Because I know their weaknesses first hand, since it is my most played class. It is as easy as that.
  13. Halvorana

    1) "90%" is a stat that you pulled directly from your butt-mouth.

    2) "Gimmick Skills" is probably why you are awful with any class. I'm sure many a Light Assault will disagree with you as they have turned the tide of 1000s of engagements with C4 on Sunderers, and being able to just assault any tower freely is just "gimmicky" I suppose. ****.

    3) Again this is just a kiddy case of "whhhhaaaaaa I want to be able to fight HAs 1v1 and win!"
  14. WookLordz

    Oh, the lagshield whining. I thought I had escaped that. You're right, it takes NO skill to surgically punch a hole in an Assault mech's rear torso with small pulse lasers.... It only takes like 20 passes... and I don't position myself in front of gun muzzles, so it really doesn't have anything to do with hit detection.

    It actually is the way the game was designed, you know, for team play, because if the Assault mech is properly supported by Mediums and Lights, I get blown away. But you're right: "It's the lag man I can't take ITT!!!!"

    Funny, because I don't seem to have a problem shooting down Jenners....
  15. KnightCole

    Well, yeah, I have played MWO and that game just seems ******** for some reason. Maybe my own lag or something, but it seems I fire and fire and fire and fire and fire and fire but when I die, my dmg is less then 50 and rarely more then 150. Then there is the trial mechs that just plain BLOW..that game I just dont like.

    I love PS2's method of upgrades and sidegrades......where everything is always viable and we start with something that is atleast competitive.....those trial mechs, they really stand no chance, no armor, no good weapons, no good heat, no fast.....ugh...miserable hunks of junk

    And yeah the Lights in that game are like Light tanks in World of Tanks. To damn fast and quite a bit more powerful then they otherwise should be. I know when I play MWO it seems my Assault dies in 2 seconds while I can unload on a single mech and not really evne get a yellow or orange marked armor spot.

    My example was more for the older MW games like MW4 or Mechcommander or Mechcommander 2 where big mechs would dominate 1 or 2 smaller mechs, but a good amount, maybe 3 or 4 small mechswould wax a big one alone. Give the big boy support and he *****.

    MWO is an odd game. I know its in Beta...but still, I looked forward to the game so much, but so far, dont dig it to much. I havent taken the time to learn it, but so far, dont like it much.
  16. HerpTheDerp

    Look around the blob you're in next time.

    2) "Gimmick Skills" is probably why you are awful with any class. I'm sure many a Light Assault will disagree with you as they have turned the tide of 1000s of engagements with C4 on Sunderers[/quote]

    A single LA can't even destroy a Sunderer with two C4s.

    Yes, it is. Jet in, sprint, unload your shotgun into the crowd, get owned, repeat. Same story with INFs with SMGs. You're doing nothing of value.

    The reason you think so shows just how much a blind fanboy you are. You don't even know what class I main.
  17. Shoza Nakh

    All classes situational and all classes useful, HA just suits for more situations. LA and Infiltrator can choose moment and direction of attack and completely surprise enemy, engineer and medic have very useful support tools, HA have little more durability. Take this durability away and he will have nothing good at all.
  18. WookLordz

    It's also a incredibly steep learning curve with no guidance really... Avoid trial mechs like the plague, and don't use Assaults and Heavies till you have a fair bit of experience. People gravitate to them because they want the giant stompy stompy (who doesn't?) but they require a lot of skill and teamwork. So do Lights, to a slightly lesser degree. Start with Mediums.
  19. Bill Hicks

    We maybe strong against infantry, but not trolls i guess
  20. SmokeMcCloud

    I would suggest you either:
    A) Learn to use the strengths of your brain so you don't get owned in argument like you just did.
    B) Pick an argument that can't be easily torn apart be even those of reduced mental capacity
    C) Get better at debate
    D) Stop breathing.
    Or all of the above.